are people this dumb or what ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Yes, everyone in the european servers are that stupid. We dont know any better. We all live in the smoking ruins of the communism, that is europe. Where we havent had money or time to rebuid the schools. So everyone is left to play computergames, without really knowing how to either read or write.

/sarcasm off

You cant have met an active player, or he would have got his daily PL-fix himself. Either that, or it was another eedeot from excal, who had an alt on pryd. Prydwen is actually quite known for its friendly population. Especially hibernia.
This cant have been a serious thread, can it? If you played on the US-servers, and whine about 1 idiot on the EU-servers... By taking a look at the VN-boards, the american servers should be crowded with that kind of people.

I usually help people if they ask me for like "1 bub until im level XX and then i get a new pbt", or whatever. But never help people who just come up and asks "hi can i join u plz" or "can i join for 1 lvl plz", and then they wanna stay for another one, and another one, and another one... And when you gently and in a very nice way, tell them they have to leave the group, since you gave them their "lvl plz", you get yelled at and they try to stop you from pulling, or attacking the mobs you pull, etc. That happends alot on excal from some reason :D


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
the american servers should be crowded with that kind of people.

its all in the maths, say 20% of the population on any given server was morons, thus a server with 3000 people active will have more morons than a server with 1500 :D

edit: thats why people (me included) say theres more morons on excal, since theres a bigger population and so more morons and so you are more likely to encounter them ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
yep, happened to me too many times too. Goes with the territory of nercro-ness.

I always make a point of inviting lowbies (under lvl30 or so) to join me for a few "lvlz plz", they just have to make their own way down to the wight room...


Dec 25, 2003
Blame Mythic for making a solo character in a multiplayer game.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
morgan. u and ur "friend" should go back to the US servers if u think that necros are only for solo play.. coz u obviously dont have a clue...

i'm grouping alot with my necro on excal and i'm having loads of fun. hell, a grouping necro is prolly the most exiting thing ive done. i naver have a dull moment. i'm either tanking adds, restoring mana to healers or pulling aggros from said healer... or doing all at the same time.. ive never had this much fun in a grp before... and the clerics love me so they tend to prioritize me before everyone else to :)

yes he wasent very polite after u turned him down but calling him a dumbass coz he asked for a group?

as said, go back to US servers coz we dont need more ppl like u...


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Ormorof said:
morons are abound everywhere, especially in albion though i hear :p

(dont know from personal experience but people seem to leave there alot and go hibernia :p )
Too true <looks away>


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
My favourite pl request was from someone with a /levelled necro asking for a pl....... :)

Case said:
wierd thing is some random level 24 infil PM`d me the other day aswell

"hi would you like to powerlevel me?!"


"tell you what go down to lyonesse and if i feel like it i`ll come down later on ^^"

didn`t hear from him again anyway

Done that one...another good one in df is 'sure I'll pl you, I'm in the cooks room - come on down' :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 1, 2004
Leleith said:
Yes, everyone in the european servers are that stupid. We dont know any better. We all live in the smoking ruins of the communism, that is europe. Where we havent had money or time to rebuid the schools. So everyone is left to play computergames, without really knowing how to either read or write.

/sarcasm off

You cant have met an active player, or he would have got his daily PL-fix himself. Either that, or it was another eedeot from excal, who had an alt on pryd. Prydwen is actually quite known for its friendly population. Especially hibernia.
This cant have been a serious thread, can it? If you played on the US-servers, and whine about 1 idiot on the EU-servers... By taking a look at the VN-boards, the american servers should be crowded with that kind of people.

I usually help people if they ask me for like "1 bub until im level XX and then i get a new pbt", or whatever. But never help people who just come up and asks "hi can i join u plz" or "can i join for 1 lvl plz", and then they wanna stay for another one, and another one, and another one... And when you gently and in a very nice way, tell them they have to leave the group, since you gave them their "lvl plz", you get yelled at and they try to stop you from pulling, or attacking the mobs you pull, etc. That happends alot on excal from some reason :D

Relax i said, im Norwegian..last time i checked Norway was in not here to glorify US servers at all, i cant even remember mentioning them ?
That said, i just used a figure of speech, it wasnt my intention to hurt anybodys feelings.

And yes after playing on US servers im in no doubt its lots of morons there as well...ive met alot of them=P
The reason i was facinated about this guy was that i got the impression that he wanted me to PL him (a total stranger) because i was on the same realm as him,...which i found ludicrus.

Imo... only a true moron would accomplish to think in a way like i wanted to share what i thought was a pretty funny story with you guys.
Atleast from where im standing...which is mostly playing on FFA servers.

IF i offended anybody i wasnt my intention at all.

And no, it wasnt meant as an all out serious thread..its actually my first posts on these boards.
But hey..ive allready gotten some good flames, and im looking for makes work less dull sometimes ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 1, 2004
Ctuchik said:
morgan. u and ur "friend" should go back to the US servers if u think that necros are only for solo play.. coz u obviously dont have a clue...

i'm grouping alot with my necro on excal and i'm having loads of fun. hell, a grouping necro is prolly the most exiting thing ive done. i naver have a dull moment. i'm either tanking adds, restoring mana to healers or pulling aggros from said healer... or doing all at the same time.. ive never had this much fun in a grp before... and the clerics love me so they tend to prioritize me before everyone else to :)

yes he wasent very polite after u turned him down but calling him a dumbass coz he asked for a group?

as said, go back to US servers coz we dont need more ppl like u...

Firstly, i play a necro because he can chain pull yellows/oj's and be far more effective than a group over time...
Im not playing him to socialize..i do it to get fast to 50 so i can /20 and PL other chars up. the post again..we didnt call him a dumbass, my brother didnt even respond to him after he shittalked him.

I called him a dumbass, but who knows if he is ever going to read this.
I hope he does.

About us going back to US servers....
I thought you guys needed more people ? hehehe

Sorry, couldnt resist ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 1, 2004
Man..ill probably be more social than you.
Its just not my idea of beeing social to PL strangers in pickupgroups.

Try to think before you post.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 1, 2004
Are you really this dumb or is it an act ?..either way i find it hard to belive you dont understand what i mean.

Ok...ill explain as if you are a 3 year old.
Here it goes.

I have allready said i will play my necro solo without socializing, but does that mean i wont be in a guild or socialize later ?..even with other chars...

My idea of socializing isnt to PL some leeching doesnt sound that fun to me..if it does to you..well then you are an idiot.
Im not saying you just saying...IF

Im not sure why you post this crap so i have to keep responding to you, but you are doing a good job of making yourself looking as a fool allready so just keep em coming.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Morgan_Kane said:
I thought you guys needed more people ? hehehe

Sorry, couldnt resist ;)

no. not if its ppl like u we dont


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Give the guy a break, he turned down a request for a PL from some random person (and lets face it a few people just seem to go around permanently nagging people for PLs) and gets abuse for it. Wow.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 1, 2004
Ctuchik said:
no. not if its ppl like u we dont

And you know me after responding to a guy that clearly didnt even read my post but just accused me of things anyway ?

So im the guy you dont need here ?
Like Bunny said, gimme a break.

Maybe i come off as cocky on the boards to you guys, but hell that has nothing to say on how i treat friends or guildies or even enemies when i play.

Ive played 3 years on Darktide pvp server in a Anti Honour based guild without ever changing tags.

Ive been part of a US based guild for 5 years in a row.

I have always played and acted with honor IG because thats my style of play...i dont shittalk and i dont grief,cheat or otherwise break the rule of the games i play in.

Ive always played hard and fair, but i guess you wouldent know that because you dont know me...
So dont come here and tell me that i dont belong on this server because i called and dumbass an dumbass.

Ill do it again...just wait and see.

And thanks Bunnytwo ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Morgan_Kane said:
About us going back to US servers....
I thought you guys needed more people ? hehehe
Europe has more players than the US :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 1, 2004
hehe, i didnt know that
Are you sure ?, it seems like its alot more servers over there...but you are probably right, i never actually looked at it.

I did look at Prydwen server population though, and as far as i can see more people wouldnt hurt.
That said, im not starting up here because i think i will help out on the numbers, i just thought the other english server looked loaded, and figured it would be less zerging here.

I dont like Zerg fighting ;)


Dec 22, 2003
Morgan_Kane said:
Are you really this dumb or is it an act ?..either way i find it hard to belive you dont understand what i mean.

Ok...ill explain as if you are a 3 year old.
Here it goes.

I have allready said i will play my necro solo without socializing, but does that mean i wont be in a guild or socialize later ?..even with other chars...

My idea of socializing isnt to PL some leeching doesnt sound that fun to me..if it does to you..well then you are an idiot.
Im not saying you just saying...IF

Im not sure why you post this crap so i have to keep responding to you, but you are doing a good job of making yourself looking as a fool allready so just keep em coming.

God your boring.

Yes clearly I am a 3 year old, Many 3 year olds study politics :touch:. Fuck of back the American servers you clearly belong there. This will be the last post on this thread because honestly dude you need to stop being the most boring poster around, at least with Sigard he's fun when we argue your just ZzZ anyway have fun with your necro and expect a freindly fuck you when ever I make my merry way past :).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Gamah's Sig said:
Used to play:
Thorey RR6 SB (Whored char)
Mobstomper 50 RM <-- Strong now! (Über whored char)
And many more!
Don't let Gamah bother you, ebay kiddies think they're stlong :|


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 28, 2004
Aye. All i ever see Gamah post are flames and smug commentaries...kindof the "who invited you to the conversation" stuff you see from folks who are bored and like to annoy people. :S

At any rate... just ignore people who do that kindof stuff (the PL request +flame)...they aren't worth your time.

For some reason I tend to get PL requests on my warden....
this one guy kept bugging me till i let him come and sit while i farmed leps for drops...he left and never msged me again after it took 2 mins to kill the first mob :p

/afk to get a sandwich toons ftw!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Hjavall sends, "hi there , plz may u help me level in curse forest plz ?"
1) Hjavall the Level 3 Naturalist in Silvermine Mts.

Recipient of that /send was my buffbot, at that time in Temple of Twlight. Guess he'd already gone through the chanter list. Took a few times counting to 10 before I replied with "sorry I'm busy".

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
thankgod I'm a healer... I only get pm's like

dude:"oohw hello, could you perhaps rezz me?"
me:"where u at?"
me:"Where's here"
dude:"erm... don't really know"
me:"what do you see around you?"
dude:"huh? erm? can't really see.. I'm looking at a wall"
me:"keep tilde [~] down and turn around"
dude:"Ahh, thanks... erm.. I see some plated fiends"
me:"hmm.... that's a bit far off, I'm underneith Ba'alorian"
dude:"where's that?"
/who dude: level 21 berserker
me:"far from where you are, and it'll take a while before you'll even be able to get here"
dude:"so you can't come and rezz me?"
me:"no.. too far"

and go on, go on, go on :D

Edgar Frog

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Morgan_Kane said:
Ive played 3 years on Darktide pvp server in a Anti Honour based guild without ever changing tags.

Ive been part of a US based guild for 5 years in a row.

I have always played and acted with honor IG because thats my style of play...i dont shittalk and i dont grief,cheat or otherwise break the rule of the games i play in.
You can't win the Nobel Peace Prize in a PvP game. Keep trying though, upstanding citizen.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
thankgod I'm a healer... I only get pm's like

dude:"oohw hello, could you perhaps rezz me?"
DF res requests from the other of the dungeon, that's straight out of my healer days.

I get PMs that are related to PL requests on my eldritch.

Poorsodthathasfinslist sends, "hi m8 do you want fins group with leech?"
You send, "I'm just about to head to bed, thanks anyway." to Poorsodthathasfinslist
Poorsodthathasfinslist sends, "plz cant you come just for a few hours? you're the only caster on"
You send, "Oh alright then I'll come for just a little bit" to Poorsodthathasfinslist
You send, "In case I forgot to mention it, I'm light spec" to Poorsodthathasfinslist
Poorsodthathasfinslist sends, "oh nm forget i asked"

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Sparrow said:
DF res requests from the other of the dungeon, that's straight out of my healer days.

I get PMs that are related to PL requests on my eldritch.

Poorsodthathasfinslist sends, "hi m8 do you want fins group with leech?"
You send, "I'm just about to head to bed, thanks anyway." to Poorsodthathasfinslist
Poorsodthathasfinslist sends, "plz cant you come just for a few hours? you're the only caster on"
You send, "Oh alright then I'll come for just a little bit" to Poorsodthathasfinslist
You send, "In case I forgot to mention it, I'm light spec" to Poorsodthathasfinslist
Poorsodthathasfinslist sends, "oh nm forget i asked"

lol :D that sounds sooo familiar :D

I've got thesame from modernagrav
otherdude:"would you like to come to moderna with leech?"
me:"hmmmm... well.. okay"
otherdude:"cool thanks!!"
(while sitting in boat to ToA):"no problems, I'll be there in about 10 min's"
me few min's later, in toa doing my own thing:"btw, did I mention I'm augmentation specced?"
otherdude:"Bah... nm then"

Love it :D I hate moderna, it's boring like crap, and when I wanted to get in there, noone wanted me in :D love it to annoy them now :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
What strikes me about the people asking for PL, is that it doesn't matter how remote the location you're at is, they still think you'll drop everything in your hands to hurry up and seek out a complete stranger who most likely came here from excal/alb and cba levelling his omgwtfpwnz0rranger4tehwin from 20 to 24 the hard way.

I'd never ever PL someone I don't know. I'll happily give them items (given ML9 items to people who struck up a good conversation when asking for spec advice), gold, craft lowbie stuff for them for free or whatever it takes to make them feel welcome, if they seem like nice sorts to me, but assisting in giving your realm (more) people who can't play their class is where I draw the line.


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
No! not all players on prydwen are like him, but you better get used to it because many are. :puke:
"Dont leach rps, They where only 3 of them and I had whole 7% left on my healthbar. ffs, stfu, n00b, etc etc.
Btw Welcome to prydwen ;)

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