We are ace !!



Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
They are both illegal, and they both have negligable affect on society. You want one banned, but not the other. K?
Cannabis is enjoyed regularly by a large number of people. It reduces crime (personal opinion, who can be bothered commiting crimes when stoned?), has medical benefits (administering in non-stoning spray doesn't exist as far as I know. Pure THC can be refined and adminstered, but costs a fortune, and gets you as high as a kite, as well as not being as beneficial), and a majority of young people in this country want it.

Guns have the purpose of letting you shoot at paper targets at a firing range, are potentially dangerous, only a small minority want them licenced, and there are plenty of other ways of getting your target shooting fun.

Hence, I don't see too much in common with this argument.


If you want to do some shooting whats wrong with a pellet gun?


Originally posted by Will
Cannabis is enjoyed regularly by a large number of people. It reduces crime (personal opinion, who can be bothered commiting crimes when stoned?), has medical benefits (administering in non-stoning spray doesn't exist as far as I know. Pure THC can be refined and adminstered, but costs a fortune, and gets you as high as a kite, as well as not being as beneficial), and a majority of young people in this country want it.

Guns have the purpose of letting you shoot at paper targets at a firing range, are potentially dangerous, only a small minority want them licenced, and there are plenty of other ways of getting your target shooting fun.

Hence, I don't see too much in common with this argument.

So im more likely to commit a crime cos i dont smoke? Ok then!

Cannabis has been linked with infertility and mental health problems - its not completely harmless.

The cannabis spray does exist.

The people who dont want guns licenced are the ones not interested, same goes for cannabis (although im an exception). Just because one illegal thing is more popular than another isnt a reason for legalising it.


Originally posted by doh_boy
since olympic target shooting (at least handguns) is done with pellets there's no reason to have a handgun.

Nope, the pinnacle of the sport is in highly technical single shot centrefire .22 pistols, The UK used to be one of the leading nations, not any more.

It would be a real laugh watching someone trying to go on a killing spree with one of those.

"Take that!", minor wound no worse than that caused by an air rifle.

"Now wait 25 seconds whilst I reload and shoot you again!".

The ban was a populist knee jerk, and has had no effect on gun crime in this country. Those stats Will posted a page or two back were only up to '99. The number of Gun related deaths this year would make an interesting read, 3 in the last 2 days?

Someone drag em up would you?

And while you're at it see how many people convicted of gun crimes have a prior criminal record, ie would not have been allowed a firearm licence under the old system.

My point. Banning handguns just penalised sportsmen and enthusiasts and did not penalise those who use handguns illegally.

Huge numbers of people die in Motorbike accidents each year, and most of these deaths involve legally driven licensed people and bikes!, yet this particular enthusiast group can carry on regardless!!!1 What's that all about?

There is huge hypocrisy, it didn't affect me because I was never into pistol shooting, but having been involved in another branch of the sport, the dangerous users of firearms are not those who hold them legally.


January 11 2003
A "gun summit" to deal with the alarming 35 per cent rise in gun crime in Britain over the past 12 months will launch a sustained government campaign to tackle the nation's growing gun culture.

The figures, far higher than expected, which were released on Thursday, showed nearly 10,000 incidents involving firearms in England and Wales in the past 12 months.

The Home Office figures put the gun-related death toll at a record 97 murders, with a further 558 serious casualties.


There's a hastily grabbed, slightly more up to date stattie page.

Ban on legally held hadguns effective in cutting gun crime? I don't think so....


Heheheh, i wonder why the pro gun control loby didnt post stats after '99...


So if we legalise them will it cut gun crime? no

So let's not bother with the argument any more as it's a moot point.


You really are stupid.

That a point that was never made. The ban on guns has been proven to be a failure in what it was put in place for - a reduce in gun crime. Therefore licencing should be reinstated.


Originally posted by Jonaldo
So if we legalise them will it cut gun crime? no

So let's not bother with the argument any more as it's a moot point.

It would however let a bunch of our sportsmen compete on the world stage again. I'm not saying that Browning 9mm semi's and the like should be legalised, but wheres the harm in target .22's?

The legislation was ill thought out and rushed through is the point I think I'm trying to make.

The thing is, if you don't get pissed off when libertys are taken away from you, then they'll keep taking them. I can understand that people with no interest in shooting think that a blanket ban is fine, but are any of you anglers for instance? Give it a few more years of this government and you won't be able to go fishing anymore. Whats next to get the axe after that?


Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
You really are stupid.
You don't know me and are really quite wrong.

If they did re-introduced licenced gun clubs I would hope you wouldn't be accepted by the way you simply resort to petty insults with you arguments.

Born in Mississippi were we?


No. You just keep telling me im wrong, but are yet to come up with one good reason why. I have little patience with such people.


I don't need to come up with any reasons for anything. I agree with the law as it stands.

As of yet you have come up with no reasons why guns should be legalised other than the fact that you want one.


Jon: Guns should be banned!

Me: Why?

Jon: Because the ban saves lives!

Me: No it doesnt

Jon: Your wrong!

^^^ Thats how your argument reads and its pathetic.

If you're going to make a contribution, yes you DO need to come up with a reason for your opinion.

As for saying I havnt come up with a reason for legalisation... are you actualy reading the thead or what? My reason why guns should legalised are simple: the ban does nothing, so why deny law abiding citizens their freedom. Its really not complecated.

Kindly put some cognitive thought behind your next post, or keep quiet.


Seems we have different viewpoints that's all, no need to get abusive.

My thinking is this; the ban is already in place, regardless of whether people think it's right or wrong it is there. I happen to think guns are bad and cannot see any valid reason why they should be legalised.

You are arguing that a decision that was made in the past was a wrong one. Whether this is true or not, a lot of decisions in the past have been wrong but the simple fact is they cannot be changed now. Thus, if guns were to be legalised in this country, people would need to find good reasons for that to happen.


Ah, a well thought out post, now thats much better.

Yes, regretably you're right. Once the laws changed, it doesnt tend to get changed back, and certainly without strong public opinion. Its a shame really, because i can see why people are so quick to relinquish their liberties, i just fear one day it'll all go too far.


Originally posted by Gumbo
Give it a few more years of this government and you won't be able to go fishing anymore.

Judging from the amount of shit left behind by anglers round my way, I wouldn't shed a tear.

In the same way I don't particularly care about how many drug dealers or So Solid Crew band members get their heads blown off.

I do feel sorry about the innocents caught in the crossfire between drug turf wars, but that's going to happen irrespective of a legal handgun law or not.

However, I could be walking down the street when the next Michael Ryan decides to try his new Uzi, or my son might be in the school that could be Dunblane II.

If and when that happens maybe I'd listen to the argument that the ban isn't working, but right now it's just figures and although where I live there have been three fatal shootings in the last year, I know its just the scummy pond-life killing each other off.

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