'Total Thid Ownage' film - by Thugs

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Easy record to beat, make a bonedancer buff it up and win all 1v1's there is.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Damn you ppl use the word skill alot :X , please explain what skill is in daoc and how to use it? =)

Get all the best item's?

Stand still and kill someone with /face?

Use strafing ,run through and evry means to win?

Anyway , i don't see him as a bad player but as a bad person =) hence ppl not like him at all and he just suck's =)

And i don't like his talk either , he's not abit modest =P all this i own all i am king etc won't make ppl like you

My 2 cents >


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 1, 2004
omg :S

Thugs said:
Nice little film for youse lot. Don't want you to forget me too quickly now do I.

File size 38mbs
Windows movie file

Zip file for download

Videos taken in just a few days of downloading Fraps. My best fights had long gone but there is enough here me thinks.

Hows things Shanaia? Managed to stay alive for long in Thid now I ain't about? Doubt it somehow.

PKJ - Weaklin - Honed - Certifiable - WTFLA - MKJ - Corrosive etc etc - all sbs.

lol such a shit movie you call your self fotm :s get a sb to 50 and cum duel my pala :D


Jun 3, 2004
LOL id love to waste about 2 plat on pots and 8 quid on a buffbot just to make a shit movie so that everyone laughs at you and calles you a dick.

get the messege leave this place plz i beg of you. I dont want you here and from the sounds of it neither do any of the posters here apart from Theripershow (you) who is banned ? WTF he isnt banned coz he can talk wtf is that FH bann him propperly so we dont get any of this shit anymore coz its annoying... i can here for a nice read and i get some 12 yr old dick who thinks he is cool coz he like hendrix ok hendrix is awesome ffs but this is game.

<takes a deap breath>


Ralgedi Smurf

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Imo he plays quite nice in the vid's, and you must admit he is trying quite a different style then all other sb's :)

anyway quit all the QQ, he likes it, dont you get it? :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Ralgedi Smurf said:
Imo he plays quite nice in the vid's, and you must admit he is trying quite a different style then all other sb's :)

anyway quit all the QQ, he likes it, dont you get it? :p

He is good at abusing the running trough shit.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Thugs said:
Nice little film for youse lot. Don't want you to forget me too quickly now do I.

File size 38mbs
Windows movie file

Zip file for download

Videos taken in just a few days of downloading Fraps. My best fights had long gone but there is enough here me thinks.

Hows things Shanaia? Managed to stay alive for long in Thid now I ain't about? Doubt it somehow.

PKJ - Weaklin - Honed - Certifiable - WTFLA - MKJ - Corrosive etc etc - all sbs.

you love your self to much, go get a new ego


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Thugs said:
Look at all the whiners. All deaded at my hands. If you were not killed by me during my time in Thid as Weaklin/PKJ then you were too scared to play - such as Shanaia and Morimdin.

Morimdin and Shanaia, funny how come you 2 failed to play during my time in Thid yet were the 2 worse complainers on Freddys innit. Nah am pretty certain you did play as something or other and had your arse handed to you for sure. Own up now.

'Total Ownage of Thid'

BY Thugs

'Proclaimed King of Thid'

Sounds right for the first screen to me.

Don't forget I killed ALL infs/ns during my time there. So if you run Weaklin/PKJ down during that time you are running your-selves down far more.


"Thugs N00B of Thidranki"
Who agree's?


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
LOL!! :D:D

SO totally worth it tbh! Proove how big headed and ignorant Thugs is :D
I saw part of the convo :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

This must be the talk I had just after I wasted another 2 hours of my life trying level 50 combat? I honestly fail to see how posting it gonna embarass me? All it will do is to show my total disinterest in level 50 RVR. I have always said it never was my intention to play at that level and after trying it again forra few hours I ain't gonna change my mind. Toyed with the idea of it but hell in the light of day it ain't for me and never will be. Never read up onnit cos I wouldn't want to stock such rubbish anywhere in my little brain. Need my remaining brain cells for far more important things.

Roamed around for 2 hours with my level 50 sb at Odin's gate or bridge or some such place. Managed to spot one stealther that passed me by and I missed attacking it. Did see a stealther though that had turned into a wolf that was having a right hiding from a Thane only to turn the tables by going from zero health to full again. Killed the Thane even though realistically the Thane should have won! Wonderful nonsensical toa crap and ras. Utter garbage it seems to me. No bloody way I wasting months of my life pursuing artifacts and god knows wot else. Hopefully I will put such time to far better use.

The game holds little if any interest to me now to be honest. I think the game is becoming geared more towards kids and their need for toys. Skill could be demonstrated in Thid but I don't think for much longer. The toys and buffs etc will wreck the place soon. Infact all the xp you get now causes a lot of problems. Who the hell wants to suicide all the time so they can stay in Thid?

Done all I wanted. Infact a hell offa lot more than I ever thought I could achieve? Time to leave for sure.

Have fun. Might see me now and then but doubt it somehow. Will post now and then for sure forra while yet.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Wrong forum, use the RvR forum (the grown ups one)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Thugs said:
This must be the talk I had just after I wasted another 2 hours of my life trying level 50 combat? I honestly fail to see how posting it gonna embarass me? All it will do is to show my total disinterest in level 50 RVR. I have always said it never was my intention to play at that level and after trying it again forra few hours I ain't gonna change my mind. Toyed with the idea of it but hell in the light of day it ain't for me and never will be. Never read up onnit cos I wouldn't want to stock such rubbish anywhere in my little brain. Need my remaining brain cells for far more important things.

Roamed around for 2 hours with my level 50 sb at Odin's gate or bridge or some such place. Managed to spot one stealther that passed me by and I missed attacking it. Did see a stealther though that had turned into a wolf that was having a right hiding from a Thane only to turn the tables by going from zero health to full again. Killed the Thane even though realistically the Thane should have won! Wonderful nonsensical toa crap and ras. Utter garbage it seems to me. No bloody way I wasting months of my life pursuing artifacts and god knows wot else. Hopefully I will put such time to far better use.

The game holds little if any interest to me now to be honest. I think the game is becoming geared more towards kids and their need for toys. Skill could be demonstrated in Thid but I don't think for much longer. The toys and buffs etc will wreck the place soon. Infact all the xp you get now causes a lot of problems. Who the hell wants to suicide all the time so they can stay in Thid?

Done all I wanted. Infact a hell offa lot more than I ever thought I could achieve? Time to leave for sure.

Have fun. Might see me now and then but doubt it somehow. Will post now and then for sure forra while yet.

ye u keep playing in the kids play ground..u know what.. in real life i could WTF pwn all those kids in the sandbox outside...but if im to fight i fight some on my own age...now remove the age and put in experiance...people in thid dont have much experiance playing his char...thats why he is in thid...but u played very long in thid so u manage to use ur crappy lag/run through thricks (tho they never work on me because i use /face) ofc u needing health pot end pots to win vs unexperianced players just show little about u..


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Borvo you sure talk ballocks m8. Laughable. Have heard such crap as this so many times now. In reality a great many peeps that have level 50 players also play in Thid. The result of which means the players have the best gear on and are buffed and can call on all their experience from playing the high level alt. That is the reality m8. There are loads of new players for sure but hell they stand out like sore thumbs. I would say at least 50% or more peeps in Thid are long term players.

That is the reality m8 not the rubbish you spout.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Thugs said:
Borvo you sure talk ballocks m8. Laughable. Have heard such crap as this so many times now. In reality a great many peeps that have level 50 players also play in Thid. The result of which means the players have the best gear on and are buffed and can call on all their experience from playing the high level alt. That is the reality m8. There are loads of new players for sure but hell they stand out like sore thumbs. I would say at least 50% or more peeps in Thid are long term players.

That is the reality m8 not the rubbish you spout.
ye thats true...me playing druid in big boys rvr gives me uber wtf skills playing a shade... long term maybe but less then 10% reroll like u do...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Anyone have this film for download? My backup is corrupted and someone wants to see it.

Someone might have downloaded it you never know!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Shanaia said:
Also I have been focusing on getting realmranks/ml's/sc'ing/toa'ing done on my 5 level 50's...
You know it's called endgame... that thing you suck at.

Yeah dunno if anyone could be called the "king" of a BG imo :p and if they could its only because thier mains are shit and if they're not then no one likes it because no one wants to grp with it? :fluffle:
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