To Mr and Mrs Superior



You're right Wij. Our thoughts that colonisation and conquest are wrong now are obvious, but they wernt in them days, so its nothing short of silly to comment on it really.
There possibly is a inkling of truth in the what goes around comes around bit, but then I dont think we ever bothered to conquer Croatia did we ?
/prepares to be corrected on this one
Anyway, to me it simply comes down to space (among other things), there aint the room in the se of England for god knows how many more people.


Well there is if you are prepared to have more housing built and losing greenbelt land.

You takes your choices...


My understanding is that a large percentage of general British public were beginning to get annoyed/afraid at the increasing numbers of ethnic minorities within their green and pleasant land.

Now to make matters worse there is an influx of eastern Europeans who for many have no right to be there.

...stop me if Im wrong (Im only trying to understand the issue)

My point is that the current generations are in fear of their country being swamped and their Englishness being diluted. If it were not for 50 years of previous immigrants then people might be more understanding of their plight.

Ireland too is beginning to receive some of these people, but theres not much of a song and dance about it (except in the pubs if Guinness is involved) because we havent the earlier problems encountered in England.

Testin da Cable

well, if I look at the part of holland I live in I see that the cities are expanding at an absurd rate, eating up the small towns around them. where I once had a pleasent 30 minute bikeride to a mate's house in a village near here I now have a pleasant 30 minute ride through closly packed dutch suberbs.
I feel that green belts, woodlands and parks are too important to be shoved out of the way for more housing. sadly I have little to offer as a sollution :/


If we could get illegal immigrants from nice countries like Switzerland, Norway or Australia that would rock. Why we have to get pikeys from Afghanistan is beyond me. Why they would want to come to this hole of a country is also beyond me. I assume they havent seen Milton Keynes, Swindon or Dundee.


Like I said, its too much. England is crowded as anything, its horrible. Its seems like a tree is a museam piece. Enough is enough.
You dont pay your money and take your chance either, the thing is thrust on you whether you like it or not.
Niether do I want my Englishness diluted tbh, but this is a secondary factor to me.


I think we've diverted from the issue a bit here. Or are people seriously suggesting that asylum seekers are responsible for the overcrowding in this country (and particularly the SE)?


Originally posted by stu
Well, the asylum issue is definitely a problem. Numbers of asylum seekers in the rest of Europe are falling, whereas in the UK they are rising. And whether it is quite as bad as everyone thinks it is, the public's perception is that it's a problem - qed, it's a problem.
tbh I'm not going to go into heavy detail about this, but I don't (in general) have a problem with asylum seekers or asylum as a concept.

What I personally can't fucking stand is the following. The main Asylum offices for the UK are located in central Croydon (where I live) and frankly I do have to laugh when the council which gets my tax money can put 4 public toilets outside the offices (stay with me here) yet cannot seemingly manage to put them _anywhere_ else in and around Croydon where they could serve some purpose.

Yes, ok, it may be petty & no I don't think asylum seekers should keep there legs crossed the entire time they're in the country but I wonder how many taxpayers in croydon would have to stand in a queue outside the council offices before they'd put a toilet there. I mean does there really have to be a necessity for a long line of people to get a public service put into place?

But i'm wandering now, because I'm also pissed off because on my walk home today, they've seemingly also removed every single bin.

Asylum seekers aren't the problem, it's Croydon Council!


Originally posted by MYstIC G
Asylum seekers aren't the problem, it's Croydon Council!

Pay more tax, or receive poorer service. Politically, the latter is easier.


Actually I don't have a problem with paying more, however if the council gets its 27% increase it's trying for atm I still bet you they won't put those bins back.


Our council tax is going up to pay for the 40% pay rise they all got.


Testin da Cable

Originally posted by stu
I think we've diverted from the issue a bit here. Or are people seriously suggesting that asylum seekers are responsible for the overcrowding in this country (and particularly the SE)?

well I was quite selfishly talking about holland. it isn't the biggest place around, and building extra houses is rather noticable. compared to say Ireland, where I seem to remember miles and miles of green with the odd cottage here and there well, I'd know where I'd prefer to be.


Originally posted by MYstIC G
Actually I don't have a problem with paying more, however if the council gets its 27% increase it's trying for atm I still bet you they won't put those bins back.

Well where I live is covered by Trafford council (Manchester), and I really can't complain about the council. I live on my own so I get 25% off the bill, I pay about £600 a year council tax.

I have complained to the council via their website about various matters, all of which have been resolved quickly and efficiently. For instance, a business around the corner changed hands, and had about 20 people working in premises on the corner of a terraced street. The cars were all parked up on the pavement, making it hard to pass. I complained to the council, and they made them put bollards up, so now instead of 10 cars parked against the wall, and blocking the pavement, there are 3 cars parked alongside the wall, not blocking the pavement.

I'm a miserable old sod really :D

I even got them to clean out the back of my street, it was being used as a tipping ground by the residents, and was full of weeds. Nice of them, seeing as the land is unadopted!!


I guess now is not a good time to say I work for a Local Council ;)


I hate my council. Bunch of money grabbing, corrupt, incompetent, petty bastards in my opinion. I don't have immutable evidence of this, just a string hunch.

Testin da Cable

you'll get that from string abuse lesty :)


Originally posted by Lester
I hate my council. Bunch of money grabbing, corrupt, incompetent, petty bastards in my opinion. I don't have immutable evidence of this, just a string hunch.

Stoke has a council? Next you'll be telling me they have a football team.


I still do when not at uni. In the lovely town of Stone. Yes. I live in a town called "Stone"


Theres a place on the canal near where I live called 'Nob End'


Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
I have complained to the council via their website about various matters, all of which have been resolved quickly and efficiently.
Here in lies the difference. Earlier last week I rang up Croydon council in an effort to report an abandoned vehicle at the end of the road adjoining mine. After this very amicable person took all the necessary details (i.e. instead of concentrating on the van and its condition, taking all my contact details so they can more easily fine me if it turns out I'm a time waster) they say they'll remove the van in a couple of days.

That was last Monday, of course it is now the following week and of course the van hasn't budged a jot. Although it is being filled with more & more rubbish, so maybe i'm just uninformed & the council is replacing all those bins it has taken away with burnt out vans..... :rolleyes:

Lord help us that live in Croydon if the bloody place ever actually gets it's "city" status.....

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