Warrior discussion



--and on the parry queries, it's useless so don't think going 42 shield and then raises parry will make you better, higherparry/lower shield also mucks up your chance to use brutalise, a must use style particularly in solo rvr.--

In solo rvr you might run into some infil/ns, and those oftenly use two weapons. It has been proven that wielding two weapons cut your blockrate and evaderate in half, but parry remains the same. So there isnt "only" bad yhings about having higher parry, you performe better agains dualwielders with higher parry. Just a note... :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by hrodelbert
I would choose a troll but only so i could dress him in pink :)
I did...and we all know where that got him...

SMILE! You're on Candid Camera!


Oh, and back when there was that unlimited respec bug, I tested 50 thrown...with 100%/35%/16.5 (or 16.2?) axes. And the damage was absolutely CRAP. Oh, Big G still has a bunch of those somewhere I think, but they're used for pulling mobs in PvE and annoying casters on walls. Besides the fact that I actually killed a scout (PC) once at MMG with one...



A little thougth only...

I've been thinking some about a specc that would work pretty well i think.
Havent tested it yet, will if i get my hands on a couple of respecc stones later.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

50 Sword
39 Hammer
42 Shield
6 Parry ( if auto-trained bit higher )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Let me explain why this specc, cuz i know it looks odd.

50 Sword, why? yes Ragnarok, the
best dmg dealing style a warrior can get i suppose.

39 Hammer, Provoke is prolly the best anytime style in Midgard avaible for a warrior.
( Provoke is lower then 39 Hammer, but more usefull with Hammer then Parry )

42 Shield, dont think i have to say why, but for Slam ofc, 9 sec stun anytime style.

6+ Parry, just because thats the point left.

The meaning with this specc is, a fast 1h hammer for Provoke, you will always have end, and why a fast? why not make über dmg, fast because of 2 things. Prevent Fligth, the more often you hit, the bigger chance to procc. second thing is vs groups that have pbt you brake bt more often then with a slow hammer, and the "real" tanks can kill the target ( maybe not that many left with pbt, but still some ).
the sword specc is just for 2 handed usage, after Slam ( or if chasing from behind ) wield the 2h sword, and start Ragnarok them.
The template migth be a little harder to make, but with the luck of some Tuscarian Glaciar items with + Melee Skill instead of 1 single + Skill it shouldnt be a problem.

Another good thing with the hammer while having 1h+shield is that you can still do good PVE.
As i said, I havent tested this, but it should work fine.

Feel free to flame me, just my thougths on a warrior specc in a Warrior discussion thread.


I like that spec roteca, will have to try that if i ever get my warrior to 50 ;)


The return of trispec warriors! All hail Jon!


Originally posted by painman
i only have 28+11 in parry and i dunno why but i parry more then i block ?

use hammer to ( ROX ) and the plate+ to hit is just 1 of many reasons i have it. cool styles for a defensive char.

maybe i would go with the troll if its pve, and the dorf if is pvp, (but im happy with my norse warrior!)

parry is checked before block

imho 50 weapon / 50 shield / 28 parry is the way to go for weaponskill and shieldstyle

think kobbie or norse is best due to higher dex (determens hidden "shield spec" together with skill in shield) slam and brutalize are your friend

besides trolls are ugly and looks >> all


Re: A little thougth only...

Originally posted by roteca
I've been thinking some about a specc that would work pretty well i think.
Havent tested it yet, will if i get my hands on a couple of respecc stones later.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

50 Sword
39 Hammer
42 Shield
6 Parry ( if auto-trained bit higher )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Let me explain why this specc, cuz i know it looks odd.

Axe me goes.

39 Hammer, Provoke is prolly the best anytime style in Midgard avaible for a warrior.
( Provoke is lower then 39 Hammer, but more usefull with Hammer then Parry )

42 Shield, dont think i have to say why, but for Slam ofc, 9 sec stun anytime style.

6+ Parry, just because thats the point left.


What iam going for with me warrior.
Never been fan of sword style on warrior :/
Ragnarok maybe best style there is but is from behind rest of styles hmmmmm Looking for best anytimer style on warrior to play rvr if u MA or have to guard.

Best anytime style is ???????



Originally posted by Cami
Arent you the real Jon though?

Nahh, but he spammed me with guild invites when Brunore was young, then the cheekeh twat called a moron for not joining o_O


best anytime move warrior has is PR (polar rift) get it at 44 sword.. however it has high end usage.. pretty good damage though


Originally posted by rionnen
best anytime move warrior has is PR (polar rift) get it at 44 sword.. however it has high end usage.. pretty good damage though

More info on best anytimer damage :) give growthrate ECT :p



lemme finsih re-installing SI n ill tell u :p if ure ingame look for Rionnen ... pm me if i havent got back to u in bout 10 mins (if im on lol)


go research you lazy bum :p

i use PR all the time when we have end reg shammy with us..... in conjuntion with AFS, 60 quick, pink haste... mmmm lovley :)

and btw, PR is 34 spec sword.... sifs revenge is 44

i dont know why i went 50 sword tbh... after slam or brutilize i use northen lights (side pos) --> aura chain for HUGE 2h damage.... more so than ragnerock and its bizzare, also hinderd and slowed :)

1h sword styles are probably the worst looking in the game.... but no way as bad as the silly 1h hammer style effect..... they are just funneh


PR = HIGH END, HIGH DAMAGE, LOW-to hit bonus... thats it, anytime move..


--go research you lazy bum

i use PR all the time when we have end reg shammy with us..... in conjuntion with AFS, 60 quick, pink haste... mmmm lovley

and btw, PR is 34 spec sword.... sifs revenge is 44

i dont know why i went 50 sword tbh... after slam or brutilize i use northen lights (side pos) --> aura chain for HUGE 2h damage.... more so than ragnerock and its bizzare, also hinderd and slowed

1h sword styles are probably the worst looking in the game.... but no way as bad as the silly 1h hammer style effect..... they are just funneh--

i knew it had a 4 in it....


Originally posted by boomeruk
go research you lazy bum :p

Says the man that asked for sb spec not like there is 3 threads a week about them :p



silly hammer effects ?

snare on side and backstyle
and attackspeedslower on your blockreactionary
bleed on your parryone

if your a defensive warrior u need those three above ALL time and you need to get them off FAST too

and with hammer thats very easy


i meant the graphics hehe

yus, hammer > sword for RvR but i preffer sword :p


gah, hate you people :p

filling my head with doubt, now im thinking of respecing my warrior to hammer :(


Growth to the left
0.58 15 Provoke L L M -M Anytime Taunts Target

0.41 10 Ruiner M H L - Anytime -

0.60 6 Plague M L M -M Anytime Taunts Target

0.39 10 Pillager H M L - Anytime Target is Slowed

missing 12 Hoarfrost M - L M Anytime Detaunts Target

0.60 6 Draw Out M L - -M Anytime Taunts Target

0.40 10 Assault M M M - Anytime

0.00 12 Temper M - - M Anytime Detaunts Target

0.65 34 Polar Rift H M L - Anytime

tbh i fail to see whats so great about hammer if you got a shaman that knows how to stay alive ... great for pve tho :p


Originally posted by old.Lethul
Growth to the left
0.58 15 Provoke L L M -M Anytime Taunts Target

0.41 10 Ruiner M H L - Anytime -

0.60 6 Plague M L M -M Anytime Taunts Target

0.39 10 Pillager H M L - Anytime Target is Slowed

missing 12 Hoarfrost M - L M Anytime Detaunts Target

0.60 6 Draw Out M L - -M Anytime Taunts Target

0.40 10 Assault M M M - Anytime

0.00 12 Temper M - - M Anytime Detaunts Target

0.65 34 Polar Rift H M L - Anytime

tbh i fail to see whats so great about hammer if you got a shaman that knows how to stay alive ... great for pve tho :p

Thx alot what I thought , xping with hammer till 40 then axe.

Like GM after Slam and dont fancy myself as balarina with troll warrior duing piot around my self with sword :p



The anytime axe style pillager got a nice follow up aswell that snares..Both styles cost alot of end tho..

"filling my head with doubt, now im thinking of respecing my warrior to hammer "

Been using Axe since I started my Warrior but im gonna respec to hammer now, kinda a must to have a good backstyle in rvr and snare aswell...

Sword got Ragnarok that is awesome dmg.. But warriors aren't suppose to deal dmg in rvr really and it doesn't snare either...

Axes are total crap in rvr from my experience but awesome in PVE with havoc/tyr's, you mainly use backstyles in rvr as a melee and the Axe one is crap compared to Hammer and Sword one..

The warrior job is mainly to guard people in a rvr group and hammer sure does that the best as it snares all melees in the MA train so the affected person can run away... Snare also helps for your own MA train so people can't kite around..


*tbh i fail to see whats so great about hammer if you got a shaman that knows how to stay alive ... great for pve tho :p*

try snaring someone in rvr from the first hit WITHOUT PF with sword or axe


Originally posted by celtavigo
The anytime axe style pillager got a nice follow up aswell that snares..Both styles cost alot of end tho..

"filling my head with doubt, now im thinking of respecing my warrior to hammer "

Been using Axe since I started my Warrior but im gonna respec to hammer now, kinda a must to have a good backstyle in rvr and snare aswell...

Sword got Ragnarok that is awesome dmg.. But warriors aren't suppose to deal dmg in rvr really and it doesn't snare either...

Axes are total crap in rvr from my experience but awesome in PVE with havoc/tyr's, you mainly use backstyles in rvr as a melee and the Axe one is crap compared to Hammer and Sword one..

The warrior job is mainly to guard people in a rvr group and hammer sure does that the best as it snares all melees in the MA train so the affected person can run away... Snare also helps for your own MA train so people can't kite around..

Even small kobold warriors can hit for 600+

Backstyle Evernight - Artic rift nice combo

Pillagar as anytimer when using axe :/

Slam-GM auch

Axe slowest 2h that can be crafted : axe 5.5 hammer 5.4 sword 5.3 . Some Tg drops tho Sword 5.7 axe 5.6 hammer 5.6 .

And takking hammer not to get PF is silly imo . PF needs no style or any end just need to hit runing target from behind.

All warriors spec hammer leave the Tg axe for me :)



Find me the both the TG dragon shadow hammers and ill give you both axes :p


Originally posted by zapzap
Backstyle Evernight - Artic rift nice combo

Pillagar as anytimer when using axe


Agree with you Zap! I wouldn´t trade in my axes for any other weapon. I pretty much use the above mentioned styles in RvR combined with switching between 1H and 2H and ofcourse the shield styles. I have tried Havoc + Tyr´s fury aswell for RvR but I haven´t found myself using them that much. Anyway, I´m very pleased with going axe so I´d recommend it.


one of the upcomming patches will see Sword becoming very nice.

Ragnarok: great back style, coupled with PF, and you have an improved Conquer.

Draw out: getting high to-hit which will make it as good or better than havoc as an anytimer.

and the spind looks cool :p

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