this is the stuff of nightmares right now guys. whatever god you pray to.. pray, if you dont believe in god, make one up and pray to that.
11/09/01 + 10/03/11 = 21/12/12.
Joor will be fapping like mad at this!
According to the Japanese media, the provisional death toll is as follows:
Miyagi prefecture
• At least 785 people confirmed dead in cities including Kesennuma, Higashimatsubara and Sendai, but local authorities fear more than 10,000 people may have died in the prefecture alone.
• Around 2,000 bodies found on two shores, including those in the town of Minamisanriku and Ishinomaki City.
• Minamisanriku has a population of 17,000, but 10,000 are missing after the tsunami.
Iwate prefecture
• At least 574 people confirmed dead, including those in Ofunato and Rikuzentakata.
• The city of Rikuzentakata, with a population of 23,000 people, was "almost completely wiped out", the fire department says. No information yet on how many survived. More than 80% of the city was flooded.
• In the town of Otsuchi, out of a population of 15,000 people 12,000 are missing.
Fukushima prefecture
• About 420 people, including those in Iwaki and Minamisoma cities, are confirmed dead. Around 1,200 people are missing.
Death toll in other districts
• Tokyo: 7
• Chiba: 15
• Ibaraki: 19
• Aomori: 3
• Tochigi: 4
• Kanagawa: 3
• Hokkaido: 1
• Yamagata: 1
• Gunma: 1
Christ, imagine the sight of that many bodies on a beach :/
Yet assholes continue to spend hours trying to make the next funny joke, sickening (Most are unemployed idiots to whome Facebook is their lives)
I wouldn't judge a nation by the individuals, least we judge england by Scouse and CorNokZ![]()
Scouse is a good lad, you badly misjudge him just because you don't agree on a subject. The bloke is no turnip. Coconutshewz is a bit of a spanner though!![]()
Having too much time on my hands I worked out the total energy equivalent of all of the aftershocks around Japan since the 8.9 - the 7, all those 6s, inumerable 5s and 4s etc.
All totaled it was less than 1% of the energy of the original quake - the richter scale is a tad misleading when you just look at the Magnitude numbers![]()
Like that Tsunami/Pearl Harbor!!! Karma is a bitch. Can only wonder when karma will fuck the US back to the stone age for all things they´ve done. Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Korea, Vietnam, Central/south america, supporting the Talibans. Killing off all thoose native americans.
Well its only time that will show em when California gets dumped into the ocean. Or Yellowstone blows. etc etc etc