Toa Lag -- Right-Now Appeal


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Sheph said:
The kind of lag you describe is the lag i got rid of by improving my system. My poor liddul warden didnt cast until seconds later and i was very sad!
Then explain why this lag only occurs on Mid/Pryd, not Mid/Excal or Alb/Pryd... THAT's the issue in this thread. And no, I don't think people change their comp spec if they switch between realms/servers....

If you wanna give advice on PC-specs, why not make a thread for that?

And, I couldn't care less of how cheap you say that PC-spec is, I can't afford it. Bought my comp march last year, and can't buy a new one every year. And I know a lot of others can't either.. And I also think it would be weird that Mid/Pryd would have to buy new comps to play TOA while Alb/Pryd can use their "old" ones...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Sheph said:
The kind of lag you describe is the lag i got rid of by improving my system. My poor liddul warden didnt cast until seconds later and i was very sad!

The system i decribe is far from best of the best and is very cheap.

Ah... annoying :) well i got some mails from some other people reading the thread about what specs/settings they gonna get. So i fink ill stay annoying if it helps some people!

Says the Warden playing on Hib/Pry where there isnt an issue.

How many times do you have to repeat the same old cr@p before you actually comprehend the crux of this whole thread.

God I think I get more satisfaction out of banging my head against a brick wall.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Sheph said:
The kind of lag you describe is the lag i got rid of by improving my system. My poor liddul warden didnt cast until seconds later and i was very sad!

The system i decribe is far from best of the best and is very cheap.

Ah... annoying :) well i got some mails from some other people reading the thread about what specs/settings they gonna get. So i fink ill stay annoying if it helps some people!
Is :
-AMD XP 3000+
-Radeon 9800
-200 GB HDD
-SB Audigy 2
I'd say more than enough and I still have these 2-10 sec delays in ToA zoens


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Stinko said:

ok we're officially doomed on prydwen then :(

and to anyone suggesting that your pc spec makes toa lag - yes you have a point on a low spec system but that is not in my case - my best rig blows away anything you throw at it - farcry/uk2k4 all on high res/max details etc - my pc's ONLY lag in TOA nowhere else - this seems blindingly obvious to me as to a lot of others - there IS a server side problem :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Aremeriel said:
Then explain why this lag only occurs on Mid/Pryd, not Mid/Excal or Alb/Pryd... THAT's the issue in this thread. And no, I don't think people change their comp spec if they switch between realms/servers....

If you wanna give advice on PC-specs, why not make a thread for that?

And, I couldn't care less of how cheap you say that PC-spec is, I can't afford it. Bought my comp march last year, and can't buy a new one every year. And I know a lot of others can't either.. And I also think it would be weird that Mid/Pryd would have to buy new comps to play TOA while Alb/Pryd can use their "old" ones...

I had the same type of lag on Hib/Exc at start of TOA. I solved it by changing comp.

I will post in tech forum now too to satisfy you.

Your personal economy or pref to use your money on is not of interest. In general the spec i talked about was not expensive and it solved similar problems for me.

I play on Hib and could not use my old comp for TOA.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sheph said:
The kind of lag you describe is the lag i got rid of by improving my system. My poor liddul warden didnt cast until seconds later and i was very sad!

The system i decribe is far from best of the best and is very cheap.

Ah... annoying :) well i got some mails from some other people reading the thread about what specs/settings they gonna get. So i fink ill stay annoying if it helps some people!

Those who play in the toa zones on midgard/prydwen know what kind of problem it's all about - it has nothing to do with clientside hardware. Please don't make a fool out of yourself by destroying the content of this post. Thank you.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Ok update.
We've done some preliminary tests and not found any problems in the servers or the network. Part of the problem is that the lag doesn't seem to be constant. At times it's severe and at other times it's non-existant. While I'd expect there to be a difference from off-peak to primetime, the lag seems to come and go irrespective of server population. This obviously makes it harder to pin the problem down.
We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and the network techs are actively searching for any anomalies in the network that might be causing it. If there's anything new to report I'll post it up.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Requiel said:
Ok update.
We've done some preliminary tests and not found any problems in the servers or the network. Part of the problem is that the lag doesn't seem to be constant. At times it's severe and at other times it's non-existant. While I'd expect there to be a difference from off-peak to primetime, the lag seems to come and go irrespective of server population. This obviously makes it harder to pin the problem down.
We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and the network techs are actively searching for any anomalies in the network that might be causing it. If there's anything new to report I'll post it up.

Requiel - it may sound like an obvious question but have your techies actually tried playing in toa on prydwen midgard ? I would suggest you actually get them to play it for a while - any evening during the week seems to ALWAYS have lag - like you say tho the severity seems random but there is always at least some there - ranging from 1 second (playable) to 10 second at its worse (totally unplayable and very frustrating). Maybe if they played the game in those zones with their technical knowledge of the server setup they may have some ideas of where the problems may lie (routers, switches, fibre connects, overburdened cpu loads etc etc)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
Its good Goa at least have started to investigate the lag.

Its, as said, you never know when its going to lag. We were hunting an artifact a couple of days ago with a single guild grp, and the lag killed us. 10 sec or so when I cast a healing. Next day I was on a ML-hunt with 8-10 full grps and no lag at all.

First to come into my mind is if the lag can be caused of a backup-system or some other scans on the servers at GOA?


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 15, 2004
harm said:
Sounds like a good idea really..
Indeed it does, this is laughable tbh.

Ping is stable around 50ish, all meters green, and still there's lag.

i CAN lag normally too, in SI and classic, but then my lag-o-meters shows orange and red(rare), but this does not happen often, mind.

Purely a ToA issue cause it lags like hell most of the time and like stated before all meters green and ping to prydwen fine.

i strongly suggest the GoA network techs starts searching for the problem more aggressivly and in detail.

One would almost think GoA trying to shut down prydwen by making ppl switch server :confused:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Hmmm... i tried to play on Mid/Pry TOA yesterday. I didnt find ny lag at all. Was yesterday a good day ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Last night 08/07/04 was fine, though I was on ML9 raid in Aerus City for most of it. While forming groups in Aerus chat was coming back quickly.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Don't know if it's of any use:
1700+ AMD Athlon
GF3 128 meg gfx card
No idea about motherboard
In desperate need of reinstall and general clean up

I have on average about ½fps if more than 5 mobs are in sight, but I NEVER lag, not in TOA or anywhere else in the game and if I do, it's because my perverted neighbour is downloading porn.
I'm on a shared 4meg broadband connection.
I think this rules out computer setup as an issue as I could probably play a C64 for the same result o_O
I know nothing about computers so don't start asking questions, if you can use it fine, if not, disregard it

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Today's respons from goa:
Response (CM) 07/09/2004 03:56 PM
Thank you for the report and our apologies for the time taken to reply to you. We have conducted tests to determine the cause of the lag and so far these have been inconclusive. We are continuing to investigate and keep a close eye on the situation and as soon as we find a solution or determine the cause (if it proves to be outside our network), then we will inform the community via the official website
Thank you once again for your patience.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Jobil said:
Don't know if it's of any use:
1700+ AMD Athlon
GF3 128 meg gfx card
No idea about motherboard
In desperate need of reinstall and general clean up

I have on average about ½fps if more than 5 mobs are in sight, but I NEVER lag, not in TOA or anywhere else in the game and if I do, it's because my perverted neighbour is downloading porn.
I'm on a shared 4meg broadband connection.
I think this rules out computer setup as an issue as I could probably play a C64 for the same result o_O
I know nothing about computers so don't start asking questions, if you can use it fine, if not, disregard it

And you play alb I think from reading your signature, this lag is confined to mids ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Sheph said:
It seems many who feel the lag uses AMD processor ? True ?

Nope, i have both AMD and Intel, and same problem on both (P4HT 2,8 and AMD 1800+)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Sheph why are you constantly trying to tell everyone their PC isnt compatible with TOA. This isnt the cause of the lag and its also pretty damn obvious it isn't. Just drop it please. Theres also alot of complains coming from the US servers of the same sort of problems now, it seems to be bigger problem than it originally looked like.

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