Unity Alliance



Well said Papa Cho. :)
I for one share your opinions.

Laird MacGregor

Originally posted by old.cHodAX

... Sure they may be flawed (as are we all) and not get a relic every attack but then who the hell has ever acheived that anyway?

<Laird puts his hand up>

Only 3 (count um 3) Relic Commanders with sucessful strikes under their belts in the past year.

Nilo[SoTL] - 1st
Laird[PL] - Most
Vayasen[LoE] - Last

There has been far, far more attempts made than that.

Fact reamins you buncha nutters, every one of the succesful strikes worked for one reason and one reason alone, we played as Albions and didn't play as a guildsman. They've all turned up and played, each and every guild, tags forgotten. Remember that key fact and yur getting somewhere Battle Brothers and Sisters.

Originally posted by old.cHodAX
... Now we just need the guild leaders to get thier shit together and actually organise an offensive by the entire realm and not just the fragmented attacks we are making at the moment....

Unity Event this November gone. A Realm wide Relic campaign, 6 relic strikes in 1 weekend, planned and delivered to all senior officers and available GM's by yours truly. Active portals to odins that weekend alone was well above 1000 by my estimates.

Bloody exhausting, and bloody annoying also when we found out the plans had got leaked.

That kinda defiles your idea that Albion has not done anything for months, but I'll let your point stand in character...

We can do it like that, we've done it like that, and we can do it with quick swift strikes too, all methods have been proved and tested.

As my brother Chodax puts it, we just need to get off our arses and do it. And have the balls to back up ANYONE who wants to run a strike.


Originally posted by vayasen
Sory unity defenders - peopel in yr command chain were given PLENTY warning aboutthe situation in eimain(masses of hib defenders).....and the situation in Midgard(no defenders).

Vayasen has brought this up a few times so I just have to ask, who exactly did you contact? Not asking you to name names, but guilds actually. I say this because TDS was not told about any of this and Casbardh, Choppy, and I are ALL GM's of TDS and Warlords of Unity (IE we ARE in the Chain of Command). Until the Hibs attacked us, Cas was busy getting together rams for our relic raid, he was never contacted about possible resistance in Emain. Yes PL is the official head of Unity but there ARE other guilds in the alliance. Contacting Jupitus or Laird isn't enough, I am sorry to say. I am not saying anything negative about them as they are great people, so please do not see this as such. But they get very busy with so much information and they are trying to decide what to do so often they aren't able to share what they are hearing. They get info, decide what to do with it, and then filter it down to the alliance.

I might suggest in the future to contact all the online heads of the guilds in Unity so that information can be better shared. In case you don't already have that written down somewhere, there has been a post made on the Unity forums that lists contacts/leaders *again*. I would suggest everyone visit and post on this list. http://unity.guardiansofpower.com/viewtopic.php?t=442


^^ To every comment made by an Alb in this thread I answer you with a quote from The King and no I don't mean of Barfog Hills :p

'A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark'

Says it all really doesn't it?

j000 d000d

I know I'm just a silly person and a fucktard and shouldn't post anything, but....

If i see things like this:

WE TELL the unity commander that it is hugely defended...but the annswer coems - basically fo guck yrself..we have our own plans.


WTF unity...u blatantly tell us to go fuck ourselves 'coz we didnt plan with u'

It seems more like this is caused by the fact that if you hardly ever defend your own frontier they don't want to help you get any relics either because they will only get the trouble of taking back more keeps when you have relics while you are farming rps in emain......

If someone asks for help, and you don't help, you will get the finger when YOU need help.

And yes, I hardly ever (i dont say never) see a SotL or LoE when i defend a keep Hibs have captured in Alb.

People play this game how they want to, if you want to farm rps and don't help them when they ask then so be it, but they won't help you :)

Think about this as bad as you want, i'm probably wrong again anyway, but this is just what it looks like from the outside to me.

My 2cents.


Originally posted by vayasen
Jup(there I have finally named a name)...Jup.....u were given the details of both relics (hib hopelessly defended...mid ungaurded)....you decided not to help gfellow albs (could be understood if u had a raid...or were not together etc)....but u were fully organsied...and still chose to ignore other albs..and instead attacka fully defended relic....just to prove a crappy point about u not having 'to do what LOE says' (that is BS btw).

I did not make any decision based on any information we had. Yes you had told us there was a big hib zerg in emain (what's new? You guys bloody encourage it) although that's not quite as you describe it here, and the members of the chat group I was in all decided between them that we should still try. Will you please get this big fucking 'Jup thinks he is god of Albion' chip off your hopelessly overladen shoulders? I don't fucking run unity. No single person does. We agree amongst ourselves on a course of action. Admittedly, the views of the others are usually in accordance with my own, which is why we are all in like-minded guilds in the same alliance. Is that so very suprising? maybe the idea of having people agree decisions is alien to you. Maybe you run your guild with a fist of steel. If so, then good luck to you, but that is not the way I operate and nor will it ever be. If the chat group I was in decided to do what doesn't fit with your plans then bloody live with it and stop pissing me off.

Sorry- this comes down to somebody and his pwoer struggle in Albion.....

Hands up Guv'nor - it's all my fault!


Poeple slag loe/sotl off for not helping out...lets not forget...as soon as our relic died on door 1(50%)...we rushed out AFAP TO HELP UNITY ON POWER RELIC.

... and zerged straight in without coordinating with us.... stroke of political genius, I must say. I will make sure that unity rush every time you call in the future....:rolleyes:

Vayasen, please stop, I will talk to you ingame and I hope we can all work better in the future, but this crap doesn't get us anywhere.



Originally posted by vayasen

Turamber, get the facts then slag me off.

The most important fact in this thread is who started it, a phrase concerning dirty linen and public comes to mind :)


Originally posted by Generic Poster

P.S. Visit and Zogoroth do help with keep retakes... so leave them alone ;)

It's true, I'm sorry chaps. It must be very gratifying to the largest guild on Albion/Prydwen that they actually have 2 chaps who come help on retakes :)


Originally posted by Turamber

It's true, I'm sorry chaps. It must be very gratifying to the largest guild on Albion/Prydwen that they actually have 2 chaps who come help on retakes :)

I'm hurt :( , How many times have i stood beside you Tur on the route to Beno and yup I know the way to most of the keeps but still fall asleep on route to Ears :uhoh:

Far as the raids go hmm well it's time to move on they are so last week

Just remember Key to success is learning to Adapt to a situation.

Taroc Eagle Knight to the Realm
Breathing Helps Proud Warder of Lords of England

The Fifth Man

There's no point going over this hoary old chestnut again about cross-guild co-operation. Time to face facts. People are fighting three different types of war here.

1 For themselves : or for RPs. Go to Emain, and every night there are level 50 people there who don't know the way to Renaris, who have more RPs than your entire guild. A hell of a lot of them only leave Sauvage keep/Emain to visit Legion once a week. These people are far more interested in their own personal RP total than anything realm or guild-wide. They will have buffbots, swap accounts, give the game away on IRC, have alts on other realms on Prydwen and are closer to their counterparts in other realms than the rest of Albion. They basically play PvP.

2 For their Guilds : their aim is guild RPs, or guild drops. They compare their guilds to those on other realms or servers, and they want to be the biggest/best/most respected guild around. The classic example was early SoTL under Gideon. He set it up to be the supreme guild (as measured by RPs) on Prydwen and he did it. These types basically play GuildvGuild.

3 For their Realm : These are the people who generally keep their alts on Pryd/Alb or other servers because they feel loyal to "their" realm. They are motivated by relics and want their realm to be top dog. The Unity Alliance Guilds largely belong to this group, but there are non-Unity guilds who also do. These people play RealmvRealm.

You can categorize guilds for yourself. Every guild contains people from different factions, but some are more one end of the spectrum than others. There will never be an alliance which can effectively unite these three factions. There's no point in someone from the PvP or GuildvGuild factions coming to Barrysflame and bitching about why the RvR-types wouldn't instantly respond to their spur-of the moment decision to try and get RPs at relic keeps instead of Emain, any more than there's any point in the RvR-types coming here and bitching about yet another full pad of PvPers porting to Emain while Mids sit in Berkstead.

No point complaining. Just accept it. We're all playing different games here, and rather than try to arrange some artificial alliance which tries to combine the PvPers search for easy RPs with the RvRers search for relics, it'd be better for each group just to go about its business and stop bitching at each other.


I think Teador hit the nail on the head, whether subconsciously we feel it or not.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that an Albion keep (or 2) was being retaken by LOE yesterday. Surprised, but pleasantly so.


Originally posted by The Fifth Man
There's no point going over this hoary old chestnut again about cross-guild co-operation. Time to face facts. People are fighting three different types of war here.

1 For themselves : or for RPs. Go to Emain, and every night there are level 50 people there who don't know the way to Renaris, who have more RPs than your entire guild. A hell of a lot of them only leave Sauvage keep/Emain to visit Legion once a week. These people are far more interested in their own personal RP total than anything realm or guild-wide. They will have buffbots, swap accounts, give the game away on IRC, have alts on other realms on Prydwen and are closer to their counterparts in other realms than the rest of Albion. They basically play PvP.

2 For their Guilds : their aim is guild RPs, or guild drops. They compare their guilds to those on other realms or servers, and they want to be the biggest/best/most respected guild around. The classic example was early SoTL under Gideon. He set it up to be the supreme guild (as measured by RPs) on Prydwen and he did it. These types basically play GuildvGuild.

3 For their Realm : These are the people who generally keep their alts on Pryd/Alb or other servers because they feel loyal to "their" realm. They are motivated by relics and want their realm to be top dog. The Unity Alliance Guilds largely belong to this group, but there are non-Unity guilds who also do. These people play RealmvRealm.

4 People that usually generalise everything, mention false facts and forget people might have different motives to do what they prefer to do.


I was pleasantly surprised to hear that an Albion keep (or 2) was being retaken by LOE yesterday. Surprised, but pleasantly so.

Why? Name a time when i have been informed of a keep retake going on when i havent come to help, and supplied rams if i have them (which by the way are very hard for me to get being only able to carry 100 wood at a time).Most of the time you will see me running up and down sauvage rd to try to make sure the rd at least is clear.I spent most of saturday running back and forth to myrrdin to see if all was ok (yes i do know the way as i do round most of albion frontier).This endless 'if you're in LoE you are nothing more than rp whores who dont give a damn about the realm' is not only hurtfull, from those I considered to be friends, but untrue.I am in LoE but have never considered my self to be a rp whore, I was in PL and never considered myself to be someone with a huge chip on my shoulder who believed they were better than everyone else in the realm.Dont generalise everyone in a guild into one catagory just because you dont like the way some play the game.
<ushers the mids and hibs home>
we dont need you anymore we can fight just fine between ourselves,thank you.

I wonder if when duelling is introduced how many people will even bother leaving albion.


3) It is a known fact that unless there is more than 2fg of invaders in our back yard or an attempt on a relic, SOTL and LOE will NOT come help take back keeps. This is not a flame, it is the truth. I was told once that they felt it was beneath them.

Kyra, until you posted this, I had some respect for you, you just flushed it down the toilet.
How many times a week do we see TDS claiming a keep in our own frontier, upgrading the doors and the keep levels etc ?

FYI we regularly retake the keeps, we just dont post every single retake on BarryWhinge with a topic of "OMFG L33T W3 T00k A K33P". Get your facts straight please or stfu.

As for the relic raid, my internet access was off for 2 days (never listen to GReaper telling you Gentoo rocks :/ ) so wasn't there to witness it but, Im gonna stick my oar in anyway :)

OK, it's perfectly fine to say "sorry, we can't help you with your raid because we have one planned ourselves", however, I would have thought swapping those plans to take an undefended relic would have been wiser ?
Any plan that isnt flexible is doomed from the star.

Coming on BW and flaming does nothing for the realm, apart from undermine any work done to create a coherant force.
BOTH alliances have refused to help each other at times, and BOTH alliances moan about each other on here, certain people in both could use a little slapping

It would help us all if the alliance flames were kept off the forums, and kept in guildchat, posting crap on here isn't going to create an atmosphere of cooperation.
Next time Unity ask the LoE alliance for help, they will probably refuse & vice versa :/
With these attitudes, we're never going to take and defend a relic - as is proven over & over again.

For everyone else - if you have the enc CARRY A RAM to RvR.
Along with Roalith, I have been taking a ram when I play Fattus in RvR since we got RA's.
Several of SotL carry rams about, and for those tosspots out there that believe otherwise, MOST are used in our own frontier

Anyway, enough of this BS thread, flame me, stick a carrot up my backside & call me Dale, whatever, I wont be reading it again :p


Originally posted by old.Mitsu

About a week ago - I had to show a level 50, rr4 paladin from LoE... where Caer Berkstadt was...!!

Not a LoE flame.. fine guild. But some of their members sometimes forget whats on the other side of the Sauvage gate.

and today I have to learn Mitsu the right name of our alb keep :

Caer Berkstead



Kaitlyn, Visit, Zogoroth etc: I did not intend to hurt the individuals in LoE who I consider friends, or at the very least upstanding 'members of the realm'.

However, the fact remains. How often do you see 2 FGs+ of LoE retaking keeps in our own frontier?


Originally posted by Roalith
However, the fact remains. How often do you see 2 FGs+ of LoE retaking keeps in our own frontier?

and that matters because? you think the point of the game is to retake a keep as soon as its fallen?

if we're going to get like this:
how often do you see 1 fg of PL doing anything other than sitting on this forum whinging, let alone two.


Originally posted by Jenkz
how often do you see 1 fg of PL doing anything other than sitting on this forum whinging, let alone two.

Not as often as we'll see the Jenkz Whinge Machine in full throttle :D


I haven't seen any whinging from Jenkz... but I have seen plenty from PL.


Originally posted by old.Psi
I haven't seen any whinging from Jenkz... but I have seen plenty from PL.

In the thread started by LoE ... okaaaay...



i come back from uni and woah your all still at each others throats, aww its really quite saddening.

after chasing through a few threads it seems virtually nothings changed. the problems it seems is this:

Unity still aint chuffed with loe / sotl for leaving, and still some are a bit bitter

some inderviduals think loe / sotl are just out for the rp but feel its their right to slag them off for it as thats how they percieve they play.

loe / sotl feel isolated slighty? (not overly sure) but definatly irritated by recent actions of unity.

the fact of the matter ladies is....

stfu :)

this is how i play the game:

i like to beat the fuck out of monsters and ghouls more than i do other people in emain so i do more pve, for example id rather go and beat up something in DF and possibly have a minor skirmish with another group of mids then run about in emain.

this is how person a plays the game

i like to kill humans a lot more than i do monsters, so i leveled quickly with the sole intention of getting out there to go beat teh crap out of the mids and hibs.

this is how person b plays the game

i like both pve and pvp so i leveled slowish, but at the same time went to thidranki for a while to brush up my pvp skills then leveled slowly to 50 taking some time to learn a bit of pvp as i go along. now im 50 i do more pvp than pve, but i still enjoy both equaly.

this is how person c plays the game

i got a character to 50 and feel i wasn't happy with my char so i power leveled a second to 50 and now im doing well and am much happier.

now theres how many of you players? do you really think its fair to have a go at them for their playing style? if you slag off each other because they might be more rp focus'ed or have a bitch at alliance x for having more rules about using the chat then are you gonna make friends?

you should all be ashamed for treating each other like shit. this is last time i checked, not primary school so please for gods sake try and act like it. making snide comments about each other or airing your personal thoughts on a very public forum will not get albion anywhere.

so lets try and be more reasonable eh?

things like keep retakes, i mean get real, that sorta thing does NOT need to be brought up here, guilds do em when they feel like it from what i see, currently there is no relic to defend so theres no real rush to go all out mental when we are a couple of keeps down so theres no need to act like that on the forums either. and please, dont have a go at guild X for what they do, every guild is very different it seems with different goals, achievements, members and leaders.

so next time something big is gonna go down, or something last minute where you might need each others help, it would be nice if you showed some professionalism and tried to be a bit nicer to each other (this is NOT a go at anyone at all, its a note for the future) but rather work as a whole, rather that scattered bits :)

treat each other like you would want to be treated and you might turn the realm around, you can only hope when things are this bad.


Originally posted by Turamber

Not as often as we'll see the Jenkz Whinge Machine in full throttle :D

ah be quiet ram carrier wannabe :eek:

/cheer at myshie :D


you lot better be in a much better shape by the time i come back from uni again around easter otherwise im gonna bleedin lead a relic raid ;) and that IS a threat.

if anyone wants to know how good i am at running stuff, ask GoP about how good my dartmoor raids are, ah i could tell you some classic tales of mass death and destruction, missing v rare drops and anger management between guilds.


must stick oar in about players going to LoE

responce: stfu, last time i checked each person is an indervidual, i dont tell you which guilds to be in, neither should you. if i was offered a place in another guild i wouldn't even consider the offer, im very very happy with gop bless em, they are the best bunch of guildies i could ask for. now i bet sotl members say the same about sotl, and loe about loe. why is this? CAUSE THEY SHARE SIMILAR GOALS! dont have a fucking go at them for petty reasons, fuck me if i wasn't happy with gop id leave, i dunno who'd take me with my loud mouth but id leave. if your not happy in your job do you stick with it? no, same applies. now quit you bitching kiddies, theres nothing to discuss in the matter.

Sarum TheBlack

:flame: <-- A flame for Mysh, because I said I would.


reading some of this really does disapoint me and make me wonder why i havnt already left the game or just swapped realms due to an already high lack of enjoyment in this realm. ok, so something doesnt go to plan, you talk about it and learn from your mistakes, but wtf is the point in bitching at each other about it and throwing insults? whats done is done, an oppertunity miss, so next time we wont miss it again, having a go at each other and moaning wont change that! seriously, games are most enjoyable when you get the buzz of winning, or at least being in the lead right (please, try to remember that that is what this is, a game)? so why no actually try and work for it instead of bitching and moaning and causing more hate across an already corrupt and hatefilled realm? im currently in my 4th guild, LoE, and so far i have only left one of them because i genuinly wanted to move on, not due to attitudes, dispute and genral bitching (miss ya Shadow Brothers :)). if the whole realm is like this then i can definatly see why so many people leave albion for other realms, or just leave for good. its geting boring folks. lets take back what is ours!


Originally posted by Turamber
Personally I'm pleased to be in an alliance where the leader's don't make arses of themselves on a public forum :rolleyes:
Maybe your leader's don't make arses of themselves Turamber, but you've just shown that your members do.


dont bother reading the whole thread, but the most effecient and fast relic raids ive been on was the ones where we just hurried some rams together and sent some msg'es to pl/th30/aldur alliance and they got what ppl they could and we all went to relic in the matter of just maybe30min

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