warlocks nerfed ??


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
please find it.

/em stops himself from calling Emmit a tool.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I tried warlock one run and them boys cried their eyes out when I was gonna pbae bomb the alb zerg, but I didnt know I had to have los when releasing chambers even the pbae ones.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Well, you don't need los if you chamber the pbaoe with a curse spec heal and target yourself, but of course, popular bomber spec only gets 4 curse, not 6 which is first heal.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Emmet said:
thats exactly what rure did tbh, he tried a warlock, he couldnt play it.. went back to alb chars, guess ppl are afraid to leave their 1875 range mezz and baseline lifedrain, for hibs, baseline stun and sich util in 1 spec..
Actually, rure rerolled rogue in wow since warlock in daoc was too hard for him :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Leel said:
Well, you don't need los if you chamber the pbaoe with a curse spec heal and target yourself, but of course, popular bomber spec only gets 4 curse, not 6 which is first heal.

But then again im not clairvoyant.

Eregion said:
Actually, rure rerolled rogue in wow since warlock in daoc was too hard for him :(

Rogue loving in 1.12 confirmed by blizzard. :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Nate said:
why did u put rm in to ur fotm category? rm's are in no way fotm, op'd or easy to play like fotm chars. there probably the worst caster class in the game post 1.83

RM worst caster errr I think the blinding of the other casters in mid majorly overshadows how balenced the rm(in comparison to other realm casters) is.

SM - 2.5 189 delve lifetap, duel dex debuffs, self bg pet
WL - enough said, only decent wl I've seen is remi playing his on classic
BD - enough said

RMs got good dmg output (self debuffers, or high delve nuke), got access to NS.


As for hib baseline stun, situational advantages/disadvantages but I'd take a root instead... loved have root on cabby IMO better than stun in fg vs fg. The couple of times I was in keep fights, the 2.5 LT killed most low hit point chars before they could move out of los anyway...


Main problem is trying to make comprisions where you can't anymore. You used to be able to see more clearly the comprisions between realms and classes in SI days, but with all the MLs and how the patchs/dmg/competitive groups class choice that have molded the game, we've ended up with some really odd classes. Some OP some fairly balenced, and some left behind from preSI days. The main classes in game which have stuck out, are the ones with the larger player base and therefore more overwhelming feedback for changes - good and bad. Mythic have made some proper odd decisions which don't really seem logical at all, but its the game we play and love/hate. You just gotta take the game as it comes, and get on with it.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
wl's aren't good anymore, so it's not enough said by just saying the name of their class. with the other realms pet spam, pet charm, stun etc. its not just by comparing them to other mid casters that i've come to the conclusion there probably the worst caster in the game, post 1.83 it only gets worse for them. if their not one of the worst, then can u name one that isn't as good?

in comparisson to:

eldritch, aoe mez, purple nearsight, pbae, stun nuke - easier dmg
wizard, 3 bolts, debuffs in the same spec as there high delve dd, nearsight - better dmg


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Nate said:
wl's aren't good anymore, so it's not enough said by just saying the name of their class. with the other realms pet spam, pet charm, stun etc. its not just by comparing them to other mid casters that i've come to the conclusion there probably the worst caster in the game, post 1.83 it only gets worse for them. if their not one of the worst, then can u name one that isn't as good?

in comparisson to:

eldritch, aoe mez, purple nearsight, pbae, stun nuke - easier dmg
wizard, 3 bolts, debuffs in the same spec as there high delve dd, nearsight - better dmg

Yeah and a runemaster got no utility at all to compare to those two :/.
We all know how bd's and sm pet's suck because they dont heal, don't intercept and cant be ml9'd and ofc the insta LT sucks, because you dont get 100% health returned. And WL's don't insta kill tanks anymore, which makes them useless, because "i can't win from every class no more".
Imo it's time to close midgard, burn it down and forever forget it existed, cause its impossible to win from the no skill, easymode stun nuking, fire "i always hit" bolting, moc lifetapping Albion and Hibernia force's.

Farewell Midgard :(


Dec 24, 2003
Samaroon|Terracotta said:
Too fucking right, everytime i see a lock is think "WTF FREE RP's!" so i charge in, Demo, Zoa, Ip if needed and whack the fuck outta him. By now im well horny with a mega boner, so i go hide in the glacier giant while i take a wank over my newly gotten rp's!

Oh how much Daoc has changed my wank meterial...

And i'd say its perfectly possible for a warlock to insta kill or very close to insta kill a caster, which is what Emmet is talking about with his 9 sec stun bollocks.


It was post nerf possible to kill a caster w decent matter but without grp resists with 1 chamber and 1 UI. but in 70% of the cases it wasent. One of the main reason was unbelievable resistrates.

Post 1.82 it takes me usually 1 chamber + 2 sometimes 3 UI´s and in 60% of the cases or so the 2nd chamber. (if wanting to save some power and not firing the 3rd UI)

but then what? ^^

Tank classes is smt i really just bother attacking if in berk zerg or smt like that. by boxing em and doing my uber UI 320 PBAE dmg QQ.
But mostly i get my revenge on wanker albs by simply running around frogsnaring. and let me be eaten by the zerg. >evil grin<.

But i must say atm i enjoy my SB and Dark SM much more.

Due to class bug issues and tons of needed specific uptunes/fixes, cuz one of the main reason WL´s are forced to play the hate one target assasination way is cuz there is no other viable playstyle.

Its blitz a target, rince for a minute or two and repeat.

besides with my dark Sm its usually 3-4 nukes on soft targets and it is a dirt skidding dead lagghost left of em.
Sometimes 2shot kills.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Nate said:
wl's aren't good anymore, so it's not enough said by just saying the name of their class. with the other realms pet spam, pet charm, stun etc. its not just by comparing them to other mid casters that i've come to the conclusion there probably the worst caster in the game, post 1.83 it only gets worse for them. if their not one of the worst, then can u name one that isn't as good?

in comparisson to:

eldritch, aoe mez, purple nearsight, pbae, stun nuke - easier dmg
wizard, 3 bolts, debuffs in the same spec as there high delve dd, nearsight - better dmg

I'd say necro/menta/wiz is lower down in caster terms in the picking order than RM.

Wizard is a 20 second front load char, as for 3 bolts the last one will be lower than the spec nuke so apart from if someone is out of range for the nuke, and you've got it left over then it might be worth using, apart from as an interrupt. But runie can do 2 bolts, then more sustainable dps with their debuff after it.

As for eld, even though its a great utility class its dmg is only really good when you had in a chanter. The dmg it produces is 80% of the time easily healable by any decent support team, unless the chanter is introduced. This means losing util where the chanter comes in and another caster that can be easily interrupted without having the range to do any interrupting decent interrupting himself bar the pet. You talk about the mezz/pb, but those are in different lines and something which is nice, yet really isnt needed fg wise. The ns is a more of a 5 second interrupt as again most support teams clear it very quickly.... the bainshee taunt is > ns now imo. The bainshee is a better caster imo than th eld now, the 2300 taunt is way to good, I felt op using it... and <3 the root. It can clear pets very easily, and has some nice tools in PW. It doesn't have the util debuff wise that eld has. But then again the util isn't needed as such... you can't beat (unless you moc) unstoppable interrupting.

The more played/new classes have had the tools and so leaving the other ones behind in fg choices. Doesn't mean the unpicked classes are bad, far from it... just don't really fit into the fg scene aswell.

If i was to play a mid caster my first choice would be an RM, but as for groups, SM is the clear cut choice for perma groups.

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