Fledgling Freddie
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performance wise the game has picked up alot.
reduced number of pl;ayers maybe?

performance wise the game has picked up alot.
What decisions and design flaws made WAR fail?
#1: Only 2 realms. impossible to balance. 3 or 5 would been much better as they would balance out themselves. People always gather up to fight the larger force.
#2: To much focus on the campaign that in the end didn't give any good rewards.
#3: To small RvR zones.
#4: Almost no immunity system against CC
[*]Zone Locks take way too long reduce keeps to less than 1 hour for domination.
[*]Give renown for PQ's/Champ Mobs, why even have PVE if cant get access to top level gear from doing it. By doing serious amounts of PVE you just gimp yourself by having low Realm Rank in RvR. Agreed it should give abilities but not gear and abilities tied to just RvR. DAOC got it right, PVE to get the Gear.
[/LIST]cba to think of more.
Aion is looking better and better.....
I have stopped playing as well, no incentive to log in anymore.
I might check back in a few months but Idk, just it shouldn't be a chore logging in, and there was hardly any actual fun to be had.
Apart from killing Binary ofc![]()
It's a disgrace. People should be made to work for the renown. If you aint fighting you get nothing, start punishing people by not rewarding them fo doing nothing.
if your grinding mobs to level in WoW your doing it wrong. questing is the only way to level at a decent pace there. or it was anyway, patch that hit today introduced pvp leveling.
WoW = lvl 1 to 80 in 6 Days /played.
Then you do some BGs and get PvP gear and then start doing Arena![]()
if your grinding mobs to level in WoW your doing it wrong. questing is the only way to level at a decent pace there. or it was anyway, patch that hit today introduced pvp leveling.
I have a level 80 (with 790 resilience) but the game is just stun/stun/stun/stun dead still, even with trinkets.
I quit WoW before they raised the level cap above 60, but I thought the best thinig about WoW was how there was minimal CC. To hear that they've implemented it in this way really is ironic, since this was the one key part of the game they got RIGHT! Idiots!
Mythic Entertainment | Warhammer OnlinePurchasing the RvR pack will allow all characters on your account to progress all the way to Renown Rank 100 and be able to enjoy all the rewards that come with those added levels.
I heard about the WAR pruchase packs today. Way to devalue the gameplay experience.
Basically it looks like EA have reviewed WAR, decided its a turd and will always be so, and are chancing their arm to see if they can get any money out of players before the remaining playerbase implodes completely.
At this stage, I think it's in a similar state to City of Heroes.