'Total Thid Ownage' film - by Thugs

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Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Contradicting myself already by typing this :p

Fellow Albs.....the best way to make these pricks disappear is to ignore them. Giving him / them a large amount of replys only goes to inflate the warped egos they obviously have.

Ignoring the attention seeking mofo's and not fueling these threads will be the sweetest blow you could land, it would appear they thrive on this type of stuff.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gaddry said:
yeah but then where would my forum laughs come from?

word :)

I'm having way to much fun toying with people like that to ignore them :p

it started out as me being worried about Thugs and wanting to help him by pointing out he was acting in a way that would make everyone dislike him.

Now everyone dislikes him and he stoops so low as to use different accounts to flame the people that pwned him the most. :m00:


Loyal Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
To be honet you lot are a complete bunch of knobs !!!! Nothing more nothing less. Ok so he maybe go over the top a little but 1 thing is for sure he handed your arse's back to you, and because you are all pissed of and cant beat him you all team together and zerg him on FH when really you should be making a char to own his ass, End game End game lol what a load of crap that is there no end to this shite.SC'd Buff'd in this is avalible to most if they want it in thid none of this fooking ML CRAP and RR10 grps and Radar users (Eclipse) choping the ppl that want to solo down all the time. End game is crap but thats just my opinion oh b4 you say out ( I COULDNT GIVE A CRAP ABOUT YOUR REMARKS SO TBH QQ STFU QQ ). Eh thugs well done on victorys in thid tbh, All these ppl the really known thid toons dont seem to be around when your on but now you left, no doubt they will show up on here chatting shite.
I won't have my ass handed to me, unless he beats me in a duel 1on1, no buffs, no potions. My inf is on alb/excalibur, I doubt that will ever happen, until then...

Peace out!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
theripershow said:
Lame brain fooker shanaia oh and I no m8 of yours

Looks like Thugs has made another FH account purely for flaming :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Thugs please shut up and get lost you are the most annoying , whatever you are , ive ever met. Stop preaching your own brand of total crap and go back to drinking ! At least when you bladder burns we won't have to listen to you any more!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
ffs thugs!

less ignoreing and answer my first post!!!! what u have to say for u self..after revealing all ur duels was put in an unfair start..either ur buffed and ur opponents isnt and when ur not ur opponents is in free gear/drop! plz comment on that plz! :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
He won't answer Borvo he knows your right - the sad thing is he pays per month for god knows how many accounts and he nevers want to go higher than thid anymore.......

sad - very sad.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Saying how much you own in thid is like driving a F1 ferrari and beating a person driving a pushbike then saying how good you are etc when actually you had better stuff xD

In thid most players aren't even sc'ed, they just go there for fun, half do not even have buffs either.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 27, 2004
wish he would duel me once so i could make a post and spam laugh at him you stand out to me with the talent to be a prick


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
Non of the guys u solo'ed were buffed lol. most in crap gear too.. and you the King of Thid ? c'mon... u suck and u sure aint King of anything. 13 year old child who just thinks his the best of best. your the crap of crap


Loyal Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
u suck and u sure aint King of anything. 13 year old child who just thinks his the best of best. your the crap of crap
king of crap maybe??

PS: Hey Danecro :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 9, 2004
Sad Pricks, Getting to 50 is crap its for ppl who have no life saddo's and ugly fat birds ^^. What at 50 ML's wow great more fucking time spent doing boring things, RR's yeah they ok imo give SI Server only none of this TOA crap remove buffbots and lets have it. We see how good some of you OVERNIGHT HEROS I say that cus most of you a PL'd to 50 and dont have a fucking clue. Playing in thid is about as close as you can get to a equally matched fight because its all within everyone's reach to have good items etc etc. So what he killed unbuff'd ppl and ppl in free armor end of the day he still killed them, I guess the ppl moaning are the ones killed imo, And before the LAME ppl start spotuing shite about me being thugs, Tis not the case but if it make you lot moist to think this than so be it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
theripershow said:
Sad Pricks, Getting to 50 is crap its for ppl who have no life saddo's and ugly fat birds ^^. What at 50 ML's wow great more fucking time spent doing boring things, RR's yeah they ok imo give SI Server only none of this TOA crap remove buffbots and lets have it. We see how good some of you OVERNIGHT HEROS I say that cus most of you a PL'd to 50 and dont have a fucking clue. Playing in thid is about as close as you can get to a equally matched fight because its all within everyone's reach to have good items etc etc. So what he killed unbuff'd ppl and ppl in free armor end of the day he still killed them, I guess the ppl moaning are the ones killed imo, And before the LAME ppl start spotuing shite about me being thugs, Tis not the case but if it make you lot moist to think this than so be it.

You say getting to 50 is for saddo's and ugly fat birds. Then you want the TOA crap removed and buff bots removed.

Yet you say its fine that thugs killed all these unbuffed people in level gear or just bad gear. Double standards ?

But Then again using Alch charges and lvl 50 rogs + mp weapons and buffed to the hilts etc is fine?

You Hypocrite! "Oh before the lame people start talking shit?" Too late, they have already spoken it seems ^^

Fact of the matter is that he showed a few fights aganist mostly unbuffed / level gimps and if not using Run Through bug + heal/end pots. Ye well if thats what it takes for him to feel good about him self great but maybe he should just keep the creaming him self to his bed room. Maybe you can help him cream him self by the sounds of it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I’m not saying you’re a bad player (I’m also not saying you’re a good player!!) but I thought the whole idea of making a video is to show good and exiting fights where you and the opponent have a chance to win.

This isn’t a flame or anything but surely you must admit buffed vs unbuffed is like non-res ill vs res ill or even lvl50 vs lvl40, there’s just absolutely no reason to show those fights.

Would also like to point out that you say endgame RvR is crap because of things like ml’s, RA’s and you cba to get them, but the vast majority feel the same way about SC and buffs in Thid and only go there intill they have enough points for things like mcl or just a quick bit of FUN!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Sure are an odd dumb lot

Like talking to some dumb kid when posting on Freddys.

Not sure how many times I have explained this. Here goes again.

Played for close to a month killing all sorts. First few weeks stealthers mainly, most of which were buffed. This includes killing Valkybabe who suffered an add offa hunter which I didn't know about at the time of the fight. She suffered a hit of 105 damage. I finished the fight at around 55-60% health so it was pretty conclusive. In other words I gave her a hammering. Pictures for your perusal but no video.






Valkybabe had made a video and got me interested so I downloaded Fraps. Paying attention now? Downloaded Fraps AFTER playing for close to a month with no loss one on one. I did lose 3 fights when I first arrived in Thid during the first day as i settled in against Mydad, Vornus and another inf. After new sc gear and a brush up on my playing tactics I never lost again. First thing I did was to kill Mydad, Vornas and the inf.

The films were made on the last day or 2 of playing PKJ before I more or less had to re-roll unbuffed as Weaklin (cos of all the buffed complaints). I then solo'd with Weaklin for another 20+ fights one on one and never lost them either. One fight shows me (Weaklin - unbuffed) against an inf by the name of Cath who was using a sword and Jimbaya. Bit unlikely she didn't have good gear on too innit? The films were made randomly against whoever and only cover a few days play time.

During my time in Thid I killed all the Hib stealthers - Mydad - Valkybabe etc and all were in sc and the best buffs.

During my time in Thid I killed all the Alb stealthers - God knows who their names were. A few off the top of my head - Catrine - Keddy - Prowler.

During my time in Thid I killed Vornus (fully buffed sc'd reaver) - Darthfay (though this was a bit inconclusive cos it was during group combat where I took him on one on one a few times).

During my time in Thid I also duelled Aoln's sc'd crush merc and killed him. Both of us unbuffed. No video just pictures.


The film shows me as Weaklin mainly where I played unbuffed. But come on now buffs hardly made any difference on PKJ. He ended up with 40 more hits than Weaklin and was faster.

As I say the film shows me fighting over a period of a few days only and were against god-knows who. All my best fighting had been done in the previous 3-4 weeks.

Well there is my explanation again but will it be read and understood? Nope just utter garbage printed in reply again.

By the way like I have already stated I have stopped playing now. All I ever wanted to do was kill infs at Thid level and I absolutely achieved that both whilst buffed and unbuffed. To be able to kill everything else was a bonus. JOB ABSOLUTELY DONE.

Unbeaten in Thid one on one for maybe over a month looking at the logs and fighting everything and anything - including Pallies - Armsmen - Friars etc. Some unbeatable SB record. How many one on one fights does nearly capping 3x on an SB add up too when I played 99% of the time solo? A hell offa lot of fights and I won them all - ALL.

You think buffs would have made any difference to the outcome of the fights you have seen? You must be joking. All that would have happened is that they would have lasted a bit longer. Grow up and see exactly what was happening in the films - TOTAL OWNAGE!




One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Thugs said:
You think buffs would have made any difference to the outcome of the fights you have seen?
Yes, and your a fool if you keep telling your self otherwise.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Why do you people keep feeding the troll(s) ? I dun get it ;\


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004

And how many of those fights you "won" 1 on 1 would you have lost if you didnt expoit lack of collision detection and popping health and end pots?
I once posted before about how you had optimised your toon by giving him the best gear and weapons and for that you were to be applauded. You spent the time and money to get the best for your toon. To my knowledge I dont think that many people have a problem with that.
Even using a buffbot is ok in my opinion. Hell nearly every other stealther is buffed to the tits so why not you? (except me that is... I have never had a buffbot. I aint paying twice for this shit).
No ... the problem people have is the tactics you employ. You use "run through" constantly to get the win. Whats worse is you have confused this tactic with skill.
You made a big deal out of playing without buffs but the fact is you dont need buffs. The damage you do is via poisons. When one lot of poisons has run its course you swap to a different weapon and apply another lot.
If Mythic started a timer on poisons guess what? Your screwed. If Mythic negated "running through" guess what? Your screwed.
None of this seems to get through to you though. All we get is constantly bombarded with "Look at me I'm great I am" posts.
Occasionaly some fanboi pops in to say "Yeah he is" but the vast majority of people on these boards think your a tit.
You can post as much as you like but you are not going to convince me or many others that you are a skilled player.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
thugs less ignoring

thugs omg u killed valky...
valky got bb yes...so do u ok
valky dont have the perfect SC..u do
valky dont use pots that giving her 40% more hp..u do
so lets sum it up U STILL FUCKING KILLING PEEPS WITH WORSE GEAR/EQUIPMENT THEN U. retard shit..come and duel me...we should have the same gear.. no u dont dare that do u..
fact about aoln..he didnt max his char he even didnt use DT because he saw it unfairly..so with this u would fumbled say 25% of ur fight..oj that mean u would be dead even with ur lame as pots. oh and less ignoring my first post


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 21, 2004
I am sc'd and all, But best thing about it thugs says he handed my ass to me with a hunter behind shooting me from mb, to me that is not handing my ass to me.

He claims there wasnt anyone around but why would i need to lie about it i know i lose to loadsa people in thidranki everyone does. But makes me laugh when he posts logs which wont even prove there was a hunter nearby as thay wont show the hunters action as was from a distance.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 9, 2004
Vindicator said:
You say getting to 50 is for saddo's and ugly fat birds. Then you want the TOA crap removed and buff bots removed.

Yet you say its fine that thugs killed all these unbuffed people in level gear or just bad gear. Double standards ?

But Then again using Alch charges and lvl 50 rogs + mp weapons and buffed to the hilts etc is fine?

You Hypocrite! "Oh before the lame people start talking shit?" Too late, they have already spoken it seems ^^

Fact of the matter is that he showed a few fights aganist mostly unbuffed / level gimps and if not using Run Through bug + heal/end pots. Ye well if thats what it takes for him to feel good about him self great but maybe he should just keep the creaming him self to his bed room. Maybe you can help him cream him self by the sounds of it.

Blow the dust of your account imo rog items all that crap from market cheap as chips. FFS so if you kill a unbuff'd play you are not good ^^ hmmmm dont think so many a good heros from DAOC kill ppl un bufffed you do what you can to make yourself better its just faster to do it for thid than lvl shite.

Cream him hmmmm my arse not doing what your arse be doing RENTBOY :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

PKJ unbuffed = http://sites-4u.com/valk/unbuffedpkj.JPG

PKJ buffed = http://sites-4u.com/valk/buffedpkj.JPG

PKJ and Weaklin's Items = http://sites-4u.com/valk/pkjitems.JPG - Most things from DF and some low level drops.

Weaklin's unbuffed str was 122.

Oh and by the way Aoln did use dirty tricks right at the end of our duel that nearly caused me to die but I had enough presence of mind to realize something was wrong and to run-through intime so he missed hitting me. He died then from my poison. Said he would never use dirty tricks but there you go - who can you trust from Albion eh?


Valkybabe - redone the pictures to explain about our fight - take a look.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
theripershow said:
Playing in thid is about as close as you can get to a equally matched fight because its all within everyone's reach to have good items etc etc.

that is fucking bullshit. bolt mages and specDoTers are very strong there, to name a few examples.

Thugs, you're an idiot, but keep posting because it's very entertaining.

all hail King Thugs!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
theripershow said:
Cream him hmmmm my arse not doing what your arse be doing RENTBOY :kissit:


Coming from someone who obviously packs more fudge than Willy Wonker's Chocolate Factory thats rich ^^
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