To Vigilance



"you was roaming odin whit a random fg stuck on you"

no comments just lol

"you charged us in 2fgs while we were killing something at amg."

lol again...

anyway np we "vigilance" are noobs we know that we still have fun all the time though :) and we dont say anything when we die or something...

y from the other hand y yelling at irc-forum crying about your l33tness and about our guild and our zerg or something... and they killed me again with 2fg (i want my mother etc etc).

we just dont CARE say anything y want about us and how noobs we are... the NooB guild " vigilance " happy? :)

/kiss "l33t" Iankarn


here a fresh ss of Vigilance ss in Odin where they "owned" us again:

haha omg Ialkarn your just making even more of an ass of yourself.

We were 1fg, we had all your tanks dead when the random grps came charging from behind, you were beaten and battered by "us vigilance noobs" so go cry more. I said on guild chat i want a high rr fg in odins now to prove a point to people like you, we took one and we owned you as i said we could do in previous post in this thread. If you dont believe me ask Nashkraag, he retired his druid at rr9 to play his chanter but i made him play it just for this occasion.

Any any hib doubting what i just said can message any of the random hibs you seen in that pic, and they will confirm that we were alone and had most of the BF grp dead when they arrived.

1 last thing Ialkarn.....pwnd.


Originally posted by Lunabel
we never camping pks...
we do that if we wanna suiside or something.

ofc before we suiside we want to kill some... if we dont np it was meant to be suiside :)

I'd like to state that all albs that zerg wants to suicide!!!

So i'd guess zerging is ok now?


Originally posted by duact
when i see vigilance in emain its like yay free rps wooha. worst guild on exc tbh

I cannot believe you wrote that pathetic attempt at an insult m8. You must be so dense that it actually hurt to come up with that one.

If you look back through this thread you will find that the majority of Vigliance members come across as modest adults who freely admit we aint the best but we have fun and try our best in game.

So when u post something like that you aint doing yourself any favours m8 though there aint much you can do to redeem yourself anyhow coz u are well known as a complete buffoon.

And for the record I havent named any guilds from alb or mid in this post or any other post for that matter because I have no feelings about any guilds tbh. They are just players like everyone else and I dont give a shit if they are pve, rvr, l33t or lame.

Many guilds claim to run 1fg but they usually have a fg of adding asslickers close behind - this applies to some of the most famous guilds on exc tbh. Probably not their fault that peeps follow "the greats" but there u go.


Originally posted by diabien_hib
We were 1fg, we had all your tanks dead when the random grps came charging from behind, you were beaten and battered by "us vigilance noobs" so go cry more

Did you beat the phantom 2fg of FC too? :) Sorry but you’ve lied so many times it would be hard to believe anything you say. Event seems like a decent bloke, too bad you follow each of his common sense posts up with your nonsense.

1 last thing Ialkarn.....pwnd.

lol yeah right pwned with 2x the numbers, nice one. Even if what you said is true, it’s nonsense, you had to call in rr9 people to try to beat us with a casual set up. I’ll take it as a compliment.


there they go again "we r leet u cant win no matter what, if i see a lagghost behind u its a zerg" etc etc.. whatever, im am like THE worst druid.. but im still allowed to play, now i dont see the problem with people coming whining here about a guild.. everytime we die to alb warder zerg, do we come here and whine to ALL warders in alb no...

So you lost or won, who cares. we die and we win, but we dont come here "wohoo we pwned <insert guild that says theyre leet here>" or "omfg we lost, lets say they zerged or we had 5 ld" stuff like that..

If you cant take a beating or cant win without having to brag or cry about it, i say again.. YOUR PLAYING THE WRONG GAME. now thank you for reading this and think a little about it :)

edit: btw the rr9 thing, yeah sorry but to tell the truth we dont have a garage where we put our high rr guys, and call em when we meet resistance.. they actually get to play in the grps from the start :) whats wrong with being high rr and winning ?


you had to call in rr9 people to try to beat us with a casual set up. I’ll take it as a compliment.

Yeah we had a pretty strong grp out, because i wanted to prove a point, and the point was proved beating you with zero deaths. Yeah some random grps came, but the fight was over by then, they finished off your minstrel and 2 clerics who had pets on them.
We could play with this kind of grp on a regular basis, but thats not what were about. This was just to prove a point.

Event seems like a nice bloke
Hes an asshole \o/


Originally posted by Thyron
there they go again "we r leet u cant win no matter what, if i see a lagghost behind u its a zerg" etc etc..

Read the damn thread. We didn't post til your little friend posted that you beat us – yes we’re going to post when the only times you beat us is by using twice the numbers.

So you lost or won, who cares. we die and we win, but we dont come here "wohoo we pwned <insert guild that says theyre leet here>" or "omfg we lost, lets say they zerged or we had 5 ld" stuff like that..

Neither do we, plz find one thread like that from any BF. Tell Diablah to stop opening his big mouth if you don’t wanna hear a response. As for IRC – see what fluid said.

edit: btw the rr9 thing, yeah sorry but to tell the truth we dont have a garage where we put our high rr guys, and call em when we meet resistance.. they actually get to play in the grps from the start :) whats wrong with being high rr and winning ?

nothing except diablen said he made all your high rr log on when he saw a BF group lol
you should really get a garage, it keeps them from getting rusty :p

diablen I don't believe a word you say. You have a story for everything. You get your highest RR out to fight a casual BF group and get adds before the fight is over and call that pwning? :rolleyes:


We took a half decent grp, not at all our strongest (2 rr9 3 rr6 3 rr5) and beat you like you said we could not. Forget the adds, the fight was over before they joined in, and my point was proved.


STOP TEH MADNESS! :x so much rudeness flying around here :)


Originally posted by diabien_hib
Yeah we had a pretty strong grp out, because i wanted to prove a point, and the point was proved beating you with zero deaths. Yeah some random grps came, but the fight was over by then, they finished off your minstrel and 2 clerics who had pets on them.
We could play with this kind of grp on a regular basis, but thats not what were about. This was just to prove a point.

Hes an asshole \o/

So you were 1fg and the other hibs in the picture come later right? and everyone in my group jelling:ffs 2fgs blabla are a bunch or liars too?


correct, they came about 8 secs later when luna etc pwnd your tanks in pb box


Originally posted by diabien_hib
correct, they came about 8 secs later when luna etc pwnd your tanks in pb box


Next time you go out to prove you can kill something in 1fg try to make it look credible.


Originally posted by diabien_hib
We took a half decent grp, not at all our strongest (2 rr9 3 rr6 3 rr5) and beat you like you said we could not. Forget the adds, the fight was over before they joined in, and my point was proved.

lol your point is that you have to get the highest rr you have on to wtfpwn a casual bf group with another fg? And sorry but if two clerics are alive, the fight isn't over. I have been in groups where only cleric and mincer left up, cleric moc rez me paladin tank, I rezzed sorc and two more tanks and we killed the hibs. It's happened more than once. I don't think we would never lose to you, but I think it's pretty damn funny that you called on ppl to play their high rr chars to beat what is no where near our best group. But grats on proving your point lol.


Originally posted by Asha
lol your point is that you have to get the highest rr you have on to wtfpwn a casual bf group with another fg? And sorry but if two clerics are alive, the fight isn't over. I have been in groups where only cleric and mincer left up, cleric moc rez me paladin tank, I rezzed sorc and two more tanks and we killed the hibs. It's happened more than once. I don't think we would never lose to you, but I think it's pretty damn funny that you called on ppl to play their high rr chars to beat what is no where near our best group. But grats on proving your point lol.

sorry but i am bored of this flaming, so just gonna post a clip of how much work a warden does vs BF :p flame if u want but i fink its funny ^^


Originally posted by ab_fluid
sorry but i am bored of this flaming, so just gonna post a clip of how much work a warden does vs BF :p flame if u want but i fink its funny ^^

So what?:) you jump on us we get mezzed you whipe us,I don't see what that have to do whit this thread.

But thx for the shit you tring to bring on us,maybe I should do the same and remember you how many realms you had to jump failing everything in your daoc career (gimped armsman,gimped Sb,gimped wizard on pvp) but it would be off topic,like your reply.


Originally posted by Ialkarn
So what?:) you jump on us we get mezzed you whipe us,I don't see what that have to do whit this thread.

But thx for the shit you tring to bring on us,maybe I should do the same and remember you how many realms you had to jump failing everything in your daoc career (gimped armsman,gimped Sb,gimped wizard on pvp) but it would be off topic,like your reply.

lol, bitchy, i was actually looking for u on irc to show u it instead as i just thought it was funny, we have done the same to NP/JH/FC before its not a great problem when the enemies purges etc are down, no need to get all defensive, i am just fed up with the tone of the thread, seeing people i like ... BF (although u maybe a littles less than the others after ur attempt to flame me) and most vigi peeps randomly flaming each other, maybe try scrolling up and you'll see where i praise your guild or check other threads, up to you how u wanna take it, if u think i fail at my daoc career then so be it, i am officer in a guild i love and play classes i love to play and have fun when i log on and fight nice far fights vs my enemies, personally i thought better than you to jump to conclusions and pick on things that happened over 18 months ago.


Originally posted by ab_fluid
lol, bitchy, i was actually looking for u on irc to show u it instead as i just thought it was funny, we have done the same to NP/JH/FC before its not a great problem when the enemies purges etc are down, no need to get all defensive, i am just fed up with the tone of the thread, seeing people i like ... BF (although u maybe a littles less than the others after ur attempt to flame me) and most vigi peeps randomly flaming each other, maybe try scrolling up and you'll see where i praise your guild or check other threads, up to you how u wanna take it, if u think i fail at my daoc career then so be it, i am officer in a guild i love and play classes i love to play and have fun when i log on and fight nice far fights vs my enemies, personally i thought better than you to jump to conclusions and pick on things that happened over 18 months ago.

Ok I apologise:I wrote that cause I was angry not cause I really think you are a gimp,but I didn't get it like a joke,maybe cause it come in a thread like that and the moment/place wasn't appropriate,but I shotted under the belt.


Originally posted by Ialkarn
Ok I apologise:I wrote that cause I was angry not cause I really think you are a gimp,but I didn't get it like a joke,maybe cause it come in a thread like that and the moment/place wasn't appropriate,but I shotted under the belt.

np, maybe bad posting time of joke, but i am 1 of those people who cannot be serious for 5 mins, and i get misunderstood sometimes :x


Originally posted by ab_fluid
np, maybe bad posting time of joke, but i am 1 of those people who cannot be serious for 5 mins, and i get misunderstood sometimes :x

Fluid? Serious?

*goes off to laugh himself silly*


lol u b lucky to get Vulc on before the wee hours to kill him - he works his arse off in the day and chills at night playing this game can't moan at em for playing late if that's governed by their careers IMHO

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