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- #61
To quote a famous idiot - "Nuff Said."Zzang - Troll Berserker - Elding Herra
Nolby Pride
To quote a famous idiot - "Nuff Said."Zzang - Troll Berserker - Elding Herra
Nolby Pride
Originally posted by kiranian-
Tell the whole truth Smurfen why dont you yes i did msg you earlier and my tell went like this - Lo ? you replyed lo ? i said aha good you are awake could you tell me if you are going to reclaim Bled as there is alot of albs and hibs in odins and i need the fort claimed ? then i waited and waited and waited and no reply so i sent another tell saying will i expect a reply to my msg via email as it is taking so long and your reply was what who are you and yes i am busy talking to my friends to reply to random ppl well then i thought i would explain that i am not a random person but infact i am a allaince leader and i want all forts claimed in mid now that is not much to ask and tbh i did not care that you did not know me cause i dont want know you either.
When all you had to do was go yes we are going to claim it or no we are not so then i could have got a guild to claim it at the end of the day you are a rude person and if they dont have Nolby Pride under their name you do not want to know them.
Well smurfen from our little chat today i dont want to know or talk to ppl like you cause imo you are worth spit.
If you can talk to ppl with the same respect as they show you then i will treat you the same.
Regards Ladonna
Originally posted by quinthar
lol you think hes got natural talent, there is a diffference.
Originally posted by zmurf
sheez, ill repeat myself, the group running in odin's today (WHICH WAS THE GROUP MAKING THE COMMENT'S) contained 3 high rr's and rest rr4 or under ... how is this "the RA's to fill a warehouse" ...
Originally posted by zmurf
hence the >< ...
Originally posted by quinthar
It was an NP quote in general, care to address the issues I mention about some members of NP deriding others for the way they play the game?
Or perhaps you think the rest of the server are insignificant because you roam in 1FG (even though this was not always the case) ....
Originally posted by quinthar
AAhhh I read that as "I think he has natural talent, I dont care what anybody thinks, cuz I'm in NP and its my way or the highway"
My Mistake.
Originally posted by zmurf
I tell ppl if i think they r doing a wrong deed, if this is lame, im proud to be lame (it's a way of speak)
I far far far far far from think other ppl r insignificant since it's not AI it's actual ppl, but if they think im shit for doing what i think is right, i honestly couldn't care ...
Originally posted by zmurf
which clearly state's u allready desided whatever i write, it's written as if i think im better than u, so replying to u would be a waste of time, since nomatter what i write in any way, u will make it come out bad, plz tell me why i should reply then ? i honestly can't find a reason
Originally posted by quinthar
Ahh I think we see where your coming from now
Quote --
"i honestly couldn't care ..."
There are times to express an "Opinion" rarely however is it expressed as such, many people deride others in a very demeaning way "a la Tilda, "Fuck off to Emain distribe" however when people are derided for the way they choose to play the game it becomes elitism, as one of your number so eloquently put it "Nuff said"
Originally posted by dyss
I still wub u zmurf :wub:
Originally posted by siamma
i know im not a NP but i am a irl m8 of fons and hate 2 see random ppl say NP shal respect ppl the same way they want respect from ppl.. when random ppl msg fons all the time and flame him max every fucking day.
i was rigth next 2 fonS when kiranian msg him, and yes it was lame of kiranian 2 give him that msg ...
Originally posted by zmurf
Did u even read what our comment's was ?
mine was
"To zerg or not to Zerg"
Stubbe said, i think it was
"do u really find it fun to run 2fg at 3'o'clock at a sunday ?"
How do u compare this to
"fuck off to emain"
... ?
Originally posted by quinthar
If somebody wants to run in 3FG's or 6FG's and you chose 1FG who the hell are you to say they shouldnt do it?
Originally posted by kiranian-
you are not listening to
cause you have the high realm ranks and feel so uber that you can run around in
Regards Ladonna
Originally posted by zmurf
i'v allready replied to this several time's in this post, ill repeat it 1 very last time ...
i find it wrong, and bad for the game ...
and i will inform em I FIND IT WRONG, and HOPE they will change, im not TELLING em to change, im informing I FIND IT WRONG what they r doing ... almost the same, but with a very small but very imortnent difference ...
Originally posted by zmurf
i got about 3 bag's behind me 5 empty bag's infront of me and 2l dip in the kitchen ... i like chip's to .. now u know to ... :/
Originally posted by quinthar
Righto, because you dont like it your prepared to try to enforce your will upon others..
Its irrelevent how you attempt to impose your will on others by sending messages or otherwise, the end result is the same, you feel that you are higher than others..
Theres a name for that, can you guess what it is??
Originally posted by Gordonax
And the winner in the "Least comprehensible post" contest goes to... ZMURF!![]()
Originally posted by zmurf
So disagreeing with ppl and trying (not enforcing) to convince em im right, is called making a statement or making a point, and trying to get into a productive discussion about the subject, is "fealing higher than others" then ALOT of politician's and alot of other ppl do that ... im not telling em DO THAT DO THIS im telling em i think zerging is wrong, NOTHING else ... try reading this insted of reading everything else and ask the same question again or making the same statement again ...
And yes this thread has become long(to long) but ill defend myself or my guild if needed and reply to ppl's question cause it's the only polite thing to do ...
Originally posted by Snake.ster
understand.....too get too ur high RR's , u used too zerg the fuck out of everyone, now u got the ra's u need to run 1fg...
just dont preach when everyone else on this server knows u used to do it.
ppl like me RR4L8 scout with a played of 78ish days wish i could get involved more in the zerg...just i solo 60%...other 40% i run with my guild grps or guild inf's/scouts, the way i like too play the game...the day i tell other ppl how too play a game will be the day i /delete Y.E.S.
i can see NP are doing themselves no favours yet again.
Originally posted by quinthar
Yup, its actually elitism....
And so it brings us to the end of the discussion, by your own addmission you are elitist.
And yes this thread has become long(to long) but ill defend myself or my guild if needed and reply to ppl's question cause it's the only polite thing to do ...