To All and Sundry



Originally posted by Novamir
so you're admitting you organised the raid to get your item then?
One raid? I think me and Spashor organised 3 or 4 in the space of two weeks to get items for everyone, m8. The fact that Ebe was away on holiday during the last 3 of them (on one of which, as it happens, I did get the poxy sword you appear so obsessed by) is unfortunate. That we didn't put anything aside for him was unfortunate. But since the GA hammer he seems so obsessed by doesnt even drop at the Prince but in Malmo - where we rarely if ever hunt - I really cant see his problem there. And when an issue was made of it, i.e Ebe expressed his displeasure at being left out of the drop splits, I do remember peeps offering him their prince drops.

Brimwolf / Red

Originally posted by Novamir
so you're admitting you organised the raid to get your item then?

Hah.. When i saw this i couldnt keep myself from making a Daoc Acc here (I have one i use for Tfc and im to lazy to change the sig etc)..

Since its official "Flame KG Day" let it be know that when ever Novamir used to play and there was talk about a Legion/prince raid he was the first to claim that he wanted the sword. No questions asked..
And when Aragone (Hero in CF) Did a raid and claimed an item since he organized the raid, Novamir was one of the first ppl do defend them..

Im not going to do a eben and drag up all the nasty details about you nova. But you have NO reason posting here and flaming KG.

FYI. Im going to join CE-PVP .. why?
Cuz when i read and heard from other ppl how organized they where and how they planned to play (Various Tactics, Guild Code) Etc i understood that this was something i wanted to interact with.

Under this time that i have been in contact with the members of CE if have found that they are exactlly the ppl i long to play with..
I.e A little more serious, A little more roleplaying and alot more FUN.
And about killg. I dont care what he has done in the past. He may have treated ppl like assholes but we ALL do.
Novamir count the times someone has said f*ck you,
Or something like that to another member in /gu.. more times than any of us is willing to count i can asure you.
And what guilds doesnt have problems within ?.

Killg is a exellent GM imo, He spends his time where he is needed, Now if he gets on a bad side with what?..
Does that justify dragging it up here?.

Imo i can think of any "Lamer" thing then to actually take screenies of chatting sessions like that and posting them on bw.
How hard can it be to only take screens of stuff from your "Side" of the matter?.
Anyone could make anyone look like an asshole.
Ebens thread wasnt anything else then to cause some pain as he left CE. Talking to the existing members of CE on Mid. Theres isnt many that can say anything else then that KillG does his best to manage the guild and from what i hear Eben wasnt a "Easy" guy to handle.

And about the rest of the guys flaming here...
Xanatea etc (Other NP members)
I bet you do it for a laugh.
I have nothing against NP as whole..
I dont like xanatea for the way he acts.
There have been numerous times ive asked jozen if u could just ban him from #Celticfist cuz of the way he acts :) ..
But other NP players like Cougar(Talked to him a little when he played Alderian) And Fatbelly wich i lvled with alot when he was playing with us in hibernia..
They are nice..
But could you all stop acting like assholes for once ?
There isnt anydoubt that ppl disslike most of you. And there isnt any doubt that you know it wich probably fuels you Flamings.
Isnt there times when you guys can just be serious and discuss something without everything ending in a lame attempt to flame.

For future NP members to come. Nova,Cuth,Jozen,Wuren,Eleasias,Miss.. i wish you the best. i like (most) of you. but please try to bring some reason into that guild.
No doubt theres going to be alot of fun trying to kill you at pvp :)

So.. isnt it strange how this post turned out to be a "Me not liking np" thread.. im sorry for that..its just its been boiling up..

Brisk Mordain

can i just say

WELCOM TO THE BITCHING FORUM? oh and killgord i why dont why did you make these posts if you dont like flaming people?

Brisk Mordain

no offence intended thoguh am just asking


Btw what's wrong with organising a raid to get certain items? Doesn't everyone do that??


Originally posted by silent1

Well there it is in a nutshell...a hell of a lot of people seem to think there is a reason, several in fact. Being "old school" does not mean back your buddy whatever he's been up to.

Of course you can gloss it all over with "he's only human after all" and such tosh. Either way methinks quite a few eyes have been opened which was long overdue.

I stand up from my friends if they are right! If they are wrong and admit it and people still hound em then again I would stand up for em.. Not that they need it!


Originally posted by noob_pride

I stand up from my friends if they are right! If they are wrong and admit it and people still hound em then again I would stand up for em.. Not that they need it!

All well and good when they decide to admit it.


Flames Ohh Flames Reminds me of the Old Days dont it Woody, and simple as this Killgorde is good at what he does,be it Raiding getting people behind him etc etc, pissing people off etc etc.

If you dont like it go do something else, but I got to say all this bollox on these forums is crap, Its to individual people to work out for themselves what Killgorde is like.

I played with him in Nazgul and also other online games and I know what he is like, yer maybe over the top at times but jee arnt we all, he has a will to suceed, this has got to be a good thing, and it boils down to this, if your dont like him no problem then dont join him, but the pointless flames are stupid.

I know Kilgorde thinks im a trouble maker and a loot whore (his own words) but wow im not really going to lose much sleep over it, and im deffo not going to make screens of every chat I have with him.

In the online game world it would appear we will never see exactly eye eye, but as a leader of CE in our Realm I have respect for him, ohh and for the Price Sword he got, Im sorry but i thought that was the idea to raid prince to get drops etc etc, what you going to do drop the prince get jack all and say wow I just killed the prince, maybe im confused but at lvl 50 I thought that was idea kill mobs for drops to improve your character and to give to other guild peeps. (ohh and before u all call me a lott whore, as how many Swords Armour etc etc I have given away to Aesir`s members, and other n00bs I see, may be I have finally changed my stripes) To be honest im getting a little tired of this game until PvP and am just lvling alts to mess about in BG, and playing in other realms.

We will see what happens with PvP is this going to be CE-PvP raping Nolby or other way round ????

Sits back to watch the fun................

Ohh yer and before all you guys here think that CE will own PvP or Nolby or other guilds forming here (and im not flaming I wish thewm all luck) I personally think from research that the some of the German and French guilds have a lot more firepower, and I expect time, but will wait to see should be fun and I wish all of CE-PvP all the best of luck on PvP.

Im still decising on a character to make, big decision, but will be joining with Veeshan, and his nasty people.


from what i hear Eben wasnt a "Easy" guy to handle.
i wouldnt play in any guild where someone was trying to "handle" me.

@khalen: yes, go on, get a prince pole, i LIEK prince weaps. :clap:


please don t demolish KG and CE more than you did!

if they seize to be the good guys, how can we keep our profile as the bad asses^^.

Finster, <Nolby Pride>
can t flame like Estat and not nearly as evul as xana :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Brimwolf / Red

Novamir used to play and there was talk about a Legion/prince raid he was the first to claim that he wanted the sword. No questions asked..

i like getting items, its fun. im not stupid about it though- i never have a problem with the items going to the raid leader and being distributed, ill put my claim in like anyone else. if someone else needs or can use the item more than me then i wont make a fuss. and ive never done something gay like take two drops in a row.

drops pale in significance compared to keeping ur in game friends. besides we all know what ur like when it comes to drops brim.. even as far back as spraggon den you were bitching in groups to get your full set of earth crafted before certain other heros didn't have 1 piece, so you are being a hypocrite. you always are the first person to get the best drops and if ur not u moan like hell.

the point was killgorde tells ebe that the guild doesnt DO drop hunts, etc etc. and ebe clearly wants a specific item. if killgorde wants an item then he gets the guild to go hunt for it but if they want one they r being selfish? lol.

And when Aragone (Hero in CF) Did a raid and claimed an item since he organized the raid, Novamir was one of the first ppl do defend them..

course i will defend my own guildmate- and aragone is a nice guy. i didn't believe he was right to keep the drop if he had agreed for a lottery. however i do think that the person going to the trouble/shit/lag of organising a legion raid should have a better chance to get the loot they want.

Im not going to do a eben and drag up all the nasty details about you nova. But you have NO reason posting here and flaming KG.

please do, i love a good flame, put up or shut up.

And about killg. I dont care what he has done in the past. He may have treated ppl like assholes but we ALL do.
Novamir count the times someone has said f*ck you,
Or something like that to another member in /gu.. more times than any of us is willing to count i can asure you.

yep agreed but killgorde puts across a forum persona of an impeccable and great faultless leader. he spends longer typing his posts than it takes goa to patch a server.

i dont agree what eben did was right, but the post was there and i read it, and gave my opinions, thats what a forum is for? and yes tbh i like to see a bit of dirt on the squeaky clean saviour of midgard. loved the bit where he celebrates guild breaking certain amount of RP. RPs dont matter eh kg!


Hmmm Novamir? Is this the same Novamir who has been stringing his guildies along in CF for the past 3 weeks that he was leading them to the promised land in PvP, while at the same time pledging his allegiance to NP on that server behind their backs along with one or two other seniors in the guild? Maybe there are 2 of you out there - I dunno, but don't you think that is a bit of a dastardly thing to do? The words "two" and "faced" when put together spring to mind. Perhaps you would like to clarify and justify yourself on that issue m8?

You want to talk Prince drops fine. Blizzard and CE did quite a few Prince raids together under me and Splash. Why do them? Because, unlike hunting WoWs each Prince drops 5 relatively high spec items and between us we can cap all three in less than an hour and then hit the Alb or Hib portal for some fun - depending on who had access. Simple distribution formula - any duplications were split down the middle and then each guild picked an item in turn. Splashor can verify that on each hunt I always gave Blizzard first pick. The sword in question I believe was a Bains Slicer. An interesting point you may like to know is that the first time this sword dropped Splash took it for Blizzard as first pick. Where does that leave any aspersions you wish to portray about me, Novamir? I would say in tatters along with your own credibility if the little anecdote at the top of this post is even halfway approaching the truth. Wouldn't you think the same?


Lol look uner his name...

Talks too much!

He talks to much lol.... Guess what comes out.... brag,brag,brag,brag crap, crap, crap, crap, hot air, hot air, hot air...
In game its - mine, mine, mine, mine!!

You little pimple faced brat.. I now make you the room BITCH!



i guess you get off on airing stuff in public.

let me explain in chronological order.

1. i say im going to organise CF in pvp server
2. i start trying to arrange it, posts on private forum deciding numbers and chars etc
3. i get to uni and realise i cant paly daoc and also wont have time to arrange a whole guild in pvp which is a huge task (as im sure i dont have to tell you o saviour!)
4. i post on CF private forums saying i wont be able to fix up anything in pvp, and my apologies
5. i hear that other main CFers aren't goin to be with CF and pvp, also nobody steps up to volunteer to arrange anything. so there's gonna be no CF pvp.
6. i talk to xanatea about joining NP, and get in

i havent been able to log into the game for about a month so i haven't chatted to anyone in /gu for that time.

i guess either you can read the CF priv boards, or someone has been telling you what was going on? (brim?) wrongly i might add. if ur gonna be sensationalist get ya facts right. hope its clarified for you.


Originally posted by Novamir

i guess you get off on airing stuff in public.

If I did would it be myself publishing screenshots and ripping into other members of my own guild? I do, however, have the right to defend myself and members of my guild against those who like yourself "getting off" (your words, not mine) on making cheap shots without any true knowledge of the circumstances surrounding issues - the Prince raids being a point in fact. You obviously are a member of the tabloid reading fraternity...I would suggest as a student you elevate yourself from the Daily Sport style fraternity you quite obviously aspire to and look instead to that of the The Guardian, as they have a reputation for being less economical with the truth and do not believe everything they read in the gutter press.


Yu guys do releiase..
Or.. obviously, not. Just try to releiase it..


Originally posted by Novamir
yep and i like arguing ;)

Ill tell ya why....
Because your the chat queen of barrysworlds...
lol :)


hmmmmm.... im going to say one thing maybe ive been doing to much history about WW2 etc. but is it me or is "killg" trying to be a dictatorship over not Germany but Midgard pvp etc. im not really into politics as the ppl seem to be on this server as it is just a game. but killg seems to be from what ive read and heard from old mid friends like Hitler? hmmm maybe this is a over the top thing to say. hmmmm night of the long knives? oh well it does feel that killg has from reading from this base material that killg has eliminated all his foes by words? Instead as the sa did in Germany in hmmm sum date me not going to remember it :S well enough of me speaking i wont say to much just a little bit on what this material seems to show ;)


hmmm maybe this is a over the top thing to say.

There's no maybe about it, thats gotta be one of the dumbest comments i've ever read.

I think you need to go study your ww2 history some more, and next time engage your brain before typing up those sort of comments. I don't think you understand the gravity of your statement, but most people dislike being compared to or having friends compared to one of the biggest monsters of semi recent history.


Originally posted by Conchabar
hmmmmm.... im going to say one thing maybe ive been doing to much history about WW2 etc. but is it me or is "killg" trying to be a dictatorship over not Germany but Midgard pvp etc. im not really into politics as the ppl seem to be on this server as it is just a game. but killg seems to be from what ive read and heard from old mid friends like Hitler? hmmm maybe this is a over the top thing to say. hmmmm night of the long knives? oh well it does feel that killg has from reading from this base material that killg has eliminated all his foes by words? Instead as the sa did in Germany in hmmm sum date me not going to remember it :S well enough of me speaking i wont say to much just a little bit on what this material seems to show ;)

what in the name of fuck...



@ Conchabar

Okay - I seldom get into flameing threads cause imo they are quite pointless but that coment you made just makes me sick.

Go find a piece of rope and experiment with it - you might actually make a contribution for mankind that way.

Comparing peolpe to Hitler due to actions in a computer game.


@ Conchabar

Your way out of line dude...I suggest you do a big EDIT. This is among the worst insults I have ever come across on this or any other forum.

As to the main issue, I think it has been blown out of proportion a long time ago. IMO both parties initially made some mistakes, but I believe the biggest one was dragging it in here.

@ Novamir

So what if Killgorde arranged some DF-hunts for items, but not in the Lair. I think it is childish to make such a big thing about it (I think you know that), but I guess you did just 4 the fun of it.


Humm Hitler, Killgorde not 2 words that go together if u ask me, and got to say that comments lame.

Thats all I need to say, but Killgorde please stop with the bullshit flowery english speak you are using, its like you went to blody Oxford university or something, ok so your over 40 years old and prob very well educated, but the flowery crap is getting a bit of a joke :D Like dont read Daily Sport read the Guardian, I got to read the Daily Sport, its the only way I get to see pictures or Woody. (Little Dwarf with 3 legs SLeeps with Britney Spears September Headline) im sure that was Woody ;)

Ohh and I post here becasue I got nowt better to do at work, and im fed up.


Yes I sleep with britt... Yes my dong looks like a 3rd leg lol!


a) I don't paint house (I am crap with both water-colours and oils)
b) I am not attracted to ladies with hairy armpits.
c) I am not an anti-semite (although I don't feel the Palestinians are solely responsible for the situation in that troubled part of the world).
d) I have never had a venereal disease.
e) I have a serious issue with any extreme rightwing, leftwing or fundamentalist approach to politics.
f) I DO like dogs.

If f) can be used to compare me with Adolf Hitler then feel free.

If assisting those at these forums in their endeavor to make complete pillocks of themselves and figuratively bare their backsides in a Harrods shop window likens me to the ilk of Hitler, Pol Pot, Joe Stalin or any other cretin in history then please feel free to do so.

Co-incidently, I DO have a problem with those who feel the need to use the term "Uber" when comparing themselves with others in this game or any other for that matter. I would seriously recommend they pick up William L. Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and deduce from reading it the source of that expression and the connotations attached to it. At +1200 pages its a hell of a read but way beyond the physical ability of the hardened DaoC player to finish given time constraints...unless they are of the crafting pursasion.

And Conch, no offence taken m8 - I had jaw ache from laughing after reading your post in the early hours. But lay off the Daily Sport, would you? ;)


GA hammer is rare been seeking one for 3 months and still havent got one.


f) I DO like dogs.

How much? <wink wink>

William L. Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Magnificent book, a mainstay on the table next to my bed. Very thorough and detailed, not always 100% objective though.
Lots of references to other sources, not just loosely based craptalk.

Hmmm I guess I should make a comment to the threads topic and content....
Although its a pleasure seeing mids have at eachother.

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