To Mr and Mrs Superior



Originally posted by nath

Well as soon as you get to France, you're out of danger, so why not go that lil bit further to a country where you speak some of their language?

Because it's against EU law.


Yeah, those who live in areas where they are not faced with Asylum seekers jumping out on them each day with their kids in arms, begging for money (after their nice big handout) won't see the problem.

Those that aren't told "sorry even though you have been contributing towards this country all your working life you can't move from your overcrowded house into a bigger one because asylum seekers have priority", won't see the problem.

Everyone has a view, and mine is they all come to england because they know they will be treated better than any other european country would treat them... go to France and get locked up in a camp, or go to the UK and get a free house and handouts.

England needs to stop being worrying about what others think, specially when we are the only country following the rules set by europe, and as for all of you who say "we should help them" what do you get out if it?, I guess you can go to bed at night in the safe knowlege your money is being spent on people who will never be of any value to the country (by value I mean of any use). Yes this country wastes money in other areas, but this thread seems to be about asylum not diana or wembley.

As for the terrorist thing, you only have to watch the news, those guys arrested for the resin plot (or whar ever it was) were in a free house and were getting money from the goverment, that tells me that the british public were funding their plot to poision areas of london.

Oh and as for the " tabloid" accusations, I dont read papers, the only paper I read is Metro, which I pickup from the station on the way to work every day, I do however watch the news channels BBC News 24, Sky News, CCN (not Fox news as that is worse than the Sun).


Originally posted by adams901
As for the terrorist thing, you only have to watch the news, those guys arrested for the resin plot



Sorry - just had images of terrorists putting squidgy brown in the water supply to make all the Londoners mellow and eat more crisps :D


Originally posted by doh_boy
As I recall we were second to germany, who has a worse problem than us despite being a larger country.

/edit thats on number of immigrants :/


Asylum applications across Europe, 2002

Country Applications Applications per 1,000 people

Austria 37,000 4.6
Norway 17,500 3.9
Sweden 33,000 3.7
Switzerland 26,100 3.6
Ireland 11,600 3.1
UK 110,700 1.8
Netherlands 18,700 1.2
Denmark 5,900 1.1
France 58,100 1
Germany 71,100 0.6
Finland 3,100 0.9
Spain 6,200 0.1
Portugal 200 0

EU Total 383,800 1.1

We have easily the biggest total, but per head of population (which if you're thinking GDP and how we actually support these people and their relative impact, we're mid-league).

If you look at where people are coming from, well its fairly obvious that we're victims of our colonial past and our current foreign policy; Zimbabwe, Iraq, Afghanistan are the big three. China is fourth, and that's probably due to the fact that the place is so damn big and that Hong Kong isn't an option any more.

Testin da Cable

a girlfriend of mine works with an organisation that defends the rights of the children of illegal immigrants, refugees and others who are in the process of being 'vetted' by the Netherlands.
sometimes the people whos kids she tries to help are in such dire straits that I wonder who needs more help, the people, kids or the country they've run to in their need :/


Originally posted by Wij
Because it's against EU law.

Actually, no it isn't. When you arrive in the EU and announce a claim for asylum, you are processed and given asylum papers. These are essentially free travel documents, which let you move around the EU (open market and all that). So the inherent problem we have is that people are turning up in Germany or wherever, getting their papers, then jumping on a bus/ferry/whatever and coming to the UK. It is that very problem that Blair has said he'll target in order to cut the numbers in half -ie if you have filed for asylum in another country, you may not resident yourself here. Unfortunately Brussels and The Hague are going to kick his ass when he tries it.


Originally posted by stu
Unfortunately Brussels and The Hague are going to kick his ass when he tries it.

This is not quite the case, the asylum laws give Britain the right to return asylum seekers to the last "safe country", unfortunately this is almost always France, and rather than have to pass them on again the French have chosen to resist the move.

The "Sangette deal" involved us agreeing to take a number of asylum cases with France agreeing to stop seekers moving on, if anything the countries who will get an asskicking are France and Germany whose lax controls are causing the problem in the first place.

If Blair decides to pull out of the international refugee agreements then he might have the EU on his back over human rights issues, but right now the UK has every right to send seekers back, however as we are at the end of the "chain" of countries that seekers pass thru, it only seems fair we should agree to take some of them on, otherwise the burden simply passes to another country.


Originally posted by adams901
Yeah, those who live in areas where they are not faced with Asylum seekers jumping out on them each day with their kids in arms, begging for money (after their nice big handout) won't see the problem.

Those that aren't told "sorry even though you have been contributing towards this country all your working life you can't move from your overcrowded house into a bigger one because asylum seekers have priority", won't see the problem.

Fraid to say, I do agree, to a point, with Adams.

Folk living "closest" to the problem feel the effect worst. There was the case highlighted of the whole of an asylum seeker family out on the street begging for money (even though its meant to be forbidden for them to do so)

The people who approve the asylum and assign the living areas have one thing in common - they probably dont live ANYWHERE near them.

Can just see Tony Blair living next door to a family of 15 asylum seekers in Downing Street?

Dont get me wrong - Im not against giving people the right to safety; i just feel there are a lot of "home grown" problems which are usually overlooked.


I can't believe some of the opinions expressed here, especially from adams901. These are people, just like you and me. Just because they come from another country, and speak a different language, doesn't mean we can deny their right to a life free from persecution, free from tyranny, free from torture.

The vast majority of people arriving in this country claiming asylum would most likely much rather be back home, living peacefully. They can't. Who the hell are we to refuse them entry to our country? Just on the basis that a small percentage of applicants are in fact economic migrants? I applaud the fact that this country treats these people with so much dignity, and respect, and that it endeavours to make them comfortable.

If you really want to complain about people living here who don't contribute, then you can round up all the (excuse my language here) lazy fuckers who have no intention of doing a day's work, who claim on the dole for the entirety of their working life, and deport those cunts (rant over)

This country is rich, rich, and can easily afford to pay for the wellbeing of refugees. Does anybody in this country starve? Is anybody here truly homeless? Your friend can't get a bigger house? Am I supposed to sympathise with her? In anywhere else but the 1st world, she wouldn't even have the use of a house in which to live in the first place!

And as for the passage of refugees/migrants through the EU, most of these people will actively seek countries where there are already large communities representative of their culture. You don't see many Algerians coming into the UK, they nearly all go to France.

When I see such opinions as adams901 (its not personal btw) expressed, it makes me want to bang my head against the wall, which is what I also want to do when I hear those people saying 'well why should we go to war, its nothing to do with us'.

We invented geographical boundries, does our humanity end at those barriers?


What nonsense Im afraid Tom. :(
Tell you what. A customer of mine is waiting for his bike the other day. He's from Pakistan. We get chatting, he says hes been over here 8 years, after marrying a british-born asian woman. i says i bet its different here to Pakistan then mate?
Oh yes he says. Here is good living. (His words ). He said you cant blame all these people wanting to come over here, its much easier, and you get paid much better, have much better facilities.
Whilst I dont have any problem with his being here, he works 6 days a week, owns his own house blah blah, his comments do show up the big problem we have. It is bloody easy, and a lot of the people coming here, from the balkans or Iraq or wherever, have no intetion of giving much back to England, simply get a council house etc etc.



half of my family are Pakistani - all they do is arrange marriages with folk from "back home" and another gets the "free pass" to come over.



But ya gotta admit they do smell a bit.

look in all honesty, do you really think they are ALL being persecuted?

There isnt even one slight doubt you may have that there lying cunts after what they can get?

That they have no intention of fucking off when there homelands are once again safe for them?

ffs man.

Look its quite simple, the UK gives em more than any other country, why struggle in france/germany/italy/spain/anyfuckingplaceintheEU, when your going to be better off in the uk.

ok i admit that there are "real people in real need" but to think that there are 110,700 1.8 Real People in Real Need and thats not in total thats every bloody week or something, just wanting to come to the UK alone is, to be perfectly blunt, fucking retarded guardian reading stupidity.


There is another country they can go to after this one btw. Ireland. We are not the end of the chain. I've just come back from a weekend in Dublin, the people were great, the place was lovely and the prices were o.k. They treated me nicely and I'm English!

But I couldn't get a curry. A copper I spoke to said there were two curry houses in Dublin. Weird.


What lovely opinions echoed here...I remember now why I avoid asylum threads. Some people bring sensible arguements, about how processing time is too long, and that they aren't spread around the UK properly. Other people have a few sensationalist tales about five star hotels.

And then some people come out with bigotted, "not our problem", isolationist shite. I despair.


Well, Will, to make you feel even worse I would imagine that most views expressed on here are a dilution of the actual feelings of the author's. Strange when you consider that people who are quite eager to tell people to cunt the fuck off on here but won't own up to wanting to a "send the buggers back" attitude that I see every day.

Me, I'm just a "wishy washy" fascist. "Send some of the buggers back and tell 'em to take that English family with the RS2000 up on blocks in their front drive too"


Choosing between France and certain death sounds like a pretty tough choice to me.


I think France just edges it. Belgium or Death is a much harder choice.


Originally posted by Lester
There is another country they can go to after this one btw. Ireland. We are not the end of the chain. I've just come back from a weekend in Dublin, the people were great, the place was lovely and the prices were o.k. They treated me nicely and I'm English!

That's right, there's an absolutely massive ethnic community in Ireland for them to join :rolleyes:


Originally posted by theriven
ok i admit that there are "real people in real need" but to think that there are 110,700 1.8 Real People in Real Need and thats not in total thats every bloody week or something, just wanting to come to the UK alone is, to be perfectly blunt, fucking retarded guardian reading stupidity.

So you think there are 110 700 asylum applications in this country each week? Look at where most of these applications come from


If the majority of these applicants are fake, then why do we not see more applications from very poor countries such as Madagascar, Ethiopia, Bhangladesh, Vietnam, etc? And why is the problem so prevalent these days? You don't think it has anything to do with the recent conflicts in these areas? Every country I have listed (and there are no doubt more) suffers from religious/racial persecution.

In my opinion, anybody who thinks the majority of Asylum seekers entering this country are after 'an easy life' should have a serious long think about their morality, and their attitude to people in need. At least when I'm on my deathbed, I'll have a clear concience in that regard.


Personally I think we should stop letting them in. We are about to reach saturation point of Kebab and Curry houses, which is never good, and I am starting to dislike being the only white person in Burger King.


Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
In my opinion, anybody who thinks the majority of Asylum seekers entering this country are after 'an easy life' should have a serious long think about their morality

With an opinion like that, you should be shot.


The UK's had it tbh.

Can't wait to get out of here :|


I have known refugees who left their Country of origin for genuine reasons and ended up in the UK because this was the first safe haven they found. They did not really want to come to the UK but as it was a British vessel that picked them up they ended up here.
Some 20 years later they still live here.
My point being that genuine refugees will take the first safe place they find and not travel through most of Europe sit around France for weeks or months until they manage to smuggle them selves into the UK.

Comments from the BBC website from people who have met
some of the new wave of refugees /asylum seekers.

I am a retired woman who thought it charitable to give some time per week to an asylum seekers help group. As time has gone on, I have become sadly more and more disillusioned with my work and the people I thought were in need of help. The vast majority of the people I see readily admit to us that they have not fled any persecution but have been told to continually repeat the same sentences pretending that they do. They have told me they come here for one reason: a better standard of living and money. Their intentions are clear across them all: they wait until they get settled and then they call for their families back home to come over. The lies and deceit has been a rude awakening and I am extremely disappointed that what I have to write here is the case. They know we a pushover, they knew when they set out that the UK was their destination because they knew they'd get housing and money, or could disappear completely here. We are being made fools of.

I was a friend of an asylum seeker, that was until I found out that he had made false claim to enter this country as had the rest of his family. They lied about their country of origin, age and provided false, horrific stories. The family he had left behind where all alive and well not persecuted as our authorities had been led to believe. The asylum seekers in question are all still working in Britain whilst also claiming benefit and being provided with accommodation. They are wise to our system and taking full advantage of our generosity. Until we can determine the very small percentage of genuine asylum seekers this situation will continue to happen


No one is denying that there are people out just to take advantage of britain, but the problem is that a story about an asylum seeker who was generally persecuted, then came here and became a useful member of society doesn't make interesting news. A family of asylum seekers staying in a 5 star hotel and complaining about the food does, so it's difficult to get a decent idea of the situation. Sure there are figures of how many we take, but no figures of who's simply chatting shit and who's in genuine need of our help.


And your guess to a percentage of false claimants would be?


I'm not gunna guess, it's fucking pointless. There's no way you could ever possibly know simply by strolling around meeting a few people.


Originally posted by nath
I'm not gunna guess, it's fucking pointless. There's no way you could ever possibly know simply by strolling around meeting a few people.

Good answer!!

Dont want to make urself look like a cunt by answering?
What is it?
Go on tell us!
3 %
5 %

Even 10% of 110 k is far to fuckling high.
Thats just the released figures as well.

An estamated 3 million "refugees" or immigrants in this country and you think there here because they need a safe place to sleep?


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