United States Corrupt Twattery


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Don't worry as the president of the most powerful country on earth he clearly didn't mean exactly what he said, which is always a useful attribute to have in such a position.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
President Donald Trump has said that his comments suggesting disinfectants could help treat coronavirus were "sarcastic".

During a signing for a new coronavirus aid bill on Friday, Trump said that he "was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen".
He was looking directly at the head of the CDC (or Birx, one or the other) when he said it...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003

Lol - fuck off.
There was already a press release from The White House earlier saying that his words were taken out of context and fake news and blah blah blah. They should really pick a bullshit excuse and stick with it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The pussy just walked out of the task force update without taking any questions.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
What with the disinfectant nonsense and this...

... he could probably see what the questions were going to be about. He owes the Chinese government millions and millions of dollars.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
So you have to look at yourselves and ask who actually making things up here.

Did he say inject bleach?

Did he say inject dettol?

No...that was completely invented by the media who have then gone on to complain that telling people to inject bleach is dangerous.
I dont five a fuck about Trump, I just tire of the mob inventing their own outrage and then once its become the accepted truth, they use it as evidence in their own kangeroo court


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
So you have to look at yourselves and ask who actually making things up here.

Did he say inject bleach?

Did he say inject dettol?

No...that was completely invented by the media who have then gone on to complain that telling people to inject bleach is dangerous.
I dont five a fuck about Trump, I just tire of the mob inventing their own outrage and then once its become the accepted truth, they use it as evidence in their own kangeroo court
So - what do you think he was saying then?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
He was mumbling on about disinfecting the blood and using light...which is a perfectly reasonable process in many situations for various diseases.
It was a tiny end part of a long session....completely innapropriate for a president, but would have been edited out and dumped for anyone else.

The half of the US who hates the media simply entrench their views that the establishment is out to get them.
Your outrage feeds the beast.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I felt compelled to log in and chime in.

Disclaimer: Trump is a deranged fudturd who speaks in moronic nonsensical word-salads, no question.

However, I watched the press conference start to finish that night and Job is sort of correct. The media, and social media, went into a massively emotive frenzy stating "zomfg Trump told people to inject themselves with disinfectant!" which is absolutely not what said. Furthermore, during the Q&A with the press it was explicitly asked "there's no scenario that could be injected into a person is there?" to which the person said (forgotten his name) "no, I'm here to talk about the findings we did in the study" and then Trump goes onto clarify "not by injection" and "sterilisation of an area". None of this clarification asked directly by the media filtered through to the headlines or social media outlets that I read. They chose to run the inaccurate "INJECT BLEACH" narrative which was frankly bullshit. A more accurate way to present this through media outlets should have been "Trump makes gaff about injecting bleach, later clarified that's not what was meant". The media are just as bad as Trump.

Source -
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu60uj0_-Nw&t=1839s
(29 minutes onwards)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Not sure how people are defending what he said or trying to repurpose what he said. I watched the whole thing too, at 26 minutes into that video he suggested they should look into disinfectants, "is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside". Redfield (CDC chap) said that injecting disinfectants was nonsense and then Trump tried to backpedal - he still talked about "sterilisation of an area" though, which is what... rubbing it on your skin?

The next day he said he was being sarcastic, a couple of hours after the White House had whined about the media taking his words out of context.

End of the day, he's the President, he shouldn't be standing there in a COVID-19 task force update riffing about potential solutions. It's at the least unconstructive and at the worst seriously dangerous. People mock that couple who took fish tank cleaner because it contained hydroxychloroquine but they did that as a direct result of their President recommending it.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Not sure how people are defending what he said or trying to repurpose what he said.

I'm not defending what he said, I'm attacking the media's irresponsible response that sparked the outrage. If the media has chosen to report all the facts in context including "what he said" further on the in press conference then this whole drama would have been just another Trumpism. Instead I'm still reading woefully misinformed social media libtards spout absolute lies that "Trump told people to inject bleach" which, again, is completely false.

End of the day, he's the President, he shouldn't be standing there in a COVID-19 task force update riffing about potential solutions. It's at the least unconstructive and at the worst seriously dangerous. People mock that couple who took fish tank cleaner because it contained hydroxychloroquine but they did that as a direct result of their President recommending it.

If grown, thinking adults need to be protected from their own stupidity then we've got a bigger problem going on.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Consistent cherry picking, warping of conclusions and outright invented lies.

Thats the media.
Its doing it right in front of our faces and those who like to hear the distorted facts have created a world where the truth is only spoken when it suits and only spoken by satan when it doesnt.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Big G above has to back pedal that hes not agreeing with me when he quite clearly is because the facts are right there.

Im mean right there in open view and such is the power of the mob that black is white.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm not defending what he said, I'm attacking the media's irresponsible response that sparked the outrage. If the media has chosen to report all the facts in context including "what he said" further on the in press conference then this whole drama would have been just another Trumpism. Instead I'm still reading woefully misinformed social media libtards spout absolute lies that "Trump told people to inject bleach" which, again, is completely false.

If grown, thinking adults need to be protected from their own stupidity then we've got a bigger problem going on.
He sparked the outrage by using the words "inject" and "disinfectants" in the same breath. Everything I saw the next day was talking about how legitimately lethal that is and to not do it. He suggested that they should look into it as a treatment which, speaking as the President, gives it weight among huge swathes of the population of the US.

I do see your point about it being amplified by the media but he said it, the media and the science community needed to come out and say "don't fucking do that, it'll kill you". Even if he mumbled a correction a few minutes later (when he wasn't even at the podium), why not assert that correction the next day when he had a chance to fully explain what he meant rather than saying "lol I was being sarcastic suckers".

And like I said, you can mock the people (it was after all fucking stupid - it said on the packaging not to ingest it ffs) but go 100 miles in from either coast and the average IQ tumbles. These people believe what he says.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
why not assert that correction the next day when he had a chance to fully explain what he meant rather than saying "lol I was being sarcastic suckers".

A very good point and I was expecting a clarification at the next media briefing which we didn't get. Talk about a massive fucking facepalm.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
I'm not defending what he said, I'm attacking the media's irresponsible response that sparked the outrage. If the media has chosen to report all the facts in context including "what he said" further on the in press conference then this whole drama would have been just another Trumpism. Instead I'm still reading woefully misinformed social media libtards spout absolute lies that "Trump told people to inject bleach" which, again, is completely false.

If grown, thinking adults need to be protected from their own stupidity then we've got a bigger problem going on.
It is being reported in the Swedish press (can't find it in any english press) that Trump will only appear in future at briefings to announce "great or good news" - I have translated it underneath.

Sources: Trump's role should be downplayed

Preparations are underway to cut Donald Trump's public role in the fight against the corona pandemic, according to four White House officials and a number of Republicans to the AP. Recently, the president has taken the lead in the daily press meetings, which usually last well over an hour and contain almost exclusively the reports of the journalist corps or individual reporters.

Trump has been criticized, among other things, for pushing his own medical ideas such as the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to work against covid-19 and now this week that maybe you should test injecting bleach or detergent. According to the plans, Trump's role in this context will be to announce only great or good news, instead the press experts' medical experts will be accompanied by Vice President Mike Pence, who is in charge of the federal fight against the pandemic.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There were rumours circulating last night (after he stomped off without answering any questions) that his aides have been begging him to cut back on the briefings because he's making himself look like a twat (re: re-election) and he's putting the sciency folks - Fauci and Birx mainly - in difficult positions trying to answer questions about things he says.

Fauci has been noticeably absent for 3 or 4 of the last updates, he doesn't mince his words and regularly disagrees with what Trump says so some think he has been put on the naughty step but he is a highly respected immunologist and the people trust him much more than anybody else to tell it like it is.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It's funny that he thinks what he does in his briefings can be classed as effort rather than an all mighty clusterfuck.

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