To Tilda - Moderater Abuse

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but you can still be arsed to reply?

Anyways, the reason I quoted the TnC was just in case someone wanted to dispute me on that and couldn't be arsed to go look it up.

But I stick to the point that the TnC do not authorise Tilda's actions.


to novamir

"Er, i was implying that you can't spell your own name :/

And i'd like for the mods to check your and Mageling's last recorded IPs... to be sure.. =)"

Yes its spelt vengeful I know..... but to cut a long story short, in a previous game I played, someone had already taken the name Vengeful, and so I chose to spell it as it is now, and eventually got attached to the name, so thats why I spell it in that way... anyways.......

ya check IP's etc doesn't bother me. :)


Re: to novamir

Originally posted by Vengful

ya check IP's etc doesn't bother me. :)

ok you're just a n00b troll then. sh00


"The attitude the moderator has towards his own actions hasn't got anything to do with it aslong as the founders/supermoderators stand above him and can moderate and control him. So no it doesn't depend, if you reported it to the people they wouldn't do anything differently simply because the moderator felt he did nothing wrong.

I am pretty sure they would give a warning if something they think was out of order happened. The view the moderator had about it to begin with wouldn't change the action taken."

Well i don't know what action the founders/supermoderators will decide on, if any at all. I guess thats their perogative.

I was talking about what might be appropriate in my opinion and why I was advocating removing him from the status of Mod.


"ok you're just a n00b troll then. sh00"

anything to up the post count nova? Pls stop hijacking the thread.


ok, i suppose you might have some valid points somewhere


gimps here = incapable of changing tildas status.


To tzee,
aye, I intend to do so, and urge peeps here 2 do teh same


Originally posted by Vengful
To tzee,
aye, I intend to do so, and urge peeps here 2 do teh same

Urging. k. That is actually a cool word. Most words that begin with U are. Like Uruguay.


I like "Uck" aswell. "Ubiquitous" is pretty _O K_ too. Though "U-girder" is a personal favourite.


to be honist i think you will find a majority of the people on this forum suport Tildas desision to delete the thread. even if they want his hide for some other matter.


Re: Re: To Tilda - Moderater Abuse

Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
very interesting.

actually its:


"to be honist i think you will find a majority of the people on this forum suport Tildas desision to delete the thread. even if they want his hide for some other matter"

actually you will find that the majority of players who support the decision are Alb players, while mid players are unhappy about it.

I would like to think that I have an unbiased perspective since I play on hibernia. (although I don't think things such as unbiased perspective's really exist)

In any case, personal opinions aside, this seems like a clear violation of a mod's powers, since the post that was deleted was NOT against the TnC's of in anyway whatsoever, and was essentially deleted by Tilda for personal reasons.

On top of that his explanation and justification was extremely SKETCHY considering that mythic allow players to post about planned events on

When it comes down to it, it seems to me that he didn't want Mids to be forewarned about the relic raid, the whole cross realming stuff was just fluff to cover that up. And i'd like to reiterate, that the post did not violate the TnC's of


well i think you will find (am i saying this to often? wheres my thesurus when i nead it?) that most people on the forum would back tilda no matter what realms were involved.

No the post may not have violated anything down in black and white (or anyother colours depending on your funky scheams) BUT Danmii (sp?) has stated that Tilda did the right thing and the same will be done to all other threads of a similar nature.


yes Danmii is welcoem to his/her opinions... but again i believe that Tilda took unfair advantage of his power here. And hence I've reported it, who knows maybe the founders will decide that there is nothing wrong with such posts?

And from what I've read in the post below, most ppl who are alb agree with tilda while mids do not.

And the fact remains that raid threads have been left open and even put on STICKY by mods, yet an exception was made in this case which clearly indicates bias.

On top of that Tilda's point that this kind of information shouldn't be posted out of game has been proven wrong with reference to the Townsquare at


Re: Re: Re: I agreee...

Originally posted by Tranquil-
Even us here from the EU servers can read what events will be taking place, on all servers and all realms.

Not the private realm only events, which unless a moron has posted it, is where a Relic Raid event would go.

So again, no it's not the same.


koad - what do u think albs are more worried about?

Mids being alerted to RR in progress and showing up to defend.....


Hibs being alerted to RR in progress and ..???????

What do u think Tilda's true motivation's were regarding this ?

Is it a coincidence that the first time a post of this kind has been deleted was done by and Alb player with regards to an Alb relic raid?

This sets a dangerous precedent imo.

Anyways the fact is, its up to the POSTER on the Mythic forums to decide weather everyone can see it or just his realm mates? But mythic certianly do not say that its illegal to post ingame informatin like raids on forums, and that I believe is the issue in contention here.


If I was to vote on this issue I'd vote FOR mods to delete posts that warn anyone about Relicraids against anyone.

You speak about raids stickied etc. Those raids are PVE raids which obviously gathers alot of high level players. That's the absolutely worst time to do a relic raid as lots of high level people will be gathered and will suicide together. PVE raids are not equal to relic raids. There IS a differance allthough in your case it's handy to ignore that fact.

To do this blindly by a set of rules that CLEARLY can't be used fairly in all situations is, sorry about the language, fucking stupid.

There is a reason that things aren't always done by the book and a reason why done by the book is always not the best.


Originally posted by Vengful
koad - what do u think albs are more worried about?

Mids being alerted to RR in progress and showing up to defend.....


Hibs being alerted to RR in progress and ..???????

What do u think Tilda's true motivation's were regarding this ?

Is it a coincidence that the first time a post of this kind has been deleted was done by and Alb player with regards to an Alb relic raid?

This sets a dangerous precedent imo.

Anyways the fact is, its up to the POSTER on the Mythic forums to decide weather everyone can see it or just his realm mates? But mythic certianly do not say that its illegal to post ingame informatin like raids on forums, and that I believe is the issue in contention here.

Whilst I could be very flattered that you wish to have my opinions on this matter, I realise that you must have just totally misunderstood what I was saying.

Personally I can't make a judgment on what Tilda did - I never saw your post.
And not make a judgment is exactly what I did.

My point was, that you likend it to a system that is in fact, not really the same.
If BW were linked to your subscription details and you could read realm private info - it would be.
Yes, it may well be up to the poster, but a public msg would come from a confirmed account name, so action can be taken against any spying.
Here I could be called mickeythemmongoose or even one of your chars and it would be harder to track down.
I also believe that any RR public events would actually be deleted, probably due to complaints from realmmates, as it's not really in the spirit of the game.

And to answer your question: Albs would probably spend an hour arguing about which would give them the most rps, and then find it was all over.

Tilda and yourself? Don't know, Don't care.

p.s You may not be bothered about spellchecking, but my name is only 4 chars long, and it's very rude to misspell names.


well you do make a few good points Koad...

however I feel that the point in contention was weather or not it was okay to post about in game stuff out of game... and this I believe was endorsed by mythic.

As for what you said about the albs... ROFL :)


Originally posted by kaod
p.s You may not be bothered about spellchecking, but my name is only 4 chars long, and it's very rude to misspell names.

I guess continued misspelling(even if it's intended) of your own nick does that. :p


to kAod

sorry about misspelling ur nick, just kinda tired and not really paying attention to such details :)

to Tranquil - aye so it would seem


Originally posted by Vengful
well you do make a few good points Koad...

however I feel that the point in contention was weather or not it was okay to post about in game stuff out of game... and this I believe was endorsed by mythic.

As for what you said about the albs... ROFL :)

Think your staring down the barrel of a great big grey area as to RR being endorsed.
Think only time will tell which way Mythic actually swings on that one.

And that's the second time now you've called me Koad, that's just done it now.... I'm off for a sulk. ;)


can i call you kod? pweeees? oh alright then :(

and im not so sure about what you said about albs. they would spend more time arguing about who should decide wich would give more rp's. around about the time they are starting to argue that point a bunch of mids or hibs would happen accross them and be treated to a gift of afk albs specially grouped for maximum aoe efect. ;)


Originally posted by hint
can i call you kod? pweeees? oh alright then :(

and im not so sure about what you said about albs. they would spend more time arguing about who should decide wich would give more rp's. around about the time they are starting to argue that point a bunch of mids or hibs would happen accross them and be treated to a gift of afk albs specially grouped for maximum aoe efect. ;)

Kod: By all accounts you need to be level 50 and RR5+ to be able to do that. ;)

Alb Comment: Nice one centurion!
Don't forget the follow-up whine posts.


:viking: - Midgar
:knight: - Albion
:merlin: - Hibernia

daoc atm: :viking: :swords: :knight: / :merlin: :sleeping:

bw: :flame: :wall:

anyway what you say here has allmost no impact so why waste your time?


Originally posted by sorusi
[Banyway what you say here has allmost no impact so why waste your time? [/B]

tum te tum te tum te tum...... erm sorry... what was that? ;)


:D black dogs all over the place buying TV sets etc..
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