United States Corrupt Twattery


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Well yes, but did the people of Stoke really know what they were voting for?
I've met quite a lot of people from Stoke over the course of my 43 years and in every single case, bar none, and with utter seriousness, I've never met a single one who I could confidently say was able to read properly.

Outside of Merthyr Tydfil Stoke is the biggest hole I've ever been to. It's more the people than the place (which is "meh"). And I lived in Bradford ffs :eek:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The left are just as guilty for fake news as the right. Politics has never been more about perception than it is at the moment.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The left are just as guilty for fake news as the right.
Disagree completely tbh. The vast majority of the news push and perception is right-wing. It's partly responsible for the massive swing in the EU and US to the right and the rise of right-wing populism.

Left wing populism just isn't funded in the same way as the right-wing stuff because the right-wing populism generally benefits vested interests. Therefore the left hasn't got the machinery of misinformation that the right has.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I've met quite a lot of people from Stoke over the course of my 43 years and in every single case, bar none, and with utter seriousness, I've never met a single one who I could confidently say was able to read properly.

Outside of Merthyr Tydfil Stoke is the biggest hole I've ever been to. It's more the people than the place (which is "meh"). And I lived in Bradford ffs :eek:

Hmm. I shared your thoughts with the other half, who is from a small village 5 miles South of Stoke, has a large amount of Stokies in the family (and some Scousers for that matter) and many Stokie friends. She took one look at your username and wondered exactly what position you were in to talk?

Ah good old Scouse. The chap who can even start an argument with someone who isn't even in the forum.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I've met quite a lot of people from Stoke over the course of my 43 years and in every single case, bar none, and with utter seriousness, I've never met a single one who I could confidently say was able to read properly.

Outside of Merthyr Tydfil Stoke is the biggest hole I've ever been to. It's more the people than the place (which is "meh"). And I lived in Bradford ffs :eek:
Literally sat in Bradford now. It's surprisingly sunny.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Disagree completely tbh. The vast majority of the news push and perception is right-wing. It's partly responsible for the massive swing in the EU and US to the right and the rise of right-wing populism.

Left wing populism just isn't funded in the same way as the right-wing stuff because the right-wing populism generally benefits vested interests. Therefore the left hasn't got the machinery of misinformation that the right has.
Partly disagree. The Kremlin is the biggest pusher at the moment and is willing to play both sides.

There has for a long time been efforts by large corporate interests to create fake consumer groups and advocacy groups to spin the media its true but that's more playing the existing media than creating a whole new set of propaganda outlets.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Oh and also. The Canary? Serious outlet or a group of clueless nobheads?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Disagree completely tbh. The vast majority of the news push and perception is right-wing. It's partly responsible for the massive swing in the EU and US to the right and the rise of right-wing populism.

Left wing populism just isn't funded in the same way as the right-wing stuff because the right-wing populism generally benefits vested interests. Therefore the left hasn't got the machinery of misinformation that the right has.

Absolute horseshit - both sides are just as bad as each other. Even the left's poster boy, Mr Jones has been caught at it:

Owen Jones turns to fake news to endear himself to the Left | Coffee House

And that's without even getting started on some of the shockingly bad reporting around Mr Trump

This fake story made me feel sympathy for Donald Trump | Coffee House

In fact the whole hysteria around Trump (and there is no better word for it) reminds me an awful lot of the Tea Party hysteria around Obama when he first got in, swap Russian Influence for Kenyan Muslim, both threatening the US way of life (apparently) - it sounded nonsense then, and frankly, it sounds nonsense now. It's just the other side of the coin waving their arms and screaming this time round.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Oh and also. The Canary? Serious outlet or a group of clueless nobheads?
Although I suppose it's hard not to come across as clueless nobheads when you are supporting a clueless nobhead who couldn't oppose his way out of a paper bag :/


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Oh and also. The Canary? Serious outlet or a group of clueless nobheads?

Pretty much the Left's Infowars isn't it? I'd say Breitbart, but people actually read Breitbart.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
She took one look at your username and judged everything from that.
Typical tbh.

My observations were made from meeting real people. Not a forum name I had chosen for me by my mates when I joined Barrysworld in 1996 :)

Edit: I often use El Gringo. Does that mean she'd think I was archetypal spanish?
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The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I didn't post that Sweden had increased crime, in fact I posted the fact that the figures showing it hasn't do not reflect a society being ripped apart by mass migration, ghettos on that scale in a country with 10 million people is a recipe for disaster, Swedish academics are resigned to a country that is going to be entirely muslim by 2050
Is it to much for me to be horrified by that, does liberalism remove every scrap of culture and history, is it simply bang out sprogs till you own everything.
Anyway, it wont happen, because between now and then there will be the mother of all wars.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Typical tbh.

My observations were made from meeting real people. Not a forum name I had chosen for me by my mates when I joined Barrysworld in 1996 :)

Edit: I often use El Gringo. Does that mean she'd think I was archetypal spanish?

So were hers. Can't think why she'd be upset at you calling a place very close to her heart a horrible place full of horrible people though. Not in the slightest.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Swedish academics are resigned to a country that is going to be entirely muslim by 2050

Really @Job? Really? Entirely muslim by 2050?


Wow. Evidence please. No bullshit - direct link to actual evidence.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Can't think why she'd be upset at you calling a place very close to her heart a horrible place full of horrible people though.
Meh. She should be less touchy. All I did was accurately report my observations.

And she wouldn't have been upset if you hadn't shown her my post. Way to go future hubbie :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Havent seen any evidence for the 2050 claim but have seen it repeated by many right wingers


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Absolute horseshit - both sides are just as bad as each other. Even the left's poster boy, Mr Jones has been caught at it:

Owen Jones turns to fake news to endear himself to the Left | Coffee House

And that's without even getting started on some of the shockingly bad reporting around Mr Trump

This fake story made me feel sympathy for Donald Trump | Coffee House

In fact the whole hysteria around Trump (and there is no better word for it) reminds me an awful lot of the Tea Party hysteria around Obama when he first got in, swap Russian Influence for Kenyan Muslim, both threatening the US way of life (apparently) - it sounded nonsense then, and frankly, it sounds nonsense now. It's just the other side of the coin waving their arms and screaming this time round.
I don't think that story is directly comparable to Trumps inauguration crowds. Trump still insists he was correct despite the evidence and gets Federal employees to lie to that effect. The Hill at least published a half-arsed correction and aren't calling the rest of the world liars who will be held to account.

Also Russian Influence vs Kenyan Muslim. There's a lot more evidence for the former already and more will come. There's even been a prosecution of Trump Casinos (see above) and the loss of a National Sec Advisor already. All the intelligence agencies thought Russiaintervened in the election and most thought it was to help Trump. Not the same at all.
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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
More figures from Sweden around rape and Nigel Farage's claims.
  • The claim referring to the number of refugees is certainly true.
  • Sweden has been one of the biggest recipients of refugees in the EU
  • Sweden had over 162,000 asylum applications or 1,667 asylum seekers for every 100,000 citizens
  • During 2015, the year in which Sweden took the largest number of asylum seekers, the number of reported sex crimes and rapes actually decreased by 11% and 12% respectively compared with 2014
So. Fuckloads more migrants. Less sex crime.

Farage lying again. Go figure.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Strange, but if you read some of the more balanced accounts of what's going on in Sweden (like The Spectator article I posted a few pages back), you can also see that a large amount of what's going on, especially within the camps themselves, is going unreported/unrecorded, as the Swedish system just doesn't know how to cope with it.

As I said I'd hardly call Sweden's humanitarian mission a mistake - in fact the only true criticism I'd level at Sweden is that they've left the refugees to make their own way to Sweden, rather than going to get them as we did - but to say it hasn't caused issues that weren't there before is blatantly nonsense. However rather than using it as an excuse to shut the door to them, it should be used as a sign that the process needs to be managed better than it currently is.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Triple post!

Damn this thread. I've run out of free article on The Spectator now, I'm going to have to bloody pay for it!



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Strange, but if you read some of the more balanced accounts of what's going on in Sweden
You mean the article I posted that showed sexual assaults going down despite massive influx of migrants?

Nobody is saying that migrants don't come with a set of problems. However, there are quite a lot of people being massive drama queens about it.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
'cause it's clearly bullshit. Come on @Job...
It was a prediction by some Swedish academic, based on birth rates, white flight and resultant increases in migration, using guesstimates , he was basically saying, once the muslim pop reaches a critical mass, evidence shows white people restrict families or emigrate.
I say white people because thats what we're talking about here.
Years ago stories of a majority non white pop of London were scoffed at, no one allowed for white flight.
Native Swedes will start to abandon their country...because..you know.cults.
Of course I can't fuckin find it again..but wirking on it.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You have to be honest with yourself, problems arise in life all the time..wars, bad society health, debt.
The thing that jars is even if they stop having kids, we did it to ourselves..that will be our epitaph, died at their own hand.

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