Tnks to....


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Ahahahah you really crack me up gimp! If anyone has theyr noses covered here is an smell on how big is the hipocrisy and bs of this guy:


You sir, are a fecking idiot! lol

why would I be speaking aginst myself? =)

that thread was for the public view, as for what I wrote above is just my general view for people I respect. And that is not the majority of the public community, face it; 80% adding mongs. When fujjeh, septina & co made a group during that day, they left me and I left them. Sure they can be fucking twats killing soloers, but majority in their group know about this mutual respect since the old days. All said in that thread was pointed to the general bumchums, which I have no point in leaving anyway, as they lack what I appreciate. 1 thing dosent have to exclude the other.

but I appreciate the energy you put down into trying to look it up.. :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
There is only one sollution to your problem matey,

Do what these pricks do...

Install IRC..
Visit their E-peen channels..
Start bragging about stats and maths and how good you really are.
Keep that up for a few weeks
eventually you will arrive in the "7331" section of DAOC, those ppl that don't give a shit about things like SOTG, those that have lost the basic concept of all, no goals but to measure and stroke PEEN.
They don't give a damn about the so-called Moderators or Serveradmins they do what they like. They think they have seen the light. (in a way they did... they saw real-life-daylight fade and lose real-life-perspective).

That's an easy guide on how to become a respected solo player.
It is the only one.

and finally you 'll be able to start making movies with your cross real dates and get your peen strokes from other ppl... nice univers , ain't it?

no surprise here..

lets fear what we know so little of, or maybe fear is the wrong word. Lets talk down on it..

scewed pointless view..:worthy:

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