Troll in Albion [Conclusion]

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Brannor McThife

Since I never read the part 2 thread before it was closed, I'd like to respond to some of the posts.

1) Lunar, I thought you knew me better than to think I'd be that lame, that's a few more corpse jumpings for you. You lose €20 to somebody as I am most definately NOT truthhurts.

2) No Layl, unlike you, I don't hold grudges, and won't hunt you down to get some miniscule imaginery satisfaction out of killing you. I mean, after all, the only thing you ever did to me was ban me from IRC, right?

3) IP Ban? Well, I wouldn't be surprised if that did happen if the guilty person did cross the line again. I mean, 3rd offense? With a 3rd account? (I'll let you all work that one out...)

4) To me, it wasn't so much that my account got used by someone else - which did sadden me was that someone could be so silly - but moreso that GOA, whom I had done a lot of stuff for over a 10 month period, and of which I had lots of information, didn't believe me at first that it WASN'T ME when I told them, and for the way my account is marked.

5) Because of the incident, many of you will have noticed that Glauthrong is no longer clad in royal purple. I can never go back to that; reminds me of the actions of a sad individual...

6) Meatballs, you're a prat, and I've never seen you say anything constructive. :flame:

7) The "kiddie" still hasn't had the guts to apologise, and thereby shows a lot of what his true, real life, character is like.

That's my conclusion to it. I've never named the person, as I'm leaving the door open for he himself to "confess". Guess that door will stay open forever... :rolleyes:

Go ahead mods, lock this one...



Brannor rocks (well for a foul middies that is) :clap:


Brannor, you are the kind of person that would jail your mother. I don't feel sorry for you, and you will most likely never hear an apology from this person. You don't deserve it. Your poor mother.

My point is. You should think over it, why would someone do this to *you*. Maybe for no reason, maybe for *many reasons* ..

Thats my opinion anyways.


Originally posted by old.Immortal
Brannor, you are the kind of person that would jail your mother. I don't feel sorry for you, and you will most likely never hear an apology from this person. You don't deserve it. Your poor mother.

My point is. You should think over it, why would someone do this to *you*. Maybe for no reason, maybe for *many reasons* ..

Thats my opinion anyways.

First of all what kind of action could Brannor ever commit against this moron. That gives him an right to commit a crime? I would also jail my mother if she did something to deserve it.

Sarum TheBlack

Go G- :clap:

and wtf are you on about Immortal?


I say lots of constructive things <looks hurt>


Hehe we all know Immortal has issues with Brannor too, tho the blabering he made seems to indicate he thinks what transpired was ok, more so deserved and justified, Immortal we all read your stance on hacking on the first thread, now your re emphasizing that u think its good to h4xx0r ??? and its good to vent your dislike of someone by resorting acts of a criminal nature? GG :clap:


I would love to know who that bastard is so he can be shut out ingame. Nice reply Brannor.. wondered why you never posted on the part two :clap:

:m00: :m00:


So we know the hacker is a "he" :p were one step closer to guessing who it is hehe.

If i was you brannor, i would say his bloody name, this coward aint gonna confess, u should be smart enough to know this! With you holding his name and not saying who it is your letting this bastard get away. Best way to screw this bastard is for you to tell us his name and then this guy will never be able to play game again, cause noone(i know i wouldn't) would grp with them in rvr pve or talk to them, thus they would quit D.A.O.C. meaning "you" win.

So please stop letting this absolute shit thread continue, im fed up seeing troll in albion, version 1 2 3 4 ...

So use your commonsense mate and put the assholes name down!!!


Having now meet Brannor on-line in Hib I must say that he seems a great guy. He also is showing a lot of restraint and maturity by not naming and shaming the offender here. Well done Brannor :clap:


Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Taggart
So we know the hacker is a "he" :p were one step closer to guessing who it is hehe.

So that cuts out.. ooh, all of about 5% of the player base then? Taking into account other silly stereotypes about women ... this doesn't really get us anywhere at all. :p


:rolleyes: Dammit, I only just got my cloak clean from the last time....

And yes G, black suits Glauthrong just fine, except I cant pick you in a crowd now as easily as I could before. ;)


Umm, brannor, you trying to diguise yourself as Troll-Shadowblade ? ;)


It was Layl.

This also solves the question of whether GOA considers you a player or an account. We are all accounts since Layl is now playing on the PvP server for Nolby Pride with a new account since his last one was deleted. This would at least be consistent with Brannor getting a black mark against his account as the player behind one doesn't seem to matter, it is the actions of that account.

He hasn't apologised either it seems. Pathetic.


You have to admit though seeing a troll in purple on sals plains is funny:)


Originally posted by old.Revz
It was Layl.

This also solves the question of whether GOA considers you a player or an account. We are all accounts since Layl is now playing on the PvP server for Nolby Pride with a new account since his last one was deleted. This would at least be consistent with Brannor getting a black mark against his account as the player behind one doesn't seem to matter, it is the actions of that account.

He hasn't apologised either it seems. Pathetic.

Gideon, did you really have to do that? I admit, kr0n hacking brannor was stupid, out of order and generally illegal, but do you have the right to stick your nose in and tell everyone, even when brannor wasn't going to? That's remarkably judgemental imo, since the only reason you knew was cos kr0n told you.

You say its pathetic that he hasn't apologised- don't you think it's also a leetle bit pathetic interfering in other peoples business? This didn't affect you one little bit, and yet you first told Brannor, then you told everyone.

What gives you that right?.



and i used to respect you Gideon, pathetic.

This had nothing at all to do with you, So, in the finest language I know of: sod off.


Why is Revz getting flak? Or have I missed something (as I often seem to do!:))

1. Some guy called Layl hacked some guy called Brannors computer right?

2. Some guy called Revz names him.

3. Revz gets flamed, not Layl.

4. Layl does'nt go to jail AND gets a new account despite breaching one of the fundamental CoC rules?


I agree, i have a lot of respect for what you have done for the guild since i joined and before Gid, but sticking your nose in a delicate situation where it doesnt concern you is stepping over the mark

If brannor wanted it be known he would have said by now, yet he has done the honourable thing and tried to wrap it up and move on. This is no longer a conclusion thread since it opens up a whole new can of worms IMO ;/

Uncle Sick(tm)

Why flame'n'blame Gideon and go all hush hush?


Revz aka Gideon wouldn't have known it was kr0n aka Layl, unless kr0n had told him. GOA weren't going to tell Brannor the name of the person who hacked him, but kr0n told Gideon, Gid then told Brannor, so brannor knew.
This would've been a bad enough breach of trust, but then Gideon goes and tells everyone else, when both GOA and Brannor, who wouldn't have known for sure if Gideon hadn't told him, weren't going to tell anyone.

all this amounts to is Gideon sticking his nose in, and acting all righteously, when it in fact had nothing to do with him, at all.


Originally posted by Lochlyessa

That's remarkably judgemental imo, since the only reason you knew was cos kr0n told you.

Is he wrong then?

Dont get me wrong - I have absolutely no idea who either of you are so I cant judge - hell, im not even sure what went on.
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