are people this dumb or what ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
This is not a flame, but pointing out u are not completely perferct yourself..

Morgan_Kane said:
We have been lvling some days and when my brother gets a tell from a noob infiltrator asking if he wanted to group up with brother politly turned him down saying necros are for solo play and that he should get his friends or guildies to PL him if he needed it, and not ask complete strangers.
So instantly because you dont know him, and he PM's you, he is a noob? bit harsh if u ask me.
Politely turning someone down is always good, but there is no problem in asking strangers. when i was on alb/exc about 2-3 NICE necro's i never met before, and never saw again, PL'ed one of my chars. it was no skin of their back, they just asked me to be the "loot boy" while he chained them to death.

Morgan_kane said:
This guy proceeds to tell my brother he is a selfish a$$hole and he was tired of it so he was going to log off and play another game instead of spending time with #¤¤&&/(/ like us anymore...
My brother is a calm person and didnt respond to him anymore...
That was out of line from the infil, but just maybe, he was having a bad day. your brother clearly did the right thing, though myself i would have just placed him on ignore. IMO, You dont have to earn respect, everyone has respect, and has to lose it, this infil lost it.

I just have one question..., since im used to playing on dred servers, is this really how stupid people are here ??... or did we possibly meet the dumbest person on Prydwen, even tho we have only been here a short time ?...i really hope so, because i spend my time lvling a necro for one reason only (they suck)...and thats to get a flying start on this server....
Necro's aint that bad :p they are farm tools. i used to love playing mine. when zerging in NF, they are going to be great, Lifetapping everyone thats on 2% health, and claiming kills :p

And no, im NOT going to PL every dumba$$ i meet.
Ill PL my friends and guildies..thats about it....if i dont know you, why the hell am i going to spend my time PL'ing you ?? if you think comlete strangers should PL you because you play the same realm... you should really really really......REALLY... go get your head examined.
At this stage, you are actually sounding ALOT like that infil yourself! not saying you should PL everyone, but if it really isnt any skin of your back, PLing someone u never met before, could turn them into a new friend u group with in RvR every day. consider other possibilities.

Other than that i just want to say hi everybody :cheers: , and it wasnt really my intention to start my first post like this, i just got irritated by that moron.
Making your first post a flame, you will fit in to freddyhouse forums just fine:clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
"No! not all players on prydwen are like him, but you better get used to it because many are.
"Dont leach rps, They where only 3 of them and I had whole 7% left on my healthbar. ffs, stfu, n00b, etc etc.
Btw Welcome to prydwen

when you see a 1vs1 or 2vs1 and the albis losing and you know the sob is going to yell at you for adding, just let him die and then kill the mid/hib. Gives you full rp, and spares you from silly dickass comments.


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
Iltar I have learned my leason about that, but I still live on the old gamestyle witch is Realm versus realm. Not realmplayers rp against realmm8 rp.
But I guess its the players age thats been changing because I dont remember many a**holes when the game was released and x-months ahead.
My theori is that all players that got sick of counter-strike, is comming to daoc "prydwen" :twak:
But now I have had all my whining for the next 6 months so cheers all and have fun :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
I hope many old players return after NF comes and emain hopefully is closed. Im really tired of being spammessaged lamer or leecher after killing someone i followed stelted 20 minutes in an rvr area. Please come back old sane people older then 14 year :)



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
Not everyone who asks for PL is a dumbass .... some lvls are just difficult to get past .... i get asked if ppl can be my leech in ac, say no and 9 times out of 10 they politely go away ... the other 1 just /ignore.

But just remember, ppl u are nice to now may well help you when u roll a diff character and need grping ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
i thought i would add i once saw death spam from ardee water beetles so i ran up and gave em a plat each because i knew if you die to water beetles you must be a noob :D

(btw dont take this the wrong way you roll a lvl 1 alt and die at water beetles and pm me you will be told to foad ) :D

anywho they were happy up to the point where they wouldnt stop spamming me about dragon heads and toa artis (at lvl 5) and then it started getting scary and i logged.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Awarkle said:
i thought i would add i once saw death spam from ardee water beetles so i ran up and gave em a plat each because i knew if you die to water beetles you must be a noob :D

*goes to make a lot of level 1 characters to die at waterbeetles*


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
This is for anyone reading who asks for pl's -

I did a /lv20 paladin. Now I know pally's don't need powerlevelling but even if they did I wouldn't ask people. The reason is I made some of my best mates on the server levelling from 20-50. We give each other artis & scrolls you have to pay several plats for. Plus we learned to PLAY our characters rather than getting to 50 and looking lost.

If you've got a 2nd account, sure pl it if you want. But if you want to get the most out of the game then don't ask people to pl you, because just being 50 isn't the point of it all. Have some fun in the game, you are paying for it after all!!



Longtime Songbird
Dec 24, 2003
Oro said:
powerlevel culture



Actually I have a funny story, some level 9 toon pm'ed me in Emain the other day wanting to join a group for leveling. It boggles the mind what people think strangers will do for them.

I know I can be a doormat sometimes, but even I'm not that passive.

Just do like Sko suggested, those were pretty funny responses. :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Mybuddies said:
This is for anyone reading who asks for pl's -

I did a /lv20 paladin. Now I know pally's don't need powerlevelling but even if they did I wouldn't ask people. The reason is I made some of my best mates on the server levelling from 20-50. We give each other artis & scrolls you have to pay several plats for. Plus we learned to PLAY our characters rather than getting to 50 and looking lost.

If you've got a 2nd account, sure pl it if you want. But if you want to get the most out of the game then don't ask people to pl you, because just being 50 isn't the point of it all. Have some fun in the game, you are paying for it after all!!

My characters are leveled like that. It's been fun, but I won't level anything else after getting sick and tired of grinding through levels :p Done alot, PL only option for me :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
What SF said... after your 6th normally leveled 50 char (without /level 20) it really does get old, with ever lowering level 20>40 population groupwise it only becomes more and more of a drag, and the real fun really dies after your 3rd, or 4th 50.

Leveling used to be fun, I still remember my first group in Spindel on Terra Crabs as level 29's, and in Emain Macha leveling on Goborchend Piercers etc as Level 35's.

Besides.. DAoC's drag isn't even leveling to 50 anymore, even if you do it the old style, completing TOA on that char takes aprox 3 times longer then getting 50 for the casual gamer.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 12, 2004
Ever tried standing close to one of the starting towns, and just PL the first new toon that shows up? Can be really fun and rewarding some times.

I've tried it on a few occations, and almost always ended up with a new friend.... Mmorpg's can be sooooo boring from time to time, so another friendly soul to talk to is never wrong :p

I never help someone who demands it tho. :flame:



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Noob: hi can you pls pl me a few levels?
Me: im a rejuv specced cleric
Noob: so?
Me: what do you want me to kill?
Noob: cant you kill bluecons?
Me: i doubt that would make you level faster then solo
Noob: cant you buff me and give me heals between fights?

is it so smart to ask a cleric for plvl or is it just my rejcleric who is gimped ;P


Sep 4, 2004
flink said:
Ever tried standing close to one of the starting towns, and just PL the first new toon that shows up? Can be really fun and rewarding some times.
Yes, very regularly, but I also made alot of friends out of emote spamming random people. :(

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