Unity Alliance



Originally posted by Roalith
Take our own frontier retakes, for example. Now, I might not get out and RvR much currently, but when I do I only leave our frontier if all of Albion's keeps are in our possession.

I would like to know one member of Lords of England who do that.

Me too so now u know 2 from LoE :)

Laird MacGregor

Originally posted by the_smurflord

Me, and I'm not the only one.

<Adds Visit to the "Defend The Base" list> ;)


<Adds Zogoroth to the "Defend The Base" list>

I'll pm you both and expect you both to report to duty shortly ;)



Well there have to be a retake group in Sauvage im not running out all alone hoping there will be one when i arrive at the Keep

Laird MacGregor

Originally posted by Zogoroth
Well there have to be a retake group in Sauvage im not running out all alone hoping there will be one when i arrive at the Keep

Need to show you how to solo a frontier methinks. You'll love it trust me <grins>


Some interesting posts here - some mature and reasonable, some (<cough> Xorta <cough>) with the attention span of a gnat and the reasoning ability to boot.

Giving orders to another alliance to come help you out, then flaming them on Barrysworld for not jumping to attention? Please, that's nearly as sad as the 'doing a spikey haired chick' thread :p

The last LoE/SoTL led relic raid that I went on turned into a huge farming exercise for your guilds while Unity was expected to put up rams and do the boring business of getting the relic. In very much the same way that it is Unity that is expected to do the utterly tedious work of strengthening our defences by getting Albion keeps under our control ... while LoE/SoTL run around looking for realm points.

Sure, if you enjoy playing the game that way then please - play it that way. But don't come here and bitch at people who don't fall into line with your requests.

Oh and by the way, Visit and Zorgoroth, not surprised you would need a group to go with - 'cos you prolly wouldn't be able to get to Excalibur without getting lost, let alone anywhere else.


Originally posted by Laird MacGregor

Need to show you how to solo a frontier methinks. You'll love it trust me <grins>

Theres only two times i like going solo n thats farming cash/items or doing quests but i think ive done all quests now the NPCs dont talk to me anymore :( or maybe they just dont like me, think i may have talk to much to them in the past :)


We were contacted about a relic raid, and told to meet in Sauvage.
About that same time, BOTH Hibernia and Midgard went on a killing spree in our own frontier.
Naturally, the planned raid had to be put off, untill our own frontier was under control.
After getting the defence in position (which is actually possible, at Myrrdins :D ), we had a quick discussion about what to do.

We where losing people fast, due to waiting, so facts had to be concidered fast.

The facts that i heard about, was these:

We had 3 keeps (at that time) in Hibernia already. None in Odins.
LoE and SotL was, for some reason, not with us. They needed our help in Odins, though.
We already had a power relic in our possession.
We heard next to nothing from Odins (no keep spam, no message that you were on first door, nothing)

Since we had already planned to hit Sagda, we chose to carry on with that plan, because we thought it would be a better idea.

-Defending one relic keep, is easier than defending two.
-If we were successful, and got 1 relic, we would only have one opponent to defend ourselves against.
-Gathering a scattered army and porting fast to Odins, would never be fast enough to aid your raid, if you were already dying (which we didnt know anything about).
-A nagging suspicion, that Hibernia would attack us again, if we didnt make a Hib offense.

That was our reasons to go Sagda.

However, after the failed raid, a few things came to attention (Ziera and Vayasen had a looong talk :) ).

LoE (and/or SotL ? not entirely sure), was not notified of the Sagda raid. Wether or not they were in fact notified, but the message just never came to the right people, is unknown. One thing is for sure, it was a miscommunication.

The few reports we were able to get from the Midgard raid, was not correct. We (as in, the /cg) did not know how successful you were. Only that your raid was 'going ok', which can mean alot of things :p

In the /cg it was never mentioned, that LoE had been in Emain previously, and we did not know how Sagda was looking.
We only knew that AMG was camped, like any other day in Emain. (I was trying to get to Sagda while the keep retakes went for the last one, so i could get some insight. Never managed to get there, due to splatter at AMG). It looked normal.

Conclusion after this day, must be, that we need to talk. And we need it fast. Far too many things go down the gutter, because of some bad communication and misunderstandings.
this CAN work, without making one big alliance. It just takes a little work.
If nobody else will, then i will. After a day of failure, lack of communication and lots of mud-throwing, i think its time for a meeting. Expect a PM in-game :)

P.S: Try to ignore the flames in this thread. I dont see them helping anything.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
I've seen a couple of LoE's spontaneous Relic-Raid zergs. I'm rather dubious of any future raid, which gives us 5minutes to prepare.

- Get to Mjol, zrrg the keep with 100 people while your guilds go farm at the bk and the rest get wiped by uber-guards.

- Dagda: Surprising we took the staff at all, what, with little mention of rams, which needed to be picked up after we started hitting the doors!

Are you surprised that people now want at least one-hours notice when you call for a relic-raid?

Saying "COME HERE NOW! Or you're ignorant fuckwits who don't give a shit about the realm" -just won't do.

IMO 5 minute-raids have the best chance of success. To be able to change target from hib-relic to mid-relic on a 5 minute warning signal would be great. No more thinking about cross-realm spies and it would cause great confusing in our enemies /as ("albs raiding hib ... no wait .. they're in mid .. no .. alb").

I've been to a few of these spontaneous raids. Once in emain where maybe 4-5fg's just got some RAM's from DC and headed for hib power. We made it all the way up to the relic where we were killed by PBAE. Thats still alot closer than most 2-weeks-notice raids I've been to.

Was very surpiced at how far we got yesterday when a few SotL+LoE-groups raided mid-relic. Mids had no idea we were there, most likely due to none of us knowing (5minute raid) several days in advance. Unfortunantly, we were a bit too few to handle the guardspawns as we had no keeps in Mid at that time (I think).

Anyways, I feel that most pre-planned (one week in advance thingie) raids have much less chance of success than the "spontaneous raids".


appologys from me for any personal insults thrown,

was a bit upset over the events, and 2 bottles of red didnt assist that.



Originally posted by Turamber
Oh and by the way, Visit and Zorgoroth, not surprised you would need a group to go with - 'cos you prolly wouldn't be able to get to Excalibur without getting lost, let alone anywhere else.

When even ppl i though were honorble n good players give me crap like this about things they know nothing about it makes me wanna quit the game


Originally posted by Turamber
Oh and by the way, Visit and Zorgoroth, not surprised you would need a group to go with - 'cos you prolly wouldn't be able to get to Excalibur without getting lost, let alone anywhere else.

Please try and get your facts straight before you make these sort of statements. As people like Laird would actually attest, I am a regular in our own frontier, but also I'm not going to try and take a keep solo and getting information is one of the harder aspects.
Quite a few LoE are regulars there, we just dont make a song and dance about it.


Sory unity defenders - peopel in yr command chain were given PLENTY warning aboutthe situation in eimain(masses of hib defenders).....and the situation in Midgard(no defenders).

The simple fact is.....to avoid 'jumping to LOe's order' (lol)....this information was NOT passed along...and the answer was pretty much - fuck off we are doing our own thing regardless.

I have chat log...........and whats more....after LOE/SOTL relic effort in Mid...we even arrived at the Hib relic raid before you guys.....

Quite what you had been doing fo rthe past hour is beyond me......as you had FINISHED in albion frontier WELL before we passed the Odin MG to attack the mid relic.

Those defending the unity alliance here are simply not in the picture of what was said......and the timing of things. You were kept in the dark of the true relic situation.....by arses who have a stick up their arse and are determined to do 'their own thing' no matter what...just to look 'in command'.

Sorry guys.....how many times have I been on here giving stick to unity(zero i think)..but this time they deserve it 100%.


Originally posted by vayasen

Those defending the unity alliance here are simply not in the picture of what was said......and the timing of things. You were kept in the dark of the true relic situation.....by arses who have a stick up their arse and are determined to do 'their own thing' no matter what...just to look 'in command'.

Personally I'm pleased to be in an alliance where the leader's don't make arses of themselves on a public forum :rolleyes:


why help when theres over 100+ alb already defend the relic?
when we can start on the prep of alb relic raid?


liste i dunno what ur leaders was doing then ....
firdt of , i was told of a relic (dont know who planed it)
all was the msg going round all alb , then hibs start taking our keeps we lose , and sotl / loe wasnt in odin as this time it was in sauvage. i do a /who snow , see over 100+ albs ther , well no point as really going if it is relic attack , coz we have been to its 4 fg of hibs and 2 fg of mids. ok we go ahead get rdy for hib power relic , we go to EMAIN > DC , get rams 3 a group ( mostly)
dc was alb , scat was still alb , we went to the said meeting point, on ther way there we had to fight 2 fg of mids , then hib , then mids , then hibs again ( was agreat fight) then 2 groups of loe/sotl was attacked by 2/3 fg of hibs near / at crim, the rest of loe go to help , to some hibs , but most get inside , loe attack crim, get inside and get pbae to death( not all) msotl came to back , and after much fighting crim falls , but most have released due to thinking we was losing , so we all killed self , as an infi was watching the relic and said there 4 fg of hibs at the relic , UNITY was TOLD this , if u didnt know , then U need newleaders!
was the dumbest thing , to attack it still.


OK - Unity planned our own relic raid against Hibernia to have a go. Others have done the same in the past.

Our own plans were put on hold while we had to head to our own power relic keep in the face of reports of many hibs/mids in our frontier. We reacted to this threat and made sure things were secure before doing anything else.

We started hearing reports of LoE/SotL action in Odins, with a guildie saying in guild chat 'we're going to Odin's now'... my reaction to this was to ask for more information and our own mainly unity chat group was informed.

Coming with a background of several other occasions where we have been called upon at the last minute to go help LoE/SotL the people in the chat group had to decide whether to go to Odins or to continue with our own planned raid in Hib. We had scouts in Emain already reporting and given that information we decided amongst our chat group to push on despite fears that there could be plenty of defenders given the reasons Liste has already stated.

That was a decision taken by a cross-section of our alliance and others. Right or wrong, that was our choice. At no point am I aware of us asking LoE for help, but naturally others may have asked after they were wiped, I cannot say.

We assembled again with different groups getting back at different times due to checking keeps or clearing up remaining attackers, and gradually ported to Emain. Yes, there was a delay in this, but our force was close to Dagda when the LoE/SotL zerg arrived and pullled the guards there and found a significant number of defenders. I myself was on the wall checking the defense as the guards were pulled, and came round to the front to see what was going on, reporting to our chat group on numbers etc as I did so. I had actually suggested we abort based on the number of defenders, but having the zerg attack I withdrew this and called our guys in to give it a go still.

What did we do wrong? We pushed ahead with our plans ignoring calls for help from the little boy who cries wolf too often. We didn't all abandon our chat group and join someone else's (Lucias, I think) on orders of someone from LoE, so if LoE didn't coordinate their arrival with us, tough shit.

I am all in favour of cooperation. On the last raid, I found out at last minute and immediately headed to the target and proceeded to give as much intel to Vayasen as possible and also broadcast on our asend for assistance as appropriate. Is that the actions of someone unwilling to cooperate?

Vayasen... please post your chat log - show people how reasonable I was with you in the face of your insults and maybe then they can decide for themselves.


Originally posted by bonna
as an infi was watching the relic and said there 4 fg of hibs at the relic , UNITY was TOLD this , if u didnt know , then U need newleaders!
was the dumbest thing , to attack it still.

... cross posted there boney, but please read what I put. I had actually suggested we abort as your lot all arrived without coordinating with us, so then we came to help anyway.


ok keep re takes .... where was u when sotl had most / all of the lvl 50s ? and sotl soloing keeps? ( maybe with some grey con ootkt and odd others ? day in day out?
wheres was u? o yes a lvl 20, 30 guy exping
so stop fuking off abuot u do it all , no u dont or didnt , u did fook all when the first loads of keeps was ever taken , infact alot who talk , ive no idea who the fook u are.
thats all this shit .. bla bla ur guild dont know where xx place is in our front lands. really? i know all alb fronts , like the back of my hand , mid and hib , im half blind ill get to where u got to go but it will be slow and half lost .


heh jup
i was not told anything from unity what so ever , all i know u guys re fused to swap relic target knowing it was defended, and u was told b4 u ported to emain so u cud have changed w/o to much fooking about


Originally posted by Turamber

Personally I'm pleased to be in an alliance where the leader's don't make arses of themselves on a public forum :rolleyes:

I actually think Vayasen is a top bloke and one of nicest people you could meet - he is a great leader and is well respected in our guild and our alliance so don't start flame wars on him because if you do my respect for you will go completely vanish.

Originally posted by Jupitus

What did we do wrong? We pushed ahead with our plans ignoring calls for help from the little boy who cries wolf too often. We didn't all abandon our chat group and join someone else's (Lucias, I think) on orders of someone from LoE, so if LoE didn't coordinate their arrival with us, tough shit.

Thank you for referring to us as little boys and giving us a true viewpoint of your feelings for us. It has be known for a while your guilds true feelings on us but we have kept quiet and even came and helped last night even though we were not invited and asked for.

As far as i am concerned forget about relics - Albion will never be united nor wishes too. Midgard and Hibernia enjoy the bonus in RvR and i commend your realms for at least having the common sense to pull together when needed.

I'll just be part of the elitist b0rg who steals other guild members, is a rp whore, selfish, arrogant, self centred, little boy, keep retake neglecter and what ever crap you label Sotl and LoE as - least my friends in these 2 guilds still speak to me rather than listen to what every other guild says and follows them and slags me off as. Am tired of the pointless bickering and patheticness shown in what is the realm of Albion or should that be Alb - Ion because that would probably show the divide clearer.


Originally posted by Krillin.
I'll just be part of the elitist b0rg who steals other guild members, is a rp whore, selfish, arrogant, self centred, little boy, keep retake neglecter and what ever crap you label Sotl and LoE as - least my friends in these 2 guilds still speak to me rather than listen to what every other guild says and follows them and slags me off as. Am tired of the pointless bickering and patheticness shown in what is the realm of Albion or should that be Alb - Ion because that would probably show the divide clearer.

I would point out to you who started this flame thread, and who continued to add wood to its fires. Funnily enough people in Unity don't like being flamed or some of the ridiculous comments that are coming our way.

If people want to 'go to the mattresses' then they have to be prepared to have a similar response. Don't go into the kitchen unless you can take the heat...


Why do u want the chat log posting Jupitus?

I willnot post it...I didnt record it to post. But it clearly shows us warnign you that Hib power is hugely defended...and clearly shows u telling us that u are sick of us so u arnt coming to help.

It shows now insults from us to you.

The only insult i sent...was sent directly to you...from me...it was AFTER the relic action...and I asked you to tell the peopel who made the decision not to come help on an uindefended relic..and instead attack a defended relic (u were arned)...I asked u to call them muppets...from Vayasen.

Jup(there I have finally named a name)...Jup.....u were given the details of both relics (hib hopelessly defended...mid ungaurded)....you decided not to help gfellow albs (could be understood if u had a raid...or were not together etc)....but u were fully organsied...and still chose to ignore other albs..and instead attacka fully defended relic....just to prove a crappy point about u not having 'to do what LOE says' (that is BS btw).

Sorry guys if the full info was not passed around Unity...i cant message everytoen with the relic situation...but Unity commanders were informed that Hib was defended...and we had clear run at mid....u had about 30 mins warning of this......and by the time u actuially arrived at hib power..u had already had about 1 hour warning.

Sorry- this comes down to somebody and his pwoer struggle in Albion.....

Poeple slag loe/sotl off for not helping out...lets not forget...as soon as our relic died on door 1(50%)...we rushed out AFAP TO HELP UNITY ON POWER RELIC.

Turamber, get the facts then slag me off.

How the hell can an alliances total reufasl to do the sensible thing...help other albs.....be turned into a flame loe/sotl thing lol. Pathetic


Laird MacGregor


Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War

Article 3
In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each Party to the conflict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the following provisions:

1. Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.

As you can see, in your hung over states continuation of this flame war is in direct contervention of Article 3 of the geneva convention. :D

Now don't force me to pass sanctions regarding the repeated call to employ a human shield.

old.Gombur Glodson

This thread is even more fubar than when it began.


How the hell can an alliances total reufasl to do the sensible thing...help other albs.....be turned into a flame loe/sotl thing lol. Pathetic

Surely this should give you a hint as to the underlying current public opinion?

To be frank, I think LOE are a good guild. Because of the actions of people like yourself, Lords of England have risen in my personal estimation a lot recently. Threads like this, however, don't help.

I was in the mainly-Unity chatgroup, and at no point did I see advance warning given that Dagda was defended. Especially not before we ported over. The first I knew about Hib defenders was when Jup himself went and took a look.

The general feeling in the CG was, as well, that taking a strength relic would divide Albion far too much, in terms of defense. Based on this, and no foreknowledge in the chatgroup about defenders, we decided to carry on to Dagda.

At the end of the day, though, shit happens. Lessons can be learned from this. Let's start talking to each other.


I was in the LoE/sotl cg while all the action was going on...

then in vain was my information spam about the relic raid.
I knew dadga were heavily defended
I knew the better idea were to go to odins, and tought command group already knew this. but apparenlty they didnt and to bad people arent listening to me in cg then cause we had all the info but no one took any notice :(

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Traia
I challenge someone to give me a SENSIBLE SERIOUS reason as to why albion doesnt work together.

A challenge 'ey?

Read posts by bonna/boney? and scarlin.
They're not the only representatives of their guilds, but they are louder then most.

If anyone acts like that, you would think "asshole"... no?
The whole guild will be judged by their actions and so it has happened.

Scar, you might think it's funny calling Roalith a newbie because you have more RPs. Understand that whenever I hear talk of you, it's never good. As for Roalith, I've yet to hear a bad word said against him, hardly surprising though.

Vayasen, whenever you come looking for help from Unity, Jupitus has always given you total respect in /as. What he says in private, is only between the both of you.

Crying on the boards because Jupitus didn't agree with you, hardly shows your maturity, does it?

P.S. Visit and Zogoroth do help with keep retakes... so leave them alone ;)


Same old problem Albion has always had on this server, too many indians who want to run the show and not enough chiefs who actually develop a battle plan before the action.

The last couple of raids I have been on led by LoE and Walker have been very good, clearly defined plan with with well thoughtout tactics. Sadly alot of people can't see past the hatred they have for LoE/SotL, so when we don't get the relic first time we try they whine like fuck about how it could have been done 'better'. Frankly Albion hasn't done shit to help themselves for many months but the last week has been a major improvement. Anyone who runs a relic raid gets my respect and my 100% support, all we need to do now is organise our shit and stop the infighting.

To all those people who think SotL/LoE are selfish elitist pricks and hate them for it, I ask you these questions.

Have they tried like hell to get the relics back?
Have they asked for help in getting those relics back?

If both answers are yes (and they are) then I see nothing selfish about that. Sure they may be flawed (as are we all) and not get a relic every attack but then who the hell has ever acheived that anyway? If we keep trying eventually we will suceed, that is a lesson we should have learnt a long time ago from the Mids. Hard work reaps rewards and I will not hear it from anyone that LoE/SotL haven't worked hard at trying to get those relics back.

It comes down to this, put aside your hatred and back anyone who has the balls to run a relic raid no matter what guild they are from. If it fails then it fails, in the end we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Even a failed raid hurts the enemy if you make a dent in the doors. Over time crashing waves wear down the mightiest cliffs. Just don't stand their and point the finger at people who HAVE made the effort, if even if they fail. That is and always has been Albion's biggest flaw.

Now we just need the guild leaders to get thier shit together and actually organise an offensive by the entire realm and not just the fragmented attacks we are making at the moment. The Mids and Hibs are tactically working together for a reason and the reason is this, a strong Albion will crush them so they work together to try keep us weak. Combined they have the numbers so we have to start thinking smarter if we are going to overcome them, that means a 100% Albion effort with everyone pulling together.

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