Unity Alliance



I dont like coming here to moan....here goes tho.

I wont be comingback here for an arguement here..im posting my opinion..and that is that for this thread and me.

Saturday night.. LOE/SOTL kill legion. Then decide to attack Hib power relic. We encounter HEAVY Hib resistance around Crimm. HEAVY mids forces are also in North emain.

We decide to die..../release.....port to Midgard to recon possibly raid on Str Relic. AT THIS POINT....UNITY ARE CONTACTED FOR POSSIBLE RAID. After recon of AMG...a few mid stealthers are depsatched and the whoel LOE/SOTL + a few t30 zerg passes unotitced.

UNITY ASKED AGAIN FOR HELP in a GREAT opportunity to have a go at the relic (dont forget the huge hib/mid zerg biting bits off each other in emain.

I have just read a transcript of the chatlog where certain UNITY commanders tell certain LOE people that unity are sick of having to come to LOEs aid...adn thus will go attack hib pwoer relic. WE TELL the unity commander that it is hugely defended...but the annswer coems - basically fo guck yrself..we have our own plans.

WTH. Taking an ideal oppotunity in the field we moved on Mid STR.....but apparently everyhting that unity does needs days notice. So regardless fo our warnign that it is heavilly defended...they ignore us in midgard and pres on to Hib power.

LOE/SOTL die on door 1 (50% damaged...not a mid in sight)...we release nad port to emain....to help unity at power. We arrive at power to find WE ARE 1st TO THE RELIC..unity still way behind us.

WTF unity...u blatantly tell us to go fuck ourselves 'coz we didnt plan with u' (cough....we didnt plan it ourselves..we took advantage of the mmeadiate situation...and U WERE MORE THAN CAPABLE OF AIDING....but once again this inferiority complex u have lost us a str relic or two.

Get yr god damn heads our of yr arses and stop being so nitt picky over thsi fuckign alliance issue. You know damn well you should have coem to help us(just as we still sped off to help u at power(even though our spies told us it was folly).

Srot yrselves out and stop all this hassle about 'well im not helping loe/sotl co zthey just 'toldus to come help'

Until u grow up and stop this inferiority complex...it will remain a realm diveded.

Some peoepl talk days to sort out r arelic raid...some peoepl seek opportunities to move into a frintier where not many enemy are..........go work it out.

Rant over...say what you want. Im off to bed.


Originally posted by vayasen
I have just read a transcript of the chatlog where certain UNITY commanders tell certain LOE people that unity are sick of having to come to LOEs aid...adn thus will go attack hib pwoer relic. WE TELL the unity commander that it is hugely defended...but the annswer coems - basically fo guck yrself..we have our own plans.

I been busy last 2 days so don't know, but does that mean that Unity had a planned relic raid on Hibernia, and you had an spur of the moment (which can be good sometimes ;) ) raid going to Hibernia, and then swopping to Midgard when wipeout in Hibernia?

Then when you ask to go for Midgard relic they decide to carry on with Hibernia one?

Generic Poster

So you wanted some help and didn't get it... what's the big deal?

Would you drop your plans for the evening, to go and help another alliance?

but apparently everyhting that unity does needs days notice.

I've seen a couple of LoE's spontaneous Relic-Raid zergs. I'm rather dubious of any future raid, which gives us 5minutes to prepare.

- Get to Mjol, zrrg the keep with 100 people while your guilds go farm at the bk and the rest get wiped by uber-guards.

- Dagda: Surprising we took the staff at all, what, with little mention of rams, which needed to be picked up after we started hitting the doors!

Are you surprised that people now want at least one-hours notice when you call for a relic-raid?

Saying "COME HERE NOW! Or you're ignorant fuckwits who don't give a shit about the realm" -just won't do.


great guys... look what a bit of communication problems can do

loe and sotl should have been informed that we were organising.
I dont really know how you got the idea you wanted to stage a raid while the rest of albion were defending our relic and bashing keep doors, but hell relic raiding is much more fun than running around in our own frontier taking boring undefended keeps.

so both raids failed cause of lack of communication and some people not willing to listen. Im even suprised LoE and Sotl showed up to help unity at our raid so that was big of you actually.

this aint only Unitys fault

this is a problem, and a problem that effects us all.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by old.Isos
loe and sotl should have been informed that we were organising.

I'm sure there's a valid reason behind that somewhere... but it's completely escaped me. Would you care to enlighten us?


nice post that will bring alb together.

how old is that 6 months ?

well done.


I'm trying to make a point here. It's not just Unity that have our 'heads stuck up our arses', to borrow a phrase.

Take our own frontier retakes, for example. Now, I might not get out and RvR much currently, but when I do I only leave our frontier if all of Albion's keeps are in our possession.

I would like to know one member of Lords of England who do that.


most of us are fighting in rvr while u have ur needle and cotton up ur arse

check our rps m8 before u say daft things


Considering we had rams ready in Odins, but was just lacking some people to help keep the guard spawn under control - it was a shame this opportunity was missed.

50% of the first relic door was damaged, there was no sight of any mids. We could've done a lot more damage to those doors with more people to handle the guards. SotL/LoE took the opportunity to take an undefended relic keep in Midgard, while Unity was busy planning an attack on a well defended power relic keep.

Next time theres a chance to attack an undefended relic keep, take it.


Originally posted by scarlin
most of us are fighting in rvr while u have ur needle and cotton up ur arse

check our rps m8 before u say daft things


Lots of time spent in Emain = lots of RPs. Your point?


How much of those RPs have been earned during relic attempts Scar? Looking at RPs doesn't prove much.

Ouro, aye possibly could have been done, but perhaps half of the force already ported to hibernia, some people ready to attack? I would think it be as easy to change targets with a small alliance than a large alliance with many guilds.


Communication is the Key

Cant you see what Vay was trying to point out? Whether or not it didnt have much notice, reports from many albs dead said there was a huge hib zerg movement.. If u cant see that it would be plain DUMB to attempt a relic raid in these conditions - Planned a day in advance or 2 weeks in advance it matters not.

The point is that adapting to mid was the only sensiable idea, seems that Unity are a Tad bitter and would rather carry out a suicide relic raid than a raid which "alb as a whole" <If ever there can be a day> might pull off.

Mids and Hibs can organise them selves ok, so why does albion have to be nit picking with each other?

Too many ppl have too much pride and much of an attitude towards fellow albs, and the various alliances.

And yet again we have no relics again, a 2:45 am raid saw the power relic off.

So why arent the guild leaders willing to put there Pride, past issues and bitterness behind them. We need at least 1 alliance we can call our own, of sizable force and with representives from each guild who are willing to co-operate with each other for the good of albion.

I want to see the day when the biggest and strongest guilds in albion can, unite and save albion from this pettyness.


You (and I) don't know that the raids went opposite ways just due to bitterness. There could be other reasons (looks at other post), remember we are just gamers not military brains and soldiers instantly ready for action.


roalith(i think)

dont want to put u down,
but think i might have too.
who are u ? dont know u ?

ask ur guildies how keen i was on rvr., many months ago as lairds warlord.

while u were sewing panties i was helpin to get relics from day 1 in this game.

cant think of any other armsman that has plonked a relic down(maybe wrong thou)

i feel ive played with alot of the best players on albion (pryd) over the whole time its been here.
just feel sorry that we cant all just be as one.

but i wont take critisim from a fookin numpty, know it all crafter thou, no matter what.

get a life and make me so silky knickers u fool


You're talking to the man that carries his own complete rams to raids regularly Scar. I think you need to take lessons from him sorry :p


lol aye ok, that makes all the difference.

(mental note, need too carry rams)


(mental note, help to get relics as this will make you cool like scar)



I may be a crafter, but that doesn't stop me from RvRing. I'm about 450 points off RR3, in fact.

And I'm not even level 50.

Having said that, I don't RvR a lot. As a matter of fact, between turning diamond seals into cash, gradually working towards lvl 50, raising my armourcraft, crafting full sets of equipment for newbies/alts, crafting armour for people, and running around our own frontier retaking our own keeps (instead of zerging emain), I do very little 'RvR' (which in your book appears to fall under the previous mentioned area, vis. Emain).

As Thorn said, I carry a ram myself on a raid, wherever and whenever we go. I was one of the first people in Albion doing this.

Also, if you'd look a little more closely, or knew fuck all about tradeskills, you'd notice that I am capable of crafting all ram parts myself.

Yes, you don't need a merchant keep to get rams!

With Laird's relic raid weekend, in fact (where we took the Hibernian strength relic), I spent around 20-25 hours crafting rams for Phoenix Legion and other guilds.

I'm not a know it all. I'll freely admit that there are RvR situations I would handle very differently from you. I've spent less time in Emain, and am less worn down by the ceaseless RP grind. For example, if I was leading a team taking an undefended keep, and got asked to support another team working on a defended keep, I would take my own force and help the others - then clear up at the undefended keep afterwards, as necessary. Helping your realm mates is in my honest opinion more important than "not giving away RP" and avoiding a 10 minute trip back.

On the other hand, I may not know it all but I do know a fair bit. Don't try to tell me I don't.


Originally posted by scarlin
most of us are fighting in rvr while u have ur needle and cotton up ur arse

check our rps m8 before u say daft things


About a week ago - I had to show a level 50, rr4 paladin from LoE... where Caer Berkstadt was...!!

Not a LoE flame.. fine guild. But some of their members sometimes forget whats on the other side of the Sauvage gate.


Sorry but this thread is sad. Far from trying to work together we shout and slag each other.

I know someone is going to come up with some smart comment or whatever, but I challenge someone to give me a SENSIBLE SERIOUS reason as to why albion doesnt work together. No - people are rp whores, because i dont see that to be frank.

I care not about realm points, but, I do care about having relics so I have an advantage when I rvr, which, after all is what its all about really.

I have no affiliation to ANY guild/alliance, so anyone, tell me, seriously WHY dont we work together?

Not a rant, a question :)


Personal view is that, even though alot of people post here posting questions stating they/guild dont have elitist attitudes, help out yada yada, they really need to take a look at what others do to help the realm and not just your own little gaming world.

Sorry to scar for this, but mate, you really need to see what your saying. Another post your stating why cant we come together, and are we too uber to join one alliance?

Yet here your putting others down because you yourself either havent seen them about much, or there of little importance to you.

If you were ever on any early morning keep re-takes you would know that roalith is one of the more upstanding members of the realm, helping out with the skeleton staff all willing to help albion miraculously have df yet again in the mornings!

Cant count the ammount of times i have seen a full pad of alb dissapear into nothingness when we have half or less keeps just outside our portal keep.

It is about rp-whores, has gone from being a game, to being something completely different.


Seems like a lot of albs are more interested in finding flaws on eachother than to work together.
Making witty comments or flaming wildly is a lot more fun than to actually trying to do something constructive? :p
Think people need to talk more,not go off flaming here on BW or someplace else.


seems the uber albs ( those that moves with the zerg and camp mg's ) are to fine to coop with the rp-whores...

no1 would be more glad then me if we could just ignore eachothers....

please I beg you GM's, dont make us uber RP-Whores coop with the PvE/zergcamp-Whores.

I bet it's our fault the relic are gone again aswell.....


Hmmm some very interesting points but I will try to answer as much from the TDS standpoint that I can.

I was not aware of what was going on in Emain as I was too busy trying to defend Beno. Then Eras fell, etc. Throw into that, 2fg of Mids going around trying to stop any Albs trying to stop the Hibs. (*Cough* again, cross-realm cooperation?) Yes, we had a relic raid planned and that is why we didn't drop everything to come help. Perhaps some of you think this is selfish but please think this one thru. Here are the facts:

1) Many of us need more than 5 minutes notice to drop what we are doing to help. Some of us like to know what is going on and be able to plan instead of just run around like headless chickens, hoping for the best. Plus asking instead of ordering people about will get you a much more favorable response, I assure you.

2) While our keeps were falling and our power relic was on the verge of an attack, a /who lords showed most of them still in Hibernia. (tsk tsk... how many times have I heard you yell to the RR troops to go /anon?)

3) It is a known fact that unless there is more than 2fg of invaders in our back yard or an attempt on a relic, SOTL and LOE will NOT come help take back keeps. This is not a flame, it is the truth. I was told once that they felt it was beneath them.

I do not know what was said between Vayasen and other Unity members, but that is nothing new. It is very rare that any of the officers outside of PL are contacted and yet many of the guilds still have the same people in charge for over a few months.

Yes I do agree that we need to work together. That is why those in the loe/sotl alliance have access to the Unity forum, so that we can share information. Yes I understand the concern over spies, but many of the leaders of our fine guilds have been in place long enough to prove their loyalty and discrection. And yet the information sharing has mostly been onesided. So, no for once we didn't contact them and let them know ahead of time what our plans were. TBH, the only time we are contacted by them is when they are in trouble and want our help...at least that is how it seems to many of us. That seems mean and unfair, but it is true. What if my guild decided we were done with doing the grunt work of the realm, constantly doing keep checks and taking back keeps that the invaders have taken over. More and more I am seeing this attitude, not that I blame them. Eventually we will have no keeps and still no relics but we will be all running around Emain.

If you want cooperation, it must be from both sides. When was the last time Unity tried to have a meeting to work out these problems? Last time that happened, SOTL and LOE left after flinging insults. When have they (SOTL & LOE) organized a meeting for all gm's of the realm? Never. When Eternal Circle was still an alliance, how many times did we try to have realm wide meetings? I can think of at least 2 and neither time did any representatives come to share their ideas. You say you want cooperation, fine. But first it must start with you guys. We are supposed to be equal... that means you treat people with respect, not talk down to them.


Originally posted by scarlin
roalith(i think)
while u were sewing panties i was helpin to get relics from day 1 in this game.

I know i dont have a say in any of this and im not welcome in ur fancy guilds.

But coments like thise wont help you achive anything.

Just my opinion now start :flame: flaming :flame: me for it...


Originally posted by minstrel_kyra
It is a known fact that unless there is more than 2fg of invaders in our back yard or an attempt on a relic, SOTL and LOE will NOT come help take back keeps. This is not a flame, it is the truth. I was told once that they felt it was beneath them.

Its a known fact that Kyra actually is a 60 year old bloke. This is not a flame, its the truth, I was told once he/she felt like pretending to be a woman over the internet.

Yes, I realize a comment like this makes me look stupid, but at least I hope you realize your comments make you look stupid aswell.

"I was told once that yadda yadda, so it's the truth!" :sleeping:


Originally posted by Roalith
Take our own frontier retakes, for example. Now, I might not get out and RvR much currently, but when I do I only leave our frontier if all of Albion's keeps are in our possession.

I would like to know one member of Lords of England who do that.

Me, and I'm not the only one.

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