To the "elite" people in NP

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Originally posted by sorusi
those RAs are just basic RAs everyone can and have them :p

but still means that a RR6> RR2:p, partially because of RA's :).

when is zerg fights fun?
zerg fights is as fun as xping on grey con. imho

actually people have claimed that epic battles can be fun (70 vs 70 as long as both sides are around the same power). Now I kinda agree with the 1fg vs 1fg thing, as it is the easiest way to prevent zerging. As soon as you go more the chance increases that the other realms will return with more than your size group and zerg you and others. But every fight is fun as long as both sides are around the same strength.
Besides in my opinion a zerg is when you can be bothered to count the people and with 2 or 3 fg that isnt really the case yet. Still doesnt mean that everyone should just run around with 2fg at any time of the day though :p. As your group should be around the same strength as the enemy to have the biggest challenge and by that most fun for most people:).


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To the "elite" people in NP

Originally posted by dyss
when is zerg fights fun? :(
zerg fights is as fun as xping on grey con. imho

Small zerg fights 2 or 3 fg a side can be fun, it just needs modified tactics, and is a bit more hectic, but that can add to the excitement.

Give Adrenelin!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To the "elite" people in NP

Originally posted by mehuge
Small zerg fights 2 or 3 fg a side can be fun, it just needs modified tactics, and is a bit more hectic, but that can add to the excitement.

Give Adrenelin!

modified tactics = spam f6 to try to find suport? :uhoh:
or what is the changes in the tactics?

and about the adrenelin, u don't get more when u fight 2fg vs your own? and if u lose u can always flame the guys that kill u for zerging... insted of getting flamed!:flame:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To the "elite" people in NP

Originally posted by dyss
modified tactics = spam f6 to try to find suport? :uhoh:
or what is the changes in the tactics?

and about the adrenelin, u don't get more when u fight 2fg vs your own? and if u lose u can always flame the guys that kill u for zerging... insted of getting flamed!:flame:

Changes in tactics would be to not treat it like 1 big zerg group and try and take out all their healers/casters/mezzers first, but to treat it as many smaller groups, or does that mean im not changing tactics. humm...

Seems to me that 1fg fight is much more routine, you come across a situation, you deploy appropriate tactics, you win or lose. You are less likely to have to change tactic on the fly. Bigger fights you have to think on your feet a little more and adapt as the fight progresses.

It's just different, one is not necessarily better than the other.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To the "elite" people in NP

Originally posted by dyss
and about the adrenelin, u don't get more when u fight 2fg vs your own? and if u lose u can always flame the guys that kill u for zerging... insted of getting flamed!:flame:

the idea is that you dont outzerg the opponent in 1fg or in the 2 or 3fg setup :p. Because it is off course not as fun to beat an opponent when you have superiorer force. His point is that if the oppenent has around his strength than he likes 3fg fights more than 1fg :).


fook me, too much text, cant you just whine the normal way? :mad:

2fg in odins is ghey, sometimez hippie brehon zerg is out ye sure, but! it mostly is because of albs or just some spanish zerg :eek:
(no offence to spanish ppl etc, but its teh truth)


You guys spend more time arguing then killing imo :/


If the RvR part of the game was supposed to be epic battle's, im sure mythic would have implemented a possibility to either link group's together, or make a higher cap on ppl per group (8vs8 isen't excacly 'epic') ...
The cap is 8, the game is supposed to be played with 8 together or in the ivent ppl like to solo (such as speed 5 and stealth ppl) it's 1on1 ... until they change this, i will not change my views in how i rvr and what i find wrong in rvr ...


Originally posted by zmurf
If the RvR part of the game was supposed to be epic battle's, im sure mythic would have implemented a possibility to either link group's together, or make a higher cap on ppl per group (8vs8 isen't excacly 'epic') ...
The cap is 8, the game is supposed to be played with 8 together or in the ivent ppl like to solo (such as speed 5 and stealth ppl) it's 1on1 ... until they change this, i will not change my views in how i rvr and what i find wrong in rvr ...

mythic wont make groups larger as that would give more power to group chants/songs/buffs. Which would most likely unbalance stuff :). And there is a 200 people cg and people dont need an invite anymore. But the game is about solo/1fg/2fg/3fg/epic pvp, mythic tries to keep all options of RvR open. As that means more chose and that means more customers:).


Originally posted by driwen
mythic wont make groups larger as that would give more power to group chants/songs/buffs. Which would most likely unbalance stuff :). And there is a 200 people cg and people dont need an invite anymore. But the game is about solo/1fg/2fg/3fg/epic pvp, mythic tries to keep all options of RvR open. As that means more chose and that means more customers:).

U can't link group's, just cause u can make a communication way for alot of ppl isen't an excuse for these ppl to run together(and therefor ruin the game for fg's) in the so called RvR, it's for raid's which 100% sure require's more than 1fg and ISEN'T for the exp, if mythic wanted regular RvR to be more than FG's im sure they would implement a 'link' option for group's as blizzard r going to in WoW since their 'pvp' will be more large scale than any other mmorpg so far, afaik...


Originally posted by zmurf
If the RvR part of the game was supposed to be epic battle's, im sure mythic would have implemented a possibility to either link group's together, or make a higher cap on ppl per group (8vs8 isen't excacly 'epic') ...
The cap is 8, the game is supposed to be played with 8 together or in the ivent ppl like to solo (such as speed 5 and stealth ppl) it's 1on1 ... until they change this, i will not change my views in how i rvr and what i find wrong in rvr ...

fg vs. fg you're talking about is fantasy counter-strike.


no. its simply more fun than "yesyeshoorayihitthemferwithmy5fgzergandgot20rp!!!!!11"

fights where the end is open = good. fights where you know what will happen from the start = not so good :p

btw, as far is i read here noone really minds for example 2 fg of random warders running around, cause every halfway decent grp will have a nice fight against them.

but when 2+fg high rr players run together... cmon where is the fun ganking solo fgs with that ?


Originally posted by zmurf
If the RvR part of the game was supposed to be epic battle's, im sure mythic would have implemented a possibility to either link group's together, or make a higher cap on ppl per group (8vs8 isen't excacly 'epic') ...
The cap is 8, the game is supposed to be played with 8 together or in the ivent ppl like to solo (such as speed 5 and stealth ppl) it's 1on1 ... until they change this, i will not change my views in how i rvr and what i find wrong in rvr ...

I have resisted replying to your complete utter bollocks but I cannot hold back, so........

When was the last time you did Your dragon with 1FG? or the legion for that matter, the group mechanics are exactly the same, presumably mythic thinks you need more than 1FG to be able to these and other things, I suspect the limits are there because of buff limits and chant limits etc.

The game lends itself to epic battles with the use of /cg's and the recent increasing of their capacities.


Originally posted by quinthar
I have resisted replying to your complete utter bollocks but I cannot hold back, so........

When was the last time you did Your dragon with 1FG? or the legion for that matter, the group mechanics are exactly the same, presumably mythic thinks you need more than 1FG to be able to these and other things, I suspect the limits are there because of buff limits and chant limits etc.

The game lends itself to epic battles with the use of /cg's and the recent increasing of their capacities.

And yet again u ask a question i have allready answered ...

U can't link group's, just cause u can make a communication way for alot of ppl isen't an excuse for these ppl to run together(and therefor ruin the game for fg's) in the so called RvR, it's for raid's which 100% sure require's more than 1fg and ISEN'T for the exp, if mythic wanted regular RvR to be more than FG's im sure they would implement a 'link' option for group's as blizzard r going to in WoW since their 'pvp' will be more large scale than any other mmorpg so far, afaik...


mythics goals are irrelevant since they lack the programming skills to achive any. and huge fights can be fun, especially with a good comp ;). Tbh i dont find FG vs random grps fair at all, sure its FG vs FG but the players in these groups often lack both the experience and coordination to have a chance against ANY guildgrp let alone NP.


Originally posted by schinkaar
mythics goals are irrelevant since they lack the programming skills to achive any. and huge fights can be fun, especially with a good comp ;). Tbh i dont find FG vs random grps fair at all, sure its FG vs FG but the players in these groups often lack both the experience and coordination to have a chance against ANY guildgrp let alone NP.

Very true that main part of 'random' group's, but with zerging they will never learn and it become's an evil circle ... :/


Originally posted by schinkaar
mythics goals are irrelevant since they lack the programming skills to achive any. and huge fights can be fun, especially with a good comp ;). Tbh i dont find FG vs random grps fair at all, sure its FG vs FG but the players in these groups often lack both the experience and coordination to have a chance against ANY guildgrp let alone NP.

how the hell are u going to get experience if u not run 1fg?


Originally posted by dyss
how the hell are u going to get experience if u not run 1fg?

by zerging 24/7 ofc!

rps=skill you know :p


Originally posted by dyss
how the hell are u going to get experience if u not run 1fg?

yea true!
you dont get any experience with zerging.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To the "elite" people in NP

Originally posted by driwen
.... His point is that if the oppenent has around his strength than he likes 3fg fights more than 1fg :). [/B]
I actually prefere 1fg fights


So lets make a conclusion on this :

We will run to defend any keep we so choose with any amount of numbers and will expect you not to say anything as we are defending the realm.

If we so choose to run to odin's with 2FG that is cause we have reason to cause Albs/Hibs are doing so and they clearly are looking for a 2FG fight.

We also will run in Emain with 2FG if needed if the albs/hibs are also running around in greater numbers.

We all know your thoughts and you dont agree with the way we play but this does not mean you can Yell comments of any sorts because what you think might be correct we don't plus you might not know why we are there in the first place with them numbers.

If you accept what we are saying then we can live happyly ever after if you can agree with this then we can stop the flaming and move on to other things.

Regards Ladonna


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To the "elite" people in N

Originally posted by mehuge
I actually prefere 1fg fights

so whats the meaning with this post then?


Originally posted by kiranian-
So lets make a conclusion on this :

We will run to defend any keep we so choose with any amount of numbers and will expect you not to say anything as we are defending the realm.

If we so choose to run to odin's with 2FG that is cause we have reason to cause Albs/Hibs are doing so and they clearly are looking for a 2FG fight.

We also will run in Emain with 2FG if needed if the albs/hibs are also running around in greater numbers.

We all know your thoughts and you dont agree with the way we play but this does not mean you can Yell comments of any sorts because what you think might be correct we don't plus you might not know why we are there in the first place with them numbers.

If you accept what we are saying then we can live happyly ever after if you can agree with this then we can stop the flaming and move on to other things.

Regards Ladonna

Im not the one sending stupid comment's ingame ...

and i very mcuh doubt ill stop giving these small hint's, if u don't like watching em, ignore me, u allready stated im worth spit, not worth talking to, and a waste of ur time, im apparently not a person u should have anywhere else but on ur ignore list ...
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