United States Corrupt Twattery


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes yes..I know youve been conditioned to your response.
But just try for once to listen to the otherside.
Its perfectly reasonable to ask what next
What do they actually want, apart from idiotic end of family and social structures/ capitalism/police...etc.

What do they want white people to do, assuming that its all white people fault and no other race is involved.
They dont seem clear because we dont even know who 'they' are, certainly a large percentage of black people dont support them., just like most white people dont support white activist groups.
Black people do not need a violent thief and drug addict who committed suicide by drugs overdose as their hero.

I mean do they?

Its become an increxibly toxic standoff with pracrically no one showing their true hand while the people with real passion for peaceful change have been sidelined.
The media has decided to side with blm because at the moment they can hurt them the most, non of this is reality and full page adverts in every paper by itv supporting blm and diversity dance group.
Are we supposed to believe this in anyway relates to heartbeat of the nation or simply a virtue signalling marketing exercise for a media under threat of extinction.

Your response..Katie bad.
Not interested in anything but what Im told to think.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Yes yes..I know youve been conditioned to your response.
But just try for once to listen to the otherside.
Its perfectly reasonable to ask what next
What do they actually want, apart from idiotic end of family and social structures/ capitalism/police...etc.

What do they want white people to do, assuming that its all white people fault and no other race is involved.
They dont seem clear because we dont even know who 'they' are, certainly a large percentage of black people dont support them., just like most white people dont support white activist groups.
Black people do not need a violent thief and drug addict who committed suicide by drugs overdose as their hero.

I mean do they?

Its become an increxibly toxic standoff with pracrically no one showing their true hand while the people with real passion for peaceful change have been sidelined.
The media has decided to side with blm because at the moment they can hurt them the most, non of this is reality and full page adverts in every paper by itv supporting blm and diversity dance group.
Are we supposed to believe this in anyway relates to heartbeat of the nation or simply a virtue signalling marketing exercise for a media under threat of extinction.

Your response..Katie bad.
Not interested in anything but what Im told to think.

Only you would think very clear institutional racism in America is a non issue, but then seeing a trickle of immigrants coming to the UK as a massive issue.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
From CNN:

President Trump, while announcing that he's nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, urged Democrats to grant her a "respectful and dignified" hearing.

"I urge all members of the other side of the aisle to provide Judge Barrett with the respectful and dignified hearing that she deserves, and frankly that our country deserves," Trump said while speaking from the White House. "I urge lawmakers and members of the media to refrain from personal or partisan attacks. The stakes for our country are incredibly high."
The battle of the Supreme Court vacancy has shaped the 2020 election in the past week. Many Democrats have said the seat should not be filled before the election, while Republicans in the Senate are moving to confirm Trump's nominee before Election Day.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
No that would be TELLING everyone you want to end democracy, capitalism and defund the police while looting , murdering and burning mostly in democrat run cities.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Telling everyone you want to end democracy by refusing to commit to honouring an election result, you mean?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Did you bother to context Trumps statement

The whole thing will go to the courts because already a democrat biased worker has ditched military postal votes.

This has always happened but this election will be a turning point in reducing voting/electing to a court room experience.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Did you bother to context Trumps statement
Which bit? The bit where he whined about mail-in ballots being a disaster? They're not a disaster, he just knows that the more people who are allowed to vote, the worse it'll be for him. That's another example - do you think the President installing one of his donors as the head of the USPS and then having him cripple it as hard and fast as possible to prevent as many people as possible being able to vote by post is a good thing or a bad thing, democratically speaking? Do you know that Trump himself votes by post?

What context exactly are you referring to?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Breaking news on Twitter it seems...

Its quite unintresting actually, but when you add in the fact the NYT wont reveal the documents they have or the sources.

On par with another scandal book.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Its quite unintresting actually, but when you add in the fact the NYT wont reveal the documents they have or the sources.

On par with another scandal book.

Why is it uninteresting?

Surely if you have a President that was elected on the platform that he was a succesful businessman but then it turns out he was actually an unsuccessful businessman surely that would suggest he actually has not got the skills to run the country like a business?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Why is it uninteresting?

Surely if you have a President that was elected on the platform that he was a succesful businessman but then it turns out he was actually an unsuccessful businessman surely that would suggest he actually has not got the skills to run the country like a business?

I don't think its much of a smoking gun, it just shows what his detractors have suspected for a long time, and brought in to open that hes either useless or a fraud, neither of which his supporters will hear about because anything that isnt positive will be dismissed as "orangeman bad fake news"

I mean just look at the response above yours


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
For starters.
This is not his tax return documents.
Its a list in a paper that claims to be his tax returns.
They wont show the documents or reveal how they got them.

Its not interesting, because Trump has bragged over and over again that he doesnt pay taxes.

Just like every bombshell disclosure, his detractors are treating it as the truth without a shred of evidence, regardless, if they are true and theres nothing there that looks unlikely.
At the end of the day people will decide if taking a knee to marxists is worse or better than legally avoiding taxes.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
For starters.
This is not his tax return documents.
Its a list in a paper that claims to be his tax returns.
They wont show the documents or reveal how they got them.

Its not interesting, because Trump has bragged over and over again that he doesnt pay taxes.

Just like every bombshell disclosure, his detractors are treating it as the truth without a shred of evidence, regardless, if they are true and theres nothing there that looks unlikely.
At the end of the day people will decide if taking a knee to marxists is worse or better than legally avoiding taxes.

Ooo Marxists he said it again.



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Harris is undoubtedly ahead going into the debates.
But lets just remember this.

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