United States Corrupt Twattery


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry @Job but you're way off the mark here.

The Kurds are our allies. We're abandoning them to slaughter.
Do I need to spell it out.
One mans terrorist..
Just because the Kurds chose to side with whatever idea we had that week doesnt mean they are our allies.
The Turks hate them for good reason and the idea any particular group is an ally is a fucking joke and completely dependent on their usefullness, we will and have thrown them under a bus.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Russians and Assad are targeting hospitals with bombs.

If they're the kinda people you like, then you're fucking scum, just because you want to defend your racist president demi God.

I think you misunderstand, Turkey has explicitly said leave America so we can attack the Kurds, America responded with 'OK'.

These are the guys that defeated the most evil organisation in the 21st century, we should be creating them a homeland, not allowing for their destruction.

Lets clarify your point about Kurds being Terrorists.

Youre supporting the theory that an entire ethnic minority are Terrorists.

Then again, I expect nothing less from racism scum that think all Muslims are Terrorists.
Lol, youre the one saying they are our allies.
Jesus christ youre like spokespeople for the propaganda unit


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It was a war ffs, and as usual you choose to follow the official line and swallow all the bullshit the media shits out to convince you of a convenient good guy bad guy narrative.

How quickly the Iraq lies upon lies are forgotten.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I thought you hated Turkey? That whole immigration into the UK / membership of the EU thing?

But I'm serious @Job. Without a hint of irony or sarcasm, you're a horrible human being.

Just nasty.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
That's utter bullshit @Job the world has been condemning Turkey's approach to dealing with the Kurds for a very long time.

They go around arresting the families of people who have gone off to fight ISIS.

Trump doesn't want to get involved but he just threatened to destroy their economy? That's a good strategy for shiz.

Again, I just can't get over the fact you moan about the Liberal Elite and it's devout followers when you're you. insanity.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Lol, youre the one saying they are our allies.
Jesus christ youre like spokespeople for the propaganda unit

Saying that Syria and Russia are our allies?

I'm fairly sure you were posting pictures from the Syrian Ministry of Tourism saying 'LOL LOOK LIBERAL LIES, THEY HAVENT BEEN BOMBED, ITS FINE!'


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
I thought it had been established that @Job and his beliefs are completely heinous ..... he has not responded to my post from last week, however if you can think of a horrible controversial point of view ie “women who wear short skirts deserved to be raped” or “homosexuality is a disease / mental condition” @Job has it... nothing we can do he has a right to his beliefs .... and instead of trying to change him as he does not listen to reason - just feel sorry for him....


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I dont hate Turkey..I just didnt want thousands of religious zombies invading Europe and getting a free pass to the UK.

Its a country torn in two by liberalism and ultra conservatism.
A bit like Europe eh..as usual the liberals went too far too quickly and the the muslims half fought back and now you have Erdo, mainly because they saw Turkey turning into a gender free, feminist shitshow like Europe.

It wont be long before Islam in the UK joins forces with conservatism to backlash against the liberals and to reject the EU liberal influence.
Bizarrely Labour and the Libs think that muslims and other minorities are their bedfellows..they are not, oncecthey get both feet in the door they will vote conservative


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I thought it had been established that @Job and his beliefs are completely heinous ..... he has not responded to my post from last week, however if you can think of a horrible controversial point of view ie “women who wear short skirts deserved to be raped” or “homosexuality is a disease / mental condition” @Job has it... nothing we can do he has a right to his beliefs .... and instead of trying to change him as he does not listen to reason - just feel sorry for him....
My beliefs.
Jesus christ you are so removed from the real world its actually quite sad.
Its probably best if you dont talk to people outside of your very small bubble if you think I'm extreme.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Saying that Syria and Russia are our allies?

I'm fairly sure you were posting pictures from the Syrian Ministry of Tourism saying 'LOL LOOK LIBERAL LIES, THEY HAVENT BEEN BOMBED, ITS FINE!'
I posted that most of urban Syria was safe and out of the bombing zone...which is a story the media dont want you to have..so much so that people dont believe it because they are fed endless tight crop shots of bomb vest wearing journalists standing in front of rubble.
Thats such hilarious bullshit, in fact the worlds outside broadcast crews were fucking queuing to get the BEST carnage shots.
If youre happy with that, fine.
But most of the world thinks thats the whole of Syria..it was one area.
Fake news..these are not news reporters, they are directors of a movie called 'war porn for the masses'.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I posted that most of urban Syria was safe and out of the bombing zone...which is a story the media dont want you to have..so much so that people dont believe it because they are fed endless tight crop shots of bomb vest wearing journalists standing in front of rubble.
Thats such hilarious bullshit, in fact the worlds outside broadcast crews were fucking queuing to get the BEST carnage shots.
If youre happy with that, fine.
But most of the world thinks thats the whole of Syria..it was one area.
Fake news..these are not news reporters, they are directors of a movie called 'war porn for the masses'.
This is pretty fucked up right here.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I posted that most of urban Syria was safe and out of the bombing zone...which is a story the media dont want you to have..so much so that people dont believe it because they are fed endless tight crop shots of bomb vest wearing journalists standing in front of rubble.
Thats such hilarious bullshit, in fact the worlds outside broadcast crews were fucking queuing to get the BEST carnage shots.
If youre happy with that, fine.
But most of the world thinks thats the whole of Syria..it was one area.
Fake news..these are not news reporters, they are directors of a movie called 'war porn for the masses'.

So you're saying you trust the Ministry of Tourism for Syria more than you do Western Journalism?


No wonder you blindly follow people, because you don't actually think for yourself. You find shit that fits your narrative, then you preach it.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
So you're saying you trust the Ministry of Tourism for Syria more than you do Western Journalism?


No wonder you blindly follow people, because you don't actually think for yourself. You find shit that fits your narrative, then you preach it.
Oh fuck off..I watched all the footage from real people in Syria partying , filming the streets. Syrian youtubers who are simply trying to show the reality as opposed to western propoganda, then I researched where the actual fighting was.
There were still holiday resorts..nightclubs, safe streets, people going about their normal lives in the safe government controlled towns and cities.
But that doesnt fit the media agenda, so they dont show us that..its all fucking bullshit, endless clickbait.
Why do you believe this shit?...you know they lie...over and over again.

Anyway the Turks are invading Syria and the media will now do a 180 and start praising Assad..and you know what....you'll all follow along like good little consumers of shite.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
You mean the Youtubers who are getting paid by Assad to make videos to show the good life?

Why do you think they're doing that?

Maybe to show that life can be great under Assad, unless you disagree with him, then you'll find your house bombed, your place of work bombed, your kids schools bombed, your mosque bombed and your hospitals bombed.

I find it hilarious that you call Western Journalism 'Propaganda' whilst you consider what you're seeing as not, amazing really.

When Turkey start committing genocide to make a safe space for Syrians (because the Syrians are going to be very grateful that Turkey has done this for them, so they'll be obedient) I wonder if you'll change your tune or if you'll stick to your guns.
Last edited:


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I just hope that the SDF cause as much pain to Turkey so that they vote that twat out.

This is why we can't have cult of personalities leading countries, they just love a good war to gain popularity.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
There were still holiday resorts..nightclubs, safe streets, people going about their normal lives
As there were in England during World War II.

People took holidays, people went to the pub, people partied etc. etc. Should the Syrians not do that?

It's like flooding in the UK when a river bursts its banks. High streets might be decimated, but the rest of the town might be fine. Does that not make the flood real? Like the fact that not every single person in Syria (or the UK) is currently being shot at not make the war real?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
That is my point..no shots of the vast majority getting on with life, total concentration of rubble to give the impression. .and you will find most people believed it...that the entire country was a warzone.
Thats why the tourist video was recieved with such disbelief.
All Im doing here us pointing out how fundamentally distorted and agenda ridden our mainstream news is and if it was about hedgehog tunnels it wouldnt matter, but these bullshit broadcasts change the path of war.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The entire country IS a warzone you twat - just like England was during WWII.

How dumb can you get?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The Syrian war was nothing like ww2.
It was mostly a civil war concentrated in certain areas...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The Syrian war was nothing like ww2.
It was mostly a civil war concentrated in certain areas...
Certain areas like strategically important cities you mean? Where barrel bombs and chemical weapons were used on civilians? Go over there and tell them how trivial you think it all was, you stupid bastard.

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