U got nothing to do? Check this out!



noone write's anti terror / world terror, book's nearly as well as Tom Clansy, and the fact he is most known and respectec anti terror exspert doesn't make it any less interesting to read his book's ... :)


i stopped reading clancy a lon gwhile ago, that said he writes some excellent books, really loved red storm


Ekydus .

is there nothing else for you to do then post 100pages of bullox?
think it was ment with 1 sentence per person not 10000.

nerf ur keybord u proberly burned every letter to nothin


Aww your ickle eyes hurt?

Flame away n00b. You're the only one who has asked me to stop... other people are asking me to go on. Have a nice day. Oh, I'll also post my next part when someone else gives me a lead. The idea is to take turns and I am just allowing people to enjoy their time rather then look at the typical one-line whine that comes from moronic twats like yourself. I can tell you've never read a book. Bye now.


Originally posted by Ekydus
With the Albion force dashed in numbers through a tragic accident and with VodkaFairy's dead body decaying fast, Excalibur knew things would soon come to a mighty clash. Novamir was leading his army onward toward Castle Sauvage and suddenly he tripped over a coin that one of the Midgardians had thrown back in the direction in which the Hibernians were heading, in revenge. As Novamir fell he heard a mighty crack, his leg was broken. "Damn Albions!" screamed Novamir, "They always manage to do this!". As Novamir layed on the path, leg grasped with both hands, whispers were being aroused from within his army. "He's lost it..." said one zergling. "I think Novamir is breaking down..." said another. "I had ham and pinapple cheese pizza earlier..." said the next. Stormriderx looked up to the orange sky. Birds of prey could smell the blood and were swarming around Novamir. "I don't like the look of this." he proclaimed. "Fine. We rest here for tonight." ordered Novamir, with Castle Sauvage being barely visable across the horizon. at once the army collapsed. Exhausted, wounded and ugly. "I must warn you little wimps that the nights in Albion are even worse then the days..." said Novamir as the light dimmed about his face. "...We may not survive this night. Everything zergs in Albion, from the grass to the birds. Keep on your guard. Because if you don't survive through the night I will kill you myself! Nothing will stand in my way of destroying Albion once and for all!". Gasps were heard and with a snort Novamir twisted his head and stared coldly at the fellow zerglings. It was now silent. All the army could do was wait until morning. Lofff looked down at the little dead Lurikeen who had helped in so many situations. He mourned the loss of VodkaFairy. He lifted her hand and gently stroked it. The hand began to crumble with a faint breeze that was passing, Lofff was becomming anxious. "Look Vodka's decaying! We have to bury her soon!". With a squint of the eyes, Novamir lifted his head and gave his reply. "Yes, you're right. It's a shame the poor Lurikeen could not oversee the destruction of Albion with us." Lofff picked up the body and walked to Novamir. "How did she want to depart this world?" he asked. "Burial at water." answered Stormriderx. "Grrr! Why do you insist on delaying my destruction of Albion! Yet, she was good to us. Take her to the lake at once." As the army prepared for leave, Lofff looked at Novamir's broken leg. "How will you walk?" he asked. "I won't! Leave me here and come back quickly. I have a few men to keep me guarded anyway.". With that the army departed. Novamir pulled himself off of the path into the shadows and then sat, and waited.

Meanwhile the Midgardians had realised that they would not be able to catch the Hibernians in time. They needed a plan. Hatt looked about and saw something. "What is it?" Asked Jax. "A tree." answered Hatt. "I'm confused.". Jax sat down and held is head in his arms. Suddenly an uproar of noise came from the back of the army. Someone had a plan. They had to quickly retreat to Castle Excalibur and get the help of some guards. With their army half gone, Red Guard and the scattered random warriors left. They did not have time to treat their wounded.

Back at Castle Sauvage things were starting to look brighter again...

Which was not the case in Gna, where Xana had taken over the tower proclaiming it property of Nolby, which was not well recieved by the rest of midgard, and was therefor under siege, while xana was keeping the flag high, the booz cheap and the women even cheaper, he held of the realm mate's with amnesia and spread heal until ...

Now u got ur lead ... get to work ekydus


Back in Castle Sauvage things were looking brighter......

Fortunately after the Exploding Disco Ball Disaster, someone had found Elling manhandling his magnificient glowy DF weapon.

Swinging his mighty thing with two hands it erupted in a sheet of flame - illuminating Sauvage and acting as a beacon to warn of the Relic Raid.

Meanwhile at the Hibs army Stormriderx was desperately trying to reconstitute the dust that was Vodkafairy.

' Bloody Hell' said Novamir. ' Stop that! I'm having a................'


Originally posted by Edohadien
Ekydus .

is there nothing else for you to do then post 100pages of bullox?
think it was ment with 1 sentence per person not 10000.

nerf ur keybord u proberly burned every letter to nothin

Lol go to hell slut, hes actually making a nice story.. Now sod off and let him continue with some quality stories..


...suddenly every wajner on this forum realized bw going down.
They logged into freddy..but he didnt like crap post...so eventualy they all killed them self with a plastic spon.



oew. sudenly Albs woke up and gathered their army... 2000 lvl 50's rr10+ albs zerged their frontier killing everythnig in their path... bye bye hibs.

only 1 alb died... Loxleyhood... sry m8 but scouts allways have to die :D its an un-written rule :eek:

THe End... :D

now on to part 2 :p ekydus post-farm away :D

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