We are ace !!



there was a thing with quiten wilson on a year or so back, where he was testing the effects on hash whilst driving,

basically under 'controlled' conditions an dude was given some hash and was sent round a course, both b4 and after he was stoned.

The results were quite astonishing, he was more cautious, had better awareness and was an all round safer driver when stoned.

Now this was used on just one person, and so cant really be deemed a proper, thorough experiment.

quite irrelevant I guess.

ahh well, in a bit


But you are having a go at my beliefs. Why else would you bring cannabis into this arguement when it had nothing to do with it? Knowing that I smoke, you brought that into it. I'm not bothered, I'm just trying to explain it so other people know why the hell it is in this conversation.

It was a good try at a point, but my beliefs aren't that simple. I'm more of a Wiccan creed sort of guy.

Anyway, what benefits would re-licensing guns have?


Originally posted by Will
But you are having a go at my beliefs. Why else would you bring cannabis into this arguement when it had nothing to do with it? Knowing that I smoke, you brought that into it. I'm not bothered, I'm just trying to explain it so other people know why the hell it is in this conversation.

It was a good try at a point, but my beliefs aren't that simple. I'm more of a Wiccan creed sort of guy.

Anyway, what benefits would re-licensing guns have?

Im NOT having a go at your beliefs. In fact, this whole argument is about freedom, something it seems you dont appear to value. I brought it up because it demonstrates your hypocracy, therefore it has everything to do with it. It has parallels which i tried to used to illustrate my point, if you missed them then tough.

What benefits does cannabis have?

Enjoyment to those who smoke it. Am i getting though yet?


For the risk of going off on a Tangent which, undeniably, this is.

I've just been thinking that the Guatanamo (sp) prisoner camp could be likened to the concentration camps in germany during the second world war. Whereas before it was a hatred for the Jews, its now a hatred for the muslims (a generalisation there but i feel its the general opinion of the "upper class" who make the descicions, a sin it was in Germany.)


There they have no rights, detained indefinitly, wondering if they'll ever get out. I'm sorry, but there are just some screwed up things in this world today and, no matter how hard we try, we'll never stop them. Sure, we could plug a few, but cracks will always appear and the 'water' will gush out under the pressure of the water, or in this case the human concioussness.

Yeah :(


I recommend you dig up the thread recently about that...if it hasn't been locked. We're already on a big enough tangent as it is.


Yeah i know, just that the thought just came to me and i normally lose them after 3 minutes.



Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
Im NOT having a go at your beliefs. In fact, this whole argument is about freedom, something it seems you dont appear to value. I brought it up because it demonstrates your hypocracy, therefore it has everything to do with it. It has parallels which i tried to used to illustrate my point, if you missed them then tough.

What benefits does cannabis have?

Enjoyment to those who smoke it. Am i getting though yet?

The definition of Civil Liberty only extends to activities that don't adversely effect other people (with there own civil Liberty) since olympic target shooting (at least handguns) is done with pellets there's no reason to have a handgun. Due to this its a obvious step to make them illegal. The parrell with canabis is more to do with smoking in general. If you smoke near someone who doesn't want to smoke are you infringing their rights? It's a strong argument for.

Hopefully thats not too wrong, off at a tangent.


Originally posted by doh_boy
The definition of Civil Liberty only extends to activities that don't adversely effect other people (with there own civil Liberty) since olympic target shooting (at least handguns) is done with pellets there's no reason to have a handgun. Due to this its a obvious step to make them illegal. The parrell with canabis is more to do with smoking in general. If you smoke near someone who doesn't want to smoke are you infringing their rights? It's a strong argument for.

Hopefully thats not too wrong, off at a tangent.

The ownership of a handgun does not adversly effect other people.


It's use (or misuse) will and since the only legal reason for owning one has been taken away there doesn't seem to be much reason for having them. The point in making them illegal is to make it harder for people to get their hands on one.


Theres a difference between fighting and terrorism Monkey.


Yeah the thing is it hasnt worked though... the proccess of legaly aquiring a hand gun before the ban was not an option for the criminaly intent. It really has served no other purpose other than preventing those who wish to own a firearm legaly from doing so.


Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
Im NOT having a go at your beliefs. In fact, this whole argument is about freedom, something it seems you dont appear to value. I brought it up because it demonstrates your hypocracy, therefore it has everything to do with it. It has parallels which i tried to used to illustrate my point, if you missed them then tough.

What benefits does cannabis have?

Enjoyment to those who smoke it. Am i getting though yet?
You aren't having a go at my beliefs, but you are trying to point out the hypocrisy of my beliefs?

Sure, I enjoy a smoke. Some people enjoy shooting targets. But I can't turn my spliff on other people when my life goes to shit.

Over the top example, but hey, I'm trying to answer phone calls here. When it comes to shooting, there are other options, as I pointed out.

Cannabis has the benefits to society of making people more relaxed, it helps with various medical complaints, and other stuff I can't remember.


Originally posted by throdgrain
Theres a difference between fighting and terrorism Monkey.

Its not the terrorists i'm on about, its the people who went off to fight for Afghan or whatever when they heard that the americans were going to invade.


Since the people who would legally desire a gun, i.e those who compete in shooting competions, no longer need a live ammo gun there's no losers other than the people who want one for protection. Consider america and the amount of innocent people shot by people who are continually robbed before you argue that they should get guns.

I'm not saying that making them illegal stops criminals from going and buying one from a shop but making them illegal removes the need for having any handguns in the country. So the idea is to remove handguns from most of the country (armed services excempt). The less there is, (hopefully) the less criminals will have.


Originally posted by FatBusinessman
We could go and shoot Flamin_Squirrel, would that count as beneficial? ;)

Remember to beat him senseless with the butt and not pull the trigger, then you never actually "used" it ;)


Who would of thought when i posted this that it would end up like this !!!




Flamin Squirrel has a point about freedoms, that even if he wanted to own a handgun even if for peaceful reasons, he is not allowed to do so.

I can understand his reasoning because I want a box of hand grenades, only for peaceful reasons you understand. I want to blow up any cats and things that trespass in my backgarden, it won't disturb my neighbours and I think I should be able to have grenades.

And you're all talking bollocks if you even disagree with me a little bit because it's all about personal freedoms, nothing to do with the fact my 3 year old nephew might grab them and blow the kitchen and himself up. Bollocks I'm telling you, bollocks.

I also want my own space station and a dragon to fly me there and back but I can't. All bollocks :mad:


Originally posted by Will
You aren't having a go at my beliefs, but you are trying to point out the hypocrisy of my beliefs?

Sure, I enjoy a smoke. Some people enjoy shooting targets. But I can't turn my spliff on other people when my life goes to shit.

Over the top example, but hey, I'm trying to answer phone calls here. When it comes to shooting, there are other options, as I pointed out.

Cannabis has the benefits to society of making people more relaxed, it helps with various medical complaints, and other stuff I can't remember.

If you believe you should be alowed to smoke, thats fine. If you believe your rights are more important than someone elses then yes, you're a hypocrite.

Given your next paragraph, i suspect the latter. What complete bias bullshit. There are countless lethal items in every household. If i ever got the urge to kill someone i wouldnt go though the rigmarole of aquiring a firearm when theres a 6" carving knife downstairs.

As for your benefits to society, what a joke. If you're stressed, deal with it like everyone else. Medical complaints - that would be a valid point it it wasnt for the fact it can be administerd without making you high.


Originally posted by L_Plates
Who would of thought when i posted this that it would end up like this !!!



Welcome back to the General Forum :D


Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
If you believe you should be alowed to smoke, thats fine. If you believe your rights are more important than someone elses then yes, you're a hypocrite.

Given your next paragraph, i suspect the latter. What complete bias bullshit. There are countless lethal items in every household. If i ever got the urge to kill someone i wouldnt go though the rigmarole of aquiring a firearm when theres a 6" carving knife downstairs.

As for your benefits to society, what a joke. If you're stressed, deal with it like everyone else. Medical complaints - that would be a valid point it it wasnt for the fact it can be administerd without making you high.
Did I not say the bit about the Wiccan creed already? "As long as it harm no one, do what thou will is the whole of the law". Smoking doesn't harm other people unless I do it in their faces. I don't.

A knife has several purposes. Several essential purposes. A handgun doesn't have any essential purposes.

Cannabis only provides positive things. Handguns do not.

And how do you adminster it without getting high? Apart from buying really shitty grass?


Originally posted by Jonaldo
Flamin Squirrel has a point about freedoms, that even if he wanted to own a handgun even if for peaceful reasons, he is not allowed to do so.

I can understand his reasoning because I want a box of hand grenades, only for peaceful reasons you understand. I want to blow up any cats and things that trespass in my backgarden, it won't disturb my neighbours and I think I should be able to have grenades.

And you're all talking bollocks if you even disagree with me a little bit because it's all about personal freedoms, nothing to do with the fact my 3 year old nephew might grab them and blow the kitchen and himself up. Bollocks I'm telling you, bollocks.

I also want my own space station and a dragon to fly me there and back but I can't. All bollocks :mad:

How letting off a few rounds down a licenced firing range can be compared to creating craters in the garden with high explosives i dont know.


Originally posted by Will
Did I not say the bit about the Wiccan creed already? "As long as it harm no one, do what thou will is the whole of the law". Smoking doesn't harm other people unless I do it in their faces. I don't.

A knife has several purposes. Several essential purposes. A handgun doesn't have any essential purposes.

Cannabis only provides positive things. Handguns do not.

And how do you adminster it without getting high? Apart from buying really shitty grass?

Owning a handgun harms noone. Going out and shooting someone does.

Yes a knife has serveral purposes, but it still no less lethal than a gun if thats the intent.

Cannabis can be altered (not sure how) and administerd under the tongue in a spray form. It provides the medical benefits but doesnt have the "side effects".


Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
How letting off a few rounds down a licenced firing range can be compared to creating craters in the garden with high explosives i dont know.
How do you get your gun from your home to the firing range? This would mean being in posession of a firearm in public and therefore breaking the law.
The Police could quite easily just wait ouside a firing range, arrest people and watch those fines clock up.

If you only want to use a gun for non-violent purposes go paintballing or Quasar.


Ok, to sum up, and to try to stop this debate destroying itself with tangents.

Handguns should be relicensed because you want one. Though the only benefit is that you would get to own a gun.

Cannabis should not be legalised because it isn't essential to life.


Originally posted by Will
Ok, to sum up, and to try to stop this debate destroying itself with tangents.

Handguns should be relicensed because you want one. Though the only benefit is that you would get to own a gun.

Cannabis should not be legalised because it isn't essential to life.

Where the fuck did i say cannabis should not be legalised?

Are you reading my posts selectively? I said you shouldnt be prevented from smoking, more than once. FFS.

Jonaldo: Keep the gun at the club, or transport via locked box.


Ok, you've not said it shouldn't be legalised. But you are trying to compare the legalisation of cannabis and guns. I fail to see much common ground between the two.


Originally posted by Will
Ok, you've not said it shouldn't be legalised. But you are trying to compare the legalisation of cannabis and guns. I fail to see much common ground between the two.

They are both illegal, and they both have negligable affect on society. You want one banned, but not the other. K?

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