To the "elite" people in NP

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Originally posted by Forau
I'm sorry for what I said.

Originally posted by kiranian-
they use to run around in 2FG

that was like 5month's ago... and if u check who play now and who played then. like everyone have new chars to play.
Its like kallistor/horsma/jawz/ and some more that keept but even them have new chars. AStart to run 1fg and u alos get high RR becous u get more rps!


getting RP fairly in FG fight's is fun, and i therefor see THIS as the goal of the game I choose to play
I'm sure he is very sorry that he ruined the game you are playing, perhaps he is playing a different game, one where he likes to kill the enemy quickly and fastly, to rid them from their realm?

Or is that to unrealistic?


Mudgeth - Level 50 Mercenary - 500+ Weaponcrafter - Realm Rank 2 Level 7
Isomas Samosi - Level 22 Sorcerer- Realm Rank 1 Level 3
Leader of <Reign of Chaos>

Nuff said.


Originally posted by kiranian-

When they was not ALL High Realm Ranks they did not use to run around in 1FG they use to run around in 2FG but since they are all mostly RR7+ they do and respect for them to do that but what gets me is what use to be acceptable for them is now outlawed to the rest of the realm if they do it in the eyes of nolby pride.

Nolby running in 2 FG along time ago has nothing to do with being high or low realmrank, the server climate was completely different back then with VGN LA and CF all running in 2 FG, I played SB back then and wasn't even in Nolby but I can assure you that Nolby Pride did not run 2 FG for nothing.

As for our group today we weren't all high realmranks 3 ppl who were RR4 and below and only fons and I as rr7 and rr8 which, as you would understand if you actually read my post, was why we didn't want 2 FG enemies in to Odin's.

Originally posted by kiranian-

If you want to make friends in the realm you play then i suggest you start to show a bit of respect to the others that acutally play for the same goals

People who roam Odin's in 2 FGs on a sunday afternoon don't share my goals, i.e don't get my respect. Next time I feel we do share the same goals I will be sure to send a "omg you rock"-tell.



Mehuge makes a very valid argument, and also considerably more eloquent than I thought a simple troll would. ;)


/me thinks that Mehuge makes far too much sense and is far too well spoken to belong on BW.


What About the fact there was 3FG of hibs running around in a zerg so let me get this straight we are meant to go to odin's in 1FG to face a 3FG zerg ? Why my answer to you is Bollocks if you want to do that then you go and do it but i aint running in to 3FG cause i know i am not leet and i dont claim to be leet what gets me is that there was 3FG and we feel entiled to run around in 2FG to combat that they still outnumbered us and there enchaters do insane damage but you flamed us for going to defend a KEEP thats right a KEEP yes you might have claimed it but in the best intrest of mid ANY MID can defend there realm and when we got there to be flamed us well you clearly have a problem IMO.


elitits or not running with 2x the size of other grps just to win is shit boring according to me, and useually the other group who get ganked and sence they dont wanna loose due to more numbers they dont come back or log or might come back just to see if you have split up.

and sence someone isnt actually defending shit in odins with 2fg at that time when there is nothing there... well who was farming rps?

just my thoughts and yeah some of np might make rude comments but that is something else.


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
/me thinks that Mehuge makes far too much sense and is far too well spoken to belong on BW.

Yeah - he didn't use "u" for "you" once. Obviously an Alb in disguise. :p


Originally posted by Forau
we were in FG with 2 shieldtanks and a shadowblade and only 2 healers which means we can't take on much more than FGs. B]

AHHA!!!! only 2 healers ehhh, so NP DOOOO run with more then 2 often :D

/em tries to remember an argument he had with someone sometime ago about it but forgets his point so fades into the background :x


Originally posted by rg-zorena
elitits or not running with 2x the size of other grps just to win is shit boring according to me

Other groups? Like the 3fg hibs reported, huh? Could you tell us how 2fg is 2x of 3fg.


we had run 1 FG with everyone RR0, and altho we sucked and got beaten we just came back again.


Originally posted by Agreac
Other groups? Like the 3fg hibs reported, huh? Could you tell us how 2fg is 2x of 3fg.

maybe i missed the the post where it was said 3fg
but generally ... sorry if it didn't apply here :(


I've been a member of WR myself and it was always more like playing as a guild rather than trying to have the best FG possible, can't remember people being ever turned down because of class or even level. Taking this into account I find the zerg accusations really really stupid, also they were defending our keep/frontier after all. I've never ever seen a WR member brag about how they pwn in fg vs fg fights.

Fight being even isn't all about numbers. Would you call 1fg consisting of more or less random classes (also low rr) versus an organized high rr ganksquad a fair fight? A fair and good fight = both sides have pretty equal chance to win, regardless of numbers.

Save the zerg whines to the ppl who pretend to be l337 fg vs fg ppl but still move as more than 1fg please.


Originally posted by kiranian-
Then we got the remarks of Zerg etc well this is not a unheard thing from NP to come out of something like this as they do run around in 1FG in emain but they are ALL High Realm Ranks.

When they was not ALL High Realm Ranks they did not use to run around in 1FG they use to run around in 2FG but since they are all mostly RR7+ they do and respect for them to do that but what gets me is what use to be acceptable for them is now outlawed to the rest of the realm if they do it in the eyes of nolby pride.
[going into small useless fact's]
I like this word u use >ALL<, with cap's even, so we really notice this word when we read ur reply, let's do some math (i'm a geek)
1 group = 8 ppl
we were
1 rr 8 Healer(high rr imo)
1 rr 7 shaman(decent rr imo)
1 rr 10 skald (very high rr)
1 rr 4 savage
1 rr 4 healer
1 rr 3 warrior
1 rr 2 warrior
1 rr 6 sb (decent rr imo)

now if we call rr 6 high rr that's 4 out of 8 ... last i checked using the word 'all' (in cap's) would be very wrong in this case ...
[/going into small useless fact's]

Was wondering, if u despise some of us this much, as u obviously do, why do u care, that u r "outlawed in our eyes". i couldn't care less what ppl i despise think about me, hell i couldn't care less what ppl i have no relation's to, think about me, so why make a big deal of it ...

Whine all u want over this, if i see ppl zerging, i will fire off comment's like i did today, hate me all u want, that is not what im trying to get out of this, im hoping(im a optimist apparenlty) that ppl will see my point and split up into fg's ... i know this will probably NEVER happen, but that doesn't mean i should stop ? this is totally against what i was raised to believe, just cause we never got a second EU realm with payment in diablo 2 didn't stop me from mailing a new mail 4 times a week to blizzard, it might not work, hell it might just ake me unpopular, still doesnt change the fact I DID WHAT I FELT WAS RIGHT ...

Sidenote, ppl keep throwing the word's elitist and elitism and eleet around about NP and their attitude, kindda made me laugh today when i got a msg from a char called ladonna i had never heard about (later found out it was a gm in WR) and when i informed this person about this he replied "Don't u know who u r talking to ?" "I'm the person in charge of the alliance which protect's this realm and it's Relic's" if this isen't elitism NOTHING is ... (btw i don't claim nolby dont try to be eleet, with perfect setup group's etc)


Re: Re: To the "elite" people in NP

Originally posted by zmurf
--stuff cropped----

I would like those SS's of 16 NP in emain, hell show me a SS of 14 NP in emain or just 12 maybe even 10, cause there surely can't be many (unless they r over 6 month's old) 2 night's the last 5~6month's we have had 2fg NP's running together, the rest of the night's and yes i do mean THE REST we have been running either 1fg or 2 fg different area's (odin's / emain / hw ).

This is a game, i play this to have fun, and yes the goal in this game might be getting rp at any course but i see this goal as twisted and wrong, getting RP fairly in FG fight's is fun, and i therefor see THIS as the goal of the game I choose to play, if u see it in any other way, sure go ahead and play it this way, but fg's don't ruin the game for zerger's, zerger's ruins the game for fg's ...

I even took SS of the comment's btw, and i'll host em when my host get's back up (took ss of the White rose / black company Zerg, not the actually comment's but they r on the SS), and ill like u to tell me how EXCACLY u got to this very odd conclusion ...

Why is it that NOW you have the RA's to fill a warehouse you feel that you must run in 1FG??

I notice that many of the "Active" RVR guilds on this server have gone through the zerg'ing stage and now "claim" to have seen the light and proclaim 1fg vs 1fg is the way to go.

I think its rather big headed, two faced, ignorant of these leading guilds to now condemn people that are doing pretty much the same as what they used to do.

You may have the perception that "you" have matured yet this is a game full of individuals that don't always subscribe to the same philosophy.

As far as I am concerned you can do what ya like in this game, but the minute you start preaching to the masses about how "you" think the game should be played, you had better be whiter than white and to have always been that way.

If you have a skeleton in the cupboard somebody will find it among the 100k posts.

As for SS of zerg's who really gives a flying feck, what does it prove? sure NP can whack loads when you have your abilities and chars you'd be a bit crap to lose many fights, do not tell the majority of the people on this server how to play the game though, it will most certainly back fire on you, as Tilda found out!.

Remember there is 2.8k people on this server when its busy and your 1FG roaming in emain or Odins is insignificant by comparison.


Re: Re: Re: To the "elite" people in NP

Originally posted by quinthar
Why is it that NOW you have the RA's to fill a warehouse you feel that you must run in 1FG??

I notice that many of the "Active" RVR guilds on this server have gone through the zerg'ing stage and now "claim" to have seen the light and proclaim 1fg vs 1fg is the way to go.

I think its rather big headed, two faced, ignorant of these leading guilds to now condemn people that are doing pretty much the same as what they used to do.

You may have the perception that "you" have matured yet this is a game full of individuals that don't always subscribe to the same philosophy.

As far as I am concerned you can do what ya like in this game, but the minute you start preaching to the masses about how "you" think the game should be played, you had better be whiter than white and to have always been that way.

If you have a skeleton in the cupboard somebody will find it among the 100k posts.

As for SS of zerg's who really gives a flying feck, what does it prove? sure NP can whack loads when you have your abilities and chars you'd be a bit crap to lose many fights, do not tell the majority of the people on this server how to play the game though, it will most certainly back fire on you, as Tilda found out!.

Remember there is 2.8k people on this server when its busy and your 1FG roaming in emain or Odins is insignificant by comparison.

sheez, ill repeat myself, the group running in odin's today (WHICH WAS THE GROUP MAKING THE COMMENT'S) contained 3 high rr's and rest rr4 or under ... how is this "the RA's to fill a warehouse" ...


Lame 2 see all this... just becors np Can run in 1fg and take out 3-4 fg why do all ppl whine about it...(they are wery skilled ppl) if it was hib or alb that did the same 100%sure that u all will whine alot more.
i love running whit NP the most i know of em are nice ppl how know how 2 play daoc from me carry on Army of Nolby.


understand.....too get too ur high RR's , u used too zerg the fuck out of everyone, now u got the ra's u need to run 1fg...

just dont preach when everyone else on this server knows u used to do it.

ppl like me RR4L8 scout with a played of 78ish days wish i could get involved more in the zerg :)...just i solo 60%...other 40% i run with my guild grps or guild inf's/scouts, the way i like too play the game...the day i tell other ppl how too play a game will be the day i /delete Y.E.S.

i can see NP are doing themselves no favours yet again.


Originally posted by zmurf
if i see ppl zerging, i will fire off comment's like i did today, hate me all u want, that is not what im trying to get out of this, im hoping(im a optimist apparenlty) that ppl will see my point and split up into fg's ... i know this will probably NEVER happen, but that doesn't mean i should stop ?
It wont happen if you go about it the way you did today, you will just loose respect and achieve nothing.


Originally posted by old.XanateA

Imo you should get ur head out of the hole in the ground and take a look around to see how the world is like.
Would you enjoy a football game where the other team has 20 players and 2 goalkeepers, and ur team only has 10 players and 1 goalkeeper? It's exacly the same thing...
(Well NP is Real Madrid and ppl who run in 2FG are division 7 women football teams, so its rather even odds anyways)

./em goes to sit in his high and mighty chair on the pedastale

lol re: NP being Real Madrid (I presume this is a gibe amount what money can buy??)

Oh dear, your elitism is beginning to get the better of you, next you'll start mentioning your high chair and stuff..........oh you did......

Repeat after me, "people really respect me, people really respect me"

If brains were foreskins, you'd be Jewish.


Tell the whole truth Smurfen why dont you yes i did msg you earlier and my tell went like this - Lo ? you replyed lo ? i said aha good you are awake could you tell me if you are going to reclaim Bled as there is alot of albs and hibs in odins and i need the fort claimed ? then i waited and waited and waited and no reply so i sent another tell saying will i expect a reply to my msg via email as it is taking so long and your reply was what who are you and yes i am busy talking to my friends to reply to random ppl well then i thought i would explain that i am not a random person but infact i am a allaince leader and i want all forts claimed in mid now that is not much to ask and tbh i did not care that you did not know me cause i dont want know you either.

When all you had to do was go yes we are going to claim it or no we are not so then i could have got a guild to claim it at the end of the day you are a rude person and if they dont have Nolby Pride under their name you do not want to know them.

Well smurfen from our little chat today i dont want to know or talk to ppl like you cause imo you are worth spit.

If you can talk to ppl with the same respect as they show you then i will treat you the same.

Regards Ladonna


Originally posted by quinthar
lol re: NP being Real Madrid (I presume this is a gibe amount what money can buy??)

Oh dear, your elitism is beginning to get the better of you, next you'll start mentioning your high chair and stuff..........oh you did......

Repeat after me, "people really respect me, people really respect me"

If brains were foreskins, you'd be Jewish.

If u would use the time to actually read XanateA's posts and understand what he is trying to do, u would realise, ur post, made him "win" in a way, since he obviously got to u, in one way or the other .... he is trying to piss ppl off by beeing the lamest most self centered person he can be (he got a natural talent :p )


Originally posted by siamma
Lame 2 see all this... just becors np Can run in 1fg and take out 3-4 fg why do all ppl whine about it...(they are wery skilled ppl) if it was hib or alb that did the same 100%sure that u all will whine alot more.
i love running whit NP the most i know of em are nice ppl how know how 2 play daoc from me carry on Army of Nolby.

This has everything to do with an insignificant number of people attempting to tell paying punters how to spend their money and their time.


Originally posted by zmurf
If u would use the time to actually read XanateA's posts and understand what he is trying to do, u would realise, ur post, made him "win" in a way, since he obviously got to u, in one way or the other .... he is trying to piss ppl off by beeing the lamest most self centered person he can be (he got a natural talent :p )

lol you think hes got natural talent, there is a diffference.
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