To Vigilance



As you clearly thought I was lying:

Originally posted by Event
Also i dont know what time zone u are in m8 but your ingame clock says 04.51am and I can assure you that I have never played daoc at that time in all the time ive been playing this game.

The bard is me at the front afaik but there is no way i was playing in any zerg or grp at that time.

Originally posted by vulcan1
Ah I remember that

It wasnt odins it was emain AND I add Diab switched to playing Symphony the Bard not his Hero as we were Bard shy to run 2 fg hence the lower RRs

I forgot there is another female celt bard in the guild because symfony is a hardly ever used toon. I wasnt out at 4am - nuff said.

Originally posted by Asha
I think you're missing the whole point, Diablen tried to boast that your littul guild beat us, when really it was 4am and there were 2fg of you vs 1 fg of us - zerg. Don't lie if you don't wanna get called out for it. Also, I don't know if he was drunk or hungover or what but he was acting like an ass in irc that night.

I say again what i said in earlier post - I think it highly unworthy of u to drag our entire guild into your pathetic designs.

QUOTE]Originally posted by Event
seriously is 2fgs a zerg?

It comes down to this - if u got a problem with a member of Vigilance cant u pm him privately instead of creating a thread entitled "To Vigilance" on BW with the obvious intention of blackening the guilds name publicly and tarring us all with the same brush.

Shame on you tbh.

This is last post I will make on this thread much to everyones relief Im sure. Just cba defending my guild anymore in the face of nonsense. All realms zerg, some guilds do, some guilds dont - its a war ffs. We have been singled out for 1 reason and that is that we are the new kids on the block and have actually done pretty well in our 1st few months - yep we get wiped often but we do our share of pwning and we have fun. WTF IS PEEPS FUCKING PROBLEM WITH THAT???

Now wud the peeps who like to frequent irc plz take their shit there where I will thankfully never see it.


Haha Vigilance the guys that go with 2fg to hw :)

Meet you once fg v fg and then you loost to a rr2-3 group of ex stealthers...

Like Mythic say: Stealthers are often more skilled then other players ;)


Originally posted by Event
tarring us all with the same brush.
Btw, Event, mind telling us what that first thread of yours was if not tarring all Albs with the same brush?


what happened to all the nice firby loving in this thread



actually df is overpowered, when i played my drood i tried to melee sst >< first hit - evade, got df and she proceded to hand my ass to me.. was funny :)

And btw, we must be a big guild since ppl say we run 2fg in emain 2fg in odins and 2fg in hw.. i think my /gc who is broken.


We have nothing to prove to anyone, weve beat the best many times with our strongest grp (like atrocity, the rr7+ fc grp, BF, TB

Whats your problem with that statement Ialkarn? You denying that weve ever beaten you fairly 1fg v 1fg? If so then you lie.

And id love some links to where ive called albs fucking noobs and assholes, get some links then call me a twat, otherwise take your "Diabien is a twat" comments elsewhere until you know me.

And that pic yeah we got rolled 4 times by 4fg albs, so i summoned "Zergilance" (and at 4am we had all kinda of rrs and classes lol even think Hittyx was in a grp) and i even played Symfony so we could run "Zergilance" to fight back and beat that 4fg....whaddya know albs come back as 5fg (wonder what 5fg albs at 4am is called if 2fg is a zergilance?)

Now Ialkarn, if you cant understand why we ran as 2fg when the only enemy in emain at 4am was 4fg albs running together, then you need your head read. Just unlucky your gg came through after we killed the 4fg.


no sorry you're the liar

you were saying in irc that night that you were 2 fg cause you were getting zerged but there was no 5 fg of Albs in emain.
There was us, 2fg of CM and maybe some group of fire wizzies or something.

then you said 2fg FC were running together

which was funny cause /who cohort showed like 5 ppl, 4 of whom were in our group

you were acting like a twat in irc, maybe you don't remember as you were drinking (according to your friends) - maybe you were seeing double :p


our whole grp must have been seeing double then, nerf the pissheads


Originally posted by diabien_hib
Whats your problem with that statement Ialkarn? You denying that weve ever beaten you fairly 1fg v 1fg? If so then you lie.

I honestly don't remember it happened,if it I did that dosen't make you better than you are,everyone can do mistakes and lose against noobs,your statemed " we beated FC,BF,TB blabla" sound like you are a skilled rvr guild and you own other RvR guilds ,when you are not and you do not.

Originally posted by diabien_hib

And id love some links to where ive called albs fucking noobs and assholes, get some links then call me a twat, otherwise take your "Diabien is a twat" comments elsewhere until you know me.

You did in irc #CF channel, I have nothing to show cause aloot of ppl know/remember that.

no I don't take my comments elsewhere ,I do it here right now:you are a twat;not cause you are an hib or a member of Vigilance or cause you zerg (and you do ),you are twat as person,cause you insult ppl for the only reason they play a game in another faction than yours.

here a fresh ss of Vigilance ss in Odin where they "owned" us again:

cg cancelled cause a private conversation was going on.


when i see vigilance in emain its like yay free rps wooha. worst guild on exc tbh


Originally posted by duact
when i see vigilance in emain its like yay free rps wooha. worst guild on exc tbh

Most of them are nice people though, they play like they want to play and you can't change anything about it ;)

Let's not even begin to talk about Atrocity's skills tbh ;x The one thing you have to do (assisting) is something you don't or just cba cause of your strong realm / group setup that 90% of the hib groups can't beat without lots of luck.


Nice, Vigilance is easy rps?

Look at Duskwave...

As everybody can see at Duskwave Vigilance got more rps in the last week than any other guild at Excalibur.

Vigilance : 3,812,616
Vengeance : 3,665,089
Llaw Arian : 3,046,427

BTW. why are all these guilds hibs, damn they must be weak and easy to beat..


Originally posted by duact
when i see vigilance in emain its like yay free rps wooha. worst guild on exc tbh

Deleted my nice long flamepost... yeah... so we suck... atleast i dont take personal strain of it and stalk every thread where atrocity is mentioned... yawn. Does it actually make you a better player or something when you troll the forums? :)


Re: Nice, Vigilance is easy rps?

Originally posted by lothian
BTW. why are all these guilds hibs, damn they must be weak and easy to beat..

Nah... its just matter of activity... you get up and run some more... and dont go all FFS THOSE NOOBS BEAT US IM GONNA LOG FFS in /group...


Re: Nice, Vigilance is easy rps?

Originally posted by lothian
Look at Duskwave...

As everybody can see at Duskwave Vigilance got more rps in the last week than any other guild at Excalibur.

Vigilance : 3,812,616
Vengeance : 3,665,089
Llaw Arian : 3,046,427

BTW. why are all these guilds hibs, damn they must be weak and easy to beat..

2 words:

Warder zerg.

Tank groups dont do so well against completely overwhelming numbers but caster groups sink most of them before they go down due to pbaoe etc.


Re: Nice, Vigilance is easy rps?

Originally posted by lothian
Look at Duskwave...

As everybody can see at Duskwave Vigilance got more rps in the last week than any other guild at Excalibur.

Vigilance : 3,812,616
Vengeance : 3,665,089
Llaw Arian : 3,046,427

If u look at rp's pr member the picie is a little different.

I have not run enough with Vigi to speak about how they play, but comparing rp's with a 20 to 25 member guild with a 50+ member guild is not a way to prove anything.

But ofc it's still up to any guild to choose how they want to play.
Then some may like it, and some not. But thats another question ;)


lol at the "fresh" piccie.. hmg with 1fg of us and fg random.. thats like saying OMG SOMEONE FOUGHT US 2FGVS1 AT AMG EMAIN JUST AFTER ALB PORT ?! OMG THEY SHOULD LEAVE THEIR PK IN A ROW WITH 5 MINUTES INBETWEEN.. see it from the hib side, in emain everywhere u go u cant fight fg vs fg, the stealtheradds are simply insane.. k nm thats not the thing..

But when showing a fight where theres a fg of us, and fg randoms.. I dont see the problem actually, how often do you think you could run in emain or odins and fight without being added on as hib.. (insert what you think here) , and yes..



w00t! I'm famous. The celt thunderer with the round sheild facing the camera.

If your mad coz our 2fgs killed you, then thank your realm mates. They were the ones who were running 4fgs. I was about to log that night and we all got the call to go to dl to fight back against the albs zerg. We might all be absolutely awfull at RvR as lots here seem to think, but hey, we did ok against more that our numbers that night. We eventually decided to call it a night (morning) when the 5fgs of albs stormed us. U win some and u loose some and we won some and lost some. We occasionally outnumbered ppl and were occasionally outnumbered. This is emain we're talking about where anything from a few soloers, 1fg stealth adds, great rvr guilds and relic raid sized zergs are all part of everyday life.



I like to zerg, I think it's fun, I like to zerg against zergs...oooo dirty word, worst of all, I feel no remorse zerging people, not even a bit. Not the tiniest bit. You know how small a particle is? well not even that small...

If I have 200 people following me, and we see a stealther, just one stealther, I will arrange to have him killed. And guess what, I won't be sad about it, I won't even have wet eyes.

And you know what else, I often run solo, I run solo and I get killed, many times, sometimes I even get killed by rvr guilds like NP. They zerg me tbh, sometimes xanatea hugs me when I am dead, and you know what? I don't even cry, ask my mom, there are no tears, not even wet eyes. I release, and I go back, and you know what, sometimes I die again.

There are no wet eyes, no sobs, I laugh alot, especially at my mistakes. Then I release and I go back, sometimes I say well done to whoever killed me in irc.

And you know what? Sometimes I get organise a zerg, and I take the zerg to emain, and I kick the invaders from my realm so hard it makes them come to irc and cry. You know what? I feel good then tbh, like I am doing what I was supposed to. Then I take the zerg to another realm, and I take keeps and relics and have lots of fun.

And you know what?

I died alot, I killed alot, I arranged a lot of death, destruction and mayhem...most importantly, I had fun.

How fucking kooky am I? I put the R into mmorpg, I roleplayed, weird innit.



nice pic...

and y are so nice to take the pic after the rest grps came when your grp already died...

it was yesterday... and we killed your grp 1fg vs 1fg then the rest zerg came :) but i guess y didnt get pics of that... anyway np...

LOL @ karate post... i wonder if y ever run alone m8.. y always have like 3-4 fg behind to guard y or something...

anyway about our skills we arent a l33t guild or something lots of times we running with rr2-3 guildm8s... yesterday we had a rr1 chanter with us :p we still have fun though cause all the guys at our guild are nice to play-talk with. :)

some times we running with our high rr gg too and we play nice :)

we always have fun. some times we like to zerg so we can kill those 982398423 fg warders alb running emain :) but still we have fun.

someone said about our population too... yeah well active players (total) we have like 30 peeps. the rest is alts,buffbots

the biggest pop we had online was 25 peeps i think.

P.S "You did in irc #CF channel, I have nothing to show cause aloot of ppl know/remember that."

well do y remember your whine at irc that day ialkarn?... i do.
y were yelling and crying for long long time... cause we had 2fg running at 4am and albs had 5fg. ofc we died but still we killed lots of peeps at that run :)

anyway daoc is supposed to be a game... a funny one... with lots of action etc... if y dont have fun with that then imo stop playing mmorpgs... :)



Originally posted by Lunabel
well do y remember your whine at irc that day ialkarn?... i do.
y were yelling and crying for long long time... cause we had 2fg running at 4am and albs had 5fg. ofc we died but still we killed lots of peeps at that run :)

tbh, see this from ialks point of view, BF typically play late nights as its the only time to get any good rvr, vgn try and field 1fg late nights too for the same reason and have some great fights recently due to this, now if every single time BF port to emain you kill them with double numbers, he has every right to be pissed off, i am sure as hell i'd go nuts on irc if an rvr guild killed me with 2fg at 4am. Any guild running that kinda numbers at that time of day is taking the piss imo and just ruins everyone who wants a fair fights fun. Just my 2 cents


ok sure i agree with that... but we were 2fg out cause of 4-5 fg albs... what do y want us to do when we meet 1fg of enemies? let them be?


Originally posted by Lunabel
ok sure i agree with that... but we were 2fg out cause of 4-5 fg albs... what do y want us to do when we meet 1fg of enemies? let them be?

And when you run 2fg in hw?


keep take!!! doh

and some times we had fun with humberton guard and some others...

it isnt always emtpy :) i have pics with 4-5fg albs there zerg vs zerg etc.


Ok but you do know there is no keep mid side of mmg or?

HW is empty we run around for maybe one hour have some nice figthts when 2fucking fg of Vigilance comes. And dont come with some fucking keep take shit next port you was camping outside mtk....


we never camping pks...
we do that if we wanna suiside or something.

ofc before we suiside we want to kill some... if we dont np it was meant to be suiside :)

but always when we come at hw... its cause someone said at /as that 2-3fg roaming mgs camping etc...


Ikkle Lunabel said............
anyway about our skills we arent a l33t guild or something lots of times we running with rr2-3 guildm8s... yesterday we had a rr1 chanter with us :p.........

i was that chanter :D and ill have u know im rr2 now (after the fights ofc)
thnx to those who helped me get a savant spam :eek:
newho love to 1 and all well maybe not love cos im not ghey but u know what i mean !!!!


Originally posted by Lunabel

nice pic...

and y are so nice to take the pic after the rest grps came when your grp already died...

it was yesterday... and we killed your grp 1fg vs 1fg then the rest zerg came :) but i guess y didnt get pics of that... anyway np...

ahaha that the biggest lie ever.

you was roaming odin whit a random fg stuck on you,you charged us in 2fgs while we were killing something at amg.

The only time we have meet you fg vs fg was last night around 2 am or so (we were running a BF/FC group again) and you got raped in 10 secs ( I admit wasnt a full vigilance ,I just saw 4-5 cloaks) then the same group whit another one stuck on them zerged us in Brifine.
After that you disappeared,I guess some ppl logged and you didn't have enought ppl to keep two groups alive,Emain must be a scary place during the night.

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