Unity Alliance



Originally posted by Euthanasia.

Maybe your leader's don't make arses of themselves Turamber, but you've just shown that your members do.


Nice to be wanted by a guild or even an alliance though ... not that you have ever had that feeling.


<looks at Thread , shakes head................> Now where is that charachter delete button ???.

Seriously peeps stop the slagging matches and sort this out like grown ups..............Problems never get solved by to and fro arguments. Get together and work it out and put the past behind you. So there has been problems , there always will be problems thats the nature of the beast im afraid. WE as a realm will never be organized if people hold grudges......forgive and forget.....<shrugs shoulders>.


Originally posted by bonna
where was u when sotl had most / all of the lvl 50s ? and sotl soloing keeps? ( maybe with some grey con ootkt and odd others ? day in day out?
wheres was u? o yes a lvl 20, 30 guy exping

I really thaught SOTL had grown out of there "we're elitest" stage, obviously I was wrong.

old.Gombur Glodson

Dont judge a guild by the words of one person.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Dont judge a guild by the words of one person.

Yup your right, and appoliogies to all other members of SOTL.

Posted in haste, not deleted in error, I dont cover up my mistakes.

SoulFly Amarok

NXS! You're the mad one here, deleting chars, then rerolling :D


Yup, im mad... if I could turn back the clock I would.

Unfortunatly gone way past the previous 4 backup slots, but still having fun re-creating old characters, finding loads of new friends and helping new players out on the way.

Braught some interest back into the game.

old.Gombur Glodson

Boney is an officer.
And George Bush is an idiot to imho that doesnt mean I think all americans are morons.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Boney is an officer.
And George Bush is an idiot to imho that doesnt mean I think all americans are morons.

No but those people who voted for that gormless bugger are :) \o/ for Tony Blair, our very own halfwit leader!


read original post and cant be bothered to read the rest

Fgs vayasen u should know better than any one that a relic raid needs to be planned and excuted with precision

Laird is the guy who can do that IMO

stop moaning vayasen ...we gotta preplan it and do it right...if we do preplan it we will be succesful and you know it !

LAIRD where r u mate ?


Originally posted by minnie
read original post and cant be bothered to read the rest

Fgs vayasen u should know better than any one that a relic raid needs to be planned and excuted with precision

Laird is the guy who can do that IMO

stop moaning vayasen ...we gotta preplan it and do it right...if we do preplan it we will be succesful and you know it !

LAIRD where r u mate ?

err right.....

Now go back and read the whole thread before making ill-informed posts that do nothing to further the debate.....

old.Gombur Glodson

I wouldnt ask to much Chodax.
I dont think he can make posts without moaning.


Hmm. This "You misunderstood us!" "No, YOU misunderstood US" "No, you.." thing is going nowhere, very slowly.

Maybe "Albion United" doesnt mean "Everyone in Albion rushing in the same direction. I dunno.. part of me feels that we should work on becoming powerful enough as individual alliances so we don't need help from other alliances - be it through mergers, recruitment drives, etc. The post-christmas period looks like a good time to grab some new players and show them the ropes.

I think everyone would be happy if Unity were defending the realm/organising relic raids amongst themselves and SoTL/LOE were doing whatever they do. Chances are we'd end up top dog - we'd have the relics, we'd have active presence in all three frontiers..

We can be an albion undivided, surely, by just working for the good of albion, in whatever sense.

I'm probably being naive, I guess, but this is what strikes me as common sense. You are stronger when you don't depend on others - that much is obvious.

Then again, even in the above situation.. you'd get people saying "OMG SoTL and LoE are alwayz in emani!!" despite the good they may be doing for the realm. I'm not saying separate completely.. do what you want to do. Join the guild/alliance that allows you to do what you want to do.

These stupid, pissy little flamewars will get you nowhere.

Kyra did say "I was told once..". This is generally taken as a "it is said that.." or "it is rumoured that.." i.e - something is a rumour, and may or may not be true, but is still said. She was commenting, not saying.. yet so far two people have jumped on her back for it.

Too much conversation maybe.. pity noone seems to actually read any of it though.


k i know most peeps dont know me and probally dont give a dam what i say: but what the hell:)

First i think that all guilds in this realm have people who are team players and those that are selfish. does not matter we all play the game for a bit of fun and relaxation. I agree with walkers post, last raid i went on it was a mismash of all guilds and we all did our job and got a relic.

I think there are alot of egos flying around afraid to admit they all make mistakes. Hey guys none of us our perfect. so ultimately keep you personal opinions about other players to your self and try be a bit contructive in your critisim.

I have grouped with lots of people from lots of guilds i have no issues with any of them, i have a few dislikes but they remain my issue, i dont see any good about people flaming others. But maybe i am just an old git who does not know anything. So if you kiddies want to play rough with each other my msg to you is bugger off and do it some where else. Play the game the way you want to do it but dont tell other people what to do.

Ok i am off now, might have made aprat of myself, but these posts are an utter waste of time. K i feel better now rant over, i am going to pop me slippers on and smoke a ciggy.

Salazzar 50th level scout


i know you salaz... err whats your name again? :p

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