
The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
At 20% in the polls...just this a turning point for the right across Europe or merely a flight of fancy for voters who dont actually want them in power.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am going to vote to stay in, come the referendum, just to annoy the likes of Job.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
With our voting system they could get 20% of the vote but barely any seats in a general election. They do well in European elections though.

No idea why Nigel Farage went on HIGNFY the other day. It was embarrassing to watch.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I'll tell you something, its very weird watching your own country when you don't live it in anymore. Seeing UKIP actually become credible is like some horrible alternate history where the Incompetent Nazis (like the pathetic sharks but better dressed) actually win. With this and the whole Scottish thing, I'm in serious danger of not actually having a country to come back to if I want to.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
DaGaffer said:
I'll tell you something, its very weird watching your own country when you don't live it in anymore. Seeing UKIP actually become credible is like some horrible alternate history where the Incompetent Nazis (like the pathetic sharks but better dressed) actually win. With this and the whole Scottish thing, I'm in serious danger of not actually having a country to come back to if I want to.

Also living outside the UK I agree with this. When asked where I want to move next my answer is anywhere except the UK and France.....


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The level at which the liberals are in denial of the vast fascist hidden mentaliity of western cultue astounds me..the Nazis will be back again and again..theyre not some evil villians from monochrome movies..they are the pressure release valve for decades of supression.
We are laying down the perfect base for a new third reich across Europe right now...its quite simply there in front of us in plain sight and all we can do is call them fruitcakes..thatll fix it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
All UKIP do is spread lies and half truths which are more acceptable to the zenophobic/racist minority. Whereas the standard parties spread lies and half truths to the rest.

Its all a big pile of shit and you are better off just drawing a penis on your ballot card.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Nigel played a blinder on HIGNFY..he just smiled and took it...the people who would vote for him see the BBC as a liberal..leftie pit of snakes.
Their humurous personal attacks just reinforced that 20% 'minority' that hes a lone voice of reason.
All he has to do is keep his mouth shut on anything important and he could change the face of UK politics.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah, having no clue whatsoever about anything but yelling "Immigrants out!" would do wonders for our country.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
With our voting system they could get 20% of the vote but barely any seats in a general election. They do well in European elections though.

No idea why Nigel Farage went on HIGNFY the other day. It was embarrassing to watch.
Aye, I watched HIGNFY last night, and I thought he took it very well, I thought at the end of it he'd be like 'You don't see any other leaders of parties doing this'

He's really reinforcing his man of the people appearance, agree with his policies or not, it seems to be working.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
They won't achieve anything beyond reducing the Conservatives' percentage of the vote. I remember Nick Clegg proclaiming the Lib Dems to be the second political party in the UK, before they actually lost seats in the 2010 election.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
With our voting system they could get 20% of the vote but barely any seats in a general election. They do well in European elections though.

Most likely, this.

Lib Dems polled 27% before the 2010 general election - and we all saw how that turned out.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Quite possibly, I'm waiting for a big gaffe or some serious skeletons in the cupboard,
but I dont think people realise how big this is, the right across Europe are watching
the most powerful country in the union (yes, I said it..fuck Germany, they dont have the
word influence) are slowly turning to the fascists.
Some smiley, down the pub bloke is becoming the poster boy for a movement that has a lot
of anger building up.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
As much as I think Farage would be a great bloke to have a pint with, this country would go to the dogs with a UKIP parliament.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I was working in 2 houses today...middle class..nice area and both times the owners started talking about give you an idea of the language used - I was the voice of reason.
People really..really hate immigration and the EU...all behind doors of course.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
As much as I think Farage would be a great bloke to have a pint with, this country would go to the dogs with a UKIP parliament.

I can't see a UKIP Government happening, but I can definitely see UKIP influencing things. I imagine that their views will moderate slightly, at least publicly, as their results improve. That's kind of what happens with all parties. I don't think for one moment that the few MPs I can genuinely see them attaining at the next General Election will be snubbed if that's what any of the other parties need to get over the finish line to form a coalition.

It's going to be an interesting time in politics over the next 3 years or so. Quite possibly 2 General Elections in that time. The Euro elections in a few weeks time will have a huge influence over the policies and campaigns on the run up to the General Election.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I was working in 2 houses today...middle class..nice area and both times the owners started talking about give you an idea of the language used - I was the voice of reason.
People really..really hate immigration and the EU...all behind doors of course.
Did you ask them who's going to;
  • Provide the underpaid logistics to get parcels and such to their houses.
  • Build their houses, and their offices for them to earn their big wage jobs
  • Basically, any minimum wage or less job.
I don't think people truly appreciate what the immigrant work force does to this country, I went to sign up for an agency that does night shift work £7p/h or something, and when I walked in, they started asking me questions in Polish, I looked at them funny, so they tried something else, Latvian, and I had to explain that I was English, it's not that 'they're' taking all our jobs, it's the fact we do not want those jobs.

There's a huge new housing estate being built near me, so I decided to go for a cycle down there to be nosy, (this sounds like a start of a joke) and there was one house being built by poles, another by Sikhs, and another by people from a Baltic state (wasn't exactly sure) and all the supervisors (as far as I could tell) were English.

Obviously more needs to be done about the ones that abuse the welfare state, but that's still a minority, because you see them, and the only reason they're the ones you see is because the hard working migrants are working 12+ hour shifts.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That's the problem, the moment English people are willing to do the minimum wage menial jobs is the moment the immigrants stop getting work.

People leave school expecting a record contract or whatever and refuse to do the shit jobs. Not to mention parts of the "The working class" are just plain bone idle, generation and generation refusing to work.

Fuck it, we should do a swap, 1,000,000 hard working Eastern Europeans for 1,000,000 lazy English.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
part of the problem with people not wanting to do min wage jobs is younguns being pushed into a-levels & degrees, with A-levels or a HNC (completed 1st year of bachelor) no min wage job employers will touch you because they expect you to leave the instant something else comes along, immigrants on the other hand they might have an employee for life, who will show up and work their ass off every single day because they need the money


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
part of the problem with people not wanting to do min wage jobs is younguns being pushed into a-levels & degrees, with A-levels or a HNC (completed 1st year of bachelor) no min wage job employers will touch you because they expect you to leave the instant something else comes along, immigrants on the other hand they might have an employee for life, who will show up and work their ass off every single day because they need the money

It's not the kids fault though, it's societies fault, Thatcher made manual work frowned upon, and moved everything to the offices, it was a side effect for it be so shunned, and we can't exactly do a U-turn on it, because when ever someone talks about it, they're shouted at for being a Tory, when that just isn't the matter.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I would say its more to do with the everyone's a winner, everyone can do anything they want mentality that parents and schools seem to foist onto their children. Some children aren't academically gifted and are more suited to manual labour or a trade, that's just the way it is.

If they continually fail at Maths, English and Science in school they pretty much get abandoned by the system where they should be encouraged to do more manual work, woodwork, metal etc


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I would say its more to do with the everyone's a winner, everyone can do anything they want mentality that parents and schools seem to foist onto their children. Some children aren't academically gifted and are more suited to manual labour or a trade, that's just the way it is.

If they continually fail at Maths, English and Science in school they pretty much get abandoned by the system where they should be encouraged to do more manual work, woodwork, metal etc
/devils advocate

What about Nature vs Nurture, what if you have a kid that comes from a terrible background, but they're brilliant at school, but all they truely want to do is drop out and work in tesco?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Then it is down to the schools to encourage them and give them proper advice (And their parents) but if all they want to do is stack shelves then it should be made clear that they won't make much of their lives and would be wasting a gift.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
/devils advocate

What about Nature vs Nurture, what if you have a kid that comes from a terrible background, but they're brilliant at school, but all they truely want to do is drop out and work in tesco?

If they're that intelligent, they'll work it out for themselves eventually.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Did you ask them who's going to;
  • Provide the underpaid logistics to get parcels and such to their houses.
  • Build their houses, and their offices for them to earn their big wage jobs
  • Basically, any minimum wage or less job.
I don't think people truly appreciate what the immigrant work force does to this country, I went to sign up for an agency that does night shift work £7p/h or something, and when I walked in, they started asking me questions in Polish, I looked at them funny, so they tried something else, Latvian, and I had to explain that I was English, it's not that 'they're' taking all our jobs, it's the fact we do not want those jobs.

There's a huge new housing estate being built near me, so I decided to go for a cycle down there to be nosy, (this sounds like a start of a joke) and there was one house being built by poles, another by Sikhs, and another by people from a Baltic state (wasn't exactly sure) and all the supervisors (as far as I could tell) were English.

Obviously more needs to be done about the ones that abuse the welfare state, but that's still a minority, because you see them, and the only reason they're the ones you see is because the hard working migrants are working 12+ hour shifts.

So in effect, they DID take your job :D


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
So in effect, they DID take your job :D
Nah, I didn't want to do it in the end, I ended up doing a sales job that gave more money, and less hours, which is what work is all about in our society :p


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Every country that allows immigration does well on the long term..of course the native population know that they will eventually be pushed out, if we closed the borders we would become Japan and end up with an aged population and no one to do the work except a sea of long term unemployed who just sit on benefits.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It's not the kids fault though, it's societies fault, Thatcher made manual work frowned upon, and moved everything to the offices, it was a side effect for it be so shunned, and we can't exactly do a U-turn on it, because when ever someone talks about it, they're shouted at for being a Tory, when that just isn't the matter.

I agree its not entirely the kids fault, a friend of mine (as an example) had no intention of going to uni after his a-levels but the college made him apply because it affects their stats and funding, because of this they can say "95% of our students apply for university!" when in reality many of them should be pointed at viable post-A-level careers rather than spending 4 years studying some bollox they will never use (and then be overqualified for the stuff they might actually enjoy)

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