'Total Thid Ownage' film - by Thugs

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Thugs said:
Oh and by the way Aoln did use dirty tricks right at the end of our duel that nearly caused me to die but I had enough presence of mind to realize something was wrong and to run-through intime so he missed hitting me. He died then from my poison. Said he would never use dirty tricks but there you go - who can you trust from Albion eh?
You do realise i have to of hit you for dirty tricks to do something, although good attempt of trying to make yourself look good.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 27, 2004
how can u own if u spent a month in BG with same character and didnt cap.

i spend like week and half with my hunter and capped.

iv capped with an infil in a week. what were u doing trying to take ck on your own...wudnt put it past you to think its within you ability.


He probably plays like a wimp and only attacks the easiest targets (therefore has less fights)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 31, 2004
Gaddry said:
how can u own if u spent a month in BG with same character and didnt cap.

i spend like week and half with my hunter and capped.

iv capped with an infil in a week. what were u doing trying to take ck on your own...wudnt put it past you to think its within you ability.


If you want to have fun in bg you run solo and dont add to get that 1rp, no point in capping out on that if you want more out of bg, is it? :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 27, 2004
lol, aah its cockface harmo...for your info Mr im da roxor minstrel man, i didnt group once and never purposly leeched, inless some1 added.

i earned all those RPs :kissit:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 31, 2004
i was hoping you were intelligent enough to answer my question, but it turns out you cant even come up with a good one. you're the cockface btw


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
this must be like... one of the longest thidranki threads ever lol :)

though it seems to be mostly whine and random insult flinging....

you all suck!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 21, 2004
Still thugs you havent managed to drop me 1v1, so i wouldnt say u have pwned me as you havent. Its like me going to emain with my 50 shade and waiting for a grp to wipe out sum1 and saying i personally pwned them.

By the evidence i have seen in threads and by your movies you seem to need an add to kill someone or to abuse strafing etc to actually get a kill.



Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
To the muck-flingers:

Could we keep this thread at an adult level, please? Name-calling is not an outstanding sign of maturity.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Thugs said:
[Valkybabe - redone the pictures to explain about our fight - take a look.

This would mean Valk had 772hp, i don't think thats possible for a luri in thid.

Did you include the style bonus into the damage total

e.g.You perform garote perfectly (+100)<---- this bit here
You hit John for 300dmg(-10)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Valkybabes hits

Double checked damage to Valkybabe - 657. I know she only has about 5-6 hits more than PKJ so that puts her at about 670. Bit odd to me though why I did 657 damage to her and yet she reckons she had 105 hits taken off her by a hunter. That means she would have dropped sooner.

Anyways I was in that fight with Valkybabe and if she had hit me like that with NO STRAFFING (in that particular fight) then no way would I complain about a bloody hunter adding for one shot. She got hammered. But no she just joins the rest and starts complaining nonsensically and looking for excuses.

Anyways the video was made and I can stop trawling the boards now cos I ain't playing forra while if ever again.

Gaddry. Don't know how many times I gotta say this - PKJ was re-rolled for the 3rd time during my time in Thid. Before he capped for the 3rd time I stopped using him and used Weaklin instead. That means my stealthers played for 3 caps of Thid without losing a single one on one fight and not just taking a month to cap once. A total of over a 1000 rps at Thid level without a loss one on one.




Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
Can i be king of thid?!?! Pwetty please>?!?! Can i? Can i?

Get a life m8


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 21, 2004
Thugs m8, i aint looking for excuses... i know a hunter for certain added in that fight.
At end of the day its only a game if i lost purely 1v1 to you i would admit it i got nothing to lose i can just /release and return whats harm in that anyways?

Anyways the kind thing that does pee me off is way u big up yourself and others will probably most agree with me. You can win a lot of fights yes i have saw but if u dont brag about yourself more maybe u will get flamed a less on these boards.

Everyone loses a 1v1 anytime dont make you the best, its the situation and the way u perform at the time which is overall heck i have dropped higher rr stealthers in emain than me and i am only rr5 that doesnt make me the leetist stealther in emain does it.

Not a flame just advice m8... If you tend to be more of: "Man that was a good fight etc i got you there" instead of literally tending to get peoples backs up then things will turn out sound..

Just my 2 cents..



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
my elf had 666 buffed without any aug con or toughness (last year this was) i think i had 680 with con 1 and tough 1, but i cant remember that for sure as had only a screeny of the 666 hp :) anyway thugs, as usual, your movie isnt remotely interesting and you never have any decent fights. and ofc, you will tell me that i 'cant understand what you are doing' and that 'i've died at your hands and am jealous and bitter' or whatever.
edit: 1000 rps is a record?


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Xcuse me? my NS killed u more then enuf. 1v1...
And in those movies u died 3 times orso but u stopped recording quick after u beat those scouts...

LiquidSnake ? rings a bell? I only got killed 1v1 by an Inconnu scout (buffed) and green wearing.. dunno why but he's uber:p



got nothing to say about anything good in this movie.

Not rly hard hah to hit 4 hibbies when u got 2 a 3 stealthers helpig u but u "profesionally" managed not to record that...

sucky movie


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Rookiescout - shows your incompetence m8. You want to think before posting.

And how many of those fights you "won" 1 on 1 would you have lost if you didnt expoit lack of collision detection and popping health and end pots?
I once posted before about how you had optimised your toon by giving him the best gear and weapons and for that you were to be applauded. You spent the time and money to get the best for your toon. To my knowledge I dont think that many people have a problem with that.
Even using a buffbot is ok in my opinion. Hell nearly every other stealther is buffed to the tits so why not you? (except me that is... I have never had a buffbot. I aint paying twice for this shit).
No ... the problem people have is the tactics you employ. You use "run through" constantly to get the win. Whats worse is you have confused this tactic with skill.
You made a big deal out of playing without buffs but the fact is you dont need buffs. The damage you do is via poisons. When one lot of poisons has run its course you swap to a different weapon and apply another lot.
If Mythic started a timer on poisons guess what? Your screwed. If Mythic negated "running through" guess what? Your screwed.
None of this seems to get through to you though. All we get is constantly bombarded with "Look at me I'm great I am" posts.
Occasionaly some fanboi pops in to say "Yeah he is" but the vast majority of people on these boards think your a tit.
You can post as much as you like but you are not going to convince me or many others that you are a skilled player.

Run-through is used by loads, including warriors, armsmen etc. Was used on me by Aoln after he stunned me during our sb/merc duel. LOADS use it and to say it isn't a skill just shows how little you know about the game.

Weapon swapping? Anyone can do this and for sure it is another skill that is why you should keep various poisoned weapons on you. Someone chasing you and you are out of end swap to a imbalance weapon and hit to continue running off etc. Use your head - weapon swapping another skill.

The thing is you have all seen PKJ/Weaklin in action but you can bet no other SB will fight like him again because you would be shocked to see how hard he is to play and to get any damage done. YOU REALLY REALLY GOTTA KNOW LOADS TO BE ABLE TO PLAY HIM. Just try it and see. Don't say 'all you gotta do is this and that to play him'. A lot easier said than done. Just try it anyone of you and show me the video. No way is it easy.

Xcuse me? my NS killed u more then enuf. 1v1...
And in those movies u died 3 times orso but u stopped recording quick after u beat those scouts...

LiquidSnake ? rings a bell? I only got killed 1v1 by an Inconnu scout (buffed) and green wearing.. dunno why but he's uber



got nothing to say about anything good in this movie.

Not rly hard hah to hit 4 hibbies when u got 2 a 3 stealthers helpig u but u "profesionally" managed not to record that...

sucky movie

No way did any ns bar for Mydad kill me ever one on one. He killed me the first day I arrived in Thid and then I got my new sc gear and chanced tactics. After that I killed him a few times. No ns ever killed me after so leave it there. An armsman said he killed me with 5 bolts one time so I guess you are just another one of them wanting to get some glory for something that never happened.

This isn't you is it? Can and elf be a ns - no idea but I would have killed this one without suffering any damage wotsoever (no poison took either) even though he tried to perf/hit me.

By the way I am Weaklin - unbuffed.


Wanted some action and just whacked something in between Hibs and Albs. Knew I was gonna die but take a look at that ns or wotever it was who tried to perf/hit me. Was stunned by the initial caster half way through the fight who instead of leaving us 2 stealthers slug it out blew me apart.

As for the video of me attacking the hibs it was 2am in the morning and for sure I thought I would die cos I never knew any Mids were there. But I didn't :mad: and had to walk back to MPK. You lot had enough time to kill me though anyways. You just suck is the problem.

The only way you can say you killed me is to have taken a picture or video and nothing exists cos it never happened so stop telling porkies.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Thugs said:
Rookiescout - shows your incompetence m8. You want to think before posting.

Run-through is used by loads, including warriors, armsmen etc. Was used on me by Aoln after he stunned me during our sb/merc duel. LOADS use it and to say it isn't a skill just shows how little you know about the game.

Weapon swapping? Anyone can do this and for sure it is another skill that is why you should keep various poisoned weapons on you. Someone chasing you and you are out of end swap to a imbalance weapon and hit to continue running off etc. Use your head - weapon swapping another skill.

The thing is you have all seen PKJ/Weaklin in action but you can bet no other SB will fight like him again because you would be shocked to see how hard he is to play and to get any damage done. YOU REALLY REALLY GOTTA KNOW LOADS TO BE ABLE TO PLAY HIM. Just try it and see. Don't say 'all you gotta do is this and that to play him'. A lot easier said than done. Just try it anyone of you and show me the video. No way is it easy.


No way did any ns bar for Mydad kill me ever one on one. He killed me the first day I arrived in Thid and then I got my new sc gear and chanced tactics. After that I killed him a few times. No ns ever killed me after so leave it there. An armsman said he killed me with 5 bolts one time so I guess you are just another one of them wanting to get some glory for something that never happened.

This isn't you is it? Can and elf be a ns - no idea but I would have killed this one without suffering any damage wotsoever (no poison took either) even though he tried to perf/hit me.

By the way I am Weaklin - unbuffed.


Wanted some action and just whacked something in between Hibs and Albs. Knew I was gonna die but take a look at that ns or wotever it was who tried to perf/hit me. Was stunned by the initial caster half way through the fight who instead of leaving us 2 stealthers slug it out blew me apart.

As for the video of me attacking the hibs it was 2am in the morning and for sure I thought I would die cos I never knew any Mids were there. But I didn't :mad: and had to walk back to MPK. You lot had enough time to kill me though anyways. You just suck is the problem.

The only way you can say you killed me is to have taken a picture or video and nothing exists cos it never happened so stop telling porkies.


I just spent 10 mins of my life reading that utter bullshit. Dont post again until you give me my 10 mins back.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 9, 2004
Ah just let him be. One day he will grow up and realise that all along he was confusing us with people who actually gave a damn. Alternatively he may even meet girls and finally get wtfpwned in a very new and special way. New to him, that is.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003

Hm has it occurred to you that the steepness of the learning curve is different for different people? ;) Besides if you want to play SB on hardcore level go staffblade, slashers are kiddie play compared to those :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I have beaten Thugs tons of times on my unSCed lvl 20 mentalist and he has never killed me once. You'll need a screenie to prove otherwise.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Thugs said:
Run-through is used by loads, including warriors, armsmen etc. Was used on me by Aoln after he stunned me during our sb/merc duel. LOADS use it and to say it isn't a skill just shows how little you know about the game.

erm, in your example, he doesnt run through before stunning you does he? he runs through AFTER STUNNING to get back positionals off. you run through to AVOID BEING HIT, and spam anytime styles.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
well u nuub, im specced Celtic dual and not Critical strike.

I charged u from side... stunned u and killed u easy..

i hate strafing and for nuubs that got a strafer against em.. use /face instead of /stick. let the strafer strafe, the fucking nuub.
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