TimerE spawn stealing


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Ljimn said:
So i ran up to get my guildies, ran down, started to schroom.. and all of a sudden a bard (Fiddiccan) that was stuck to Eremai started to tell me he needed the Encounter. I said sure, u can join for the encounter if u need it, so i disband one of my guildies to invite him. He was grouped so as i was about to tell him to disband.. he said: This was his spawn, and he'd bin here for hours campin him..

As i've said b4, i tryed to invite him, but he was allready grouped. Not much more i could do then that.


I don't think Ljimn would do that just to be a jerk,since he is the nicest guy Ive met in this game;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2004
Very simple : if you dont have a fg ready to do the encounter when it's up, you have no right to it. I do agree in leting ppl camping it join in for credit and a chance on lotto tho.
Not the first time i go to check Eramai with 1 or 2 fg's and Fiddi is there camping it. The times it happened, it wasnt up, but if it was, who would be able to kill it? A solo bard or a fg?
In my opinion, give the guy 5 minutes to try to get some guildies to help, if he's not able to, give him the chance for credit and random (not join in and wanting to preclaim it, since if everyone kills it = everyone helped = everyone has a shot on it).
No reason to flame an entire guild for something like this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
different realm, same story :>
our guild f%cked up sooo many campers' dreams :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 20, 2004
As is always the case with two different stories....let it go and move on.

Bringing up more proof or circumstantial evidence will only inflame a realm that needs to come together in a more harmonius and less confrontational way.

I would rather Fiddi had come to me about it first, let me talk to the GM and without really taking sides just be cool about it. Fiddi knows that if enough guildies are online we'll help him get what he needs and he's given up things he wanted for others too, so although it's one of those situations where who is wrong or right is debatable, in the end it's one of those situations not worth making a big deal out of.

Kind of like a time when I had a GG ready to kill danos at the day spawn only for night to fall and danos to start moving, we engaged him only for him to move to his night camp (rather odd scripting there I think if you catch him on the route) follow him to night camp and there is a grp there who tell us he's camped! Annoyed the hell out of us but we let it go, play for fun, not stress :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
I realize now yes I was lame by thinking of preclaiming, and I apoligize for that. But I still do not think the proper respect was handed out to me in that situation though.

And well, I didnt say, or repeat "I will destroooooy uuuuu" I actually never really used any way of trying to break you. I simply talked calm with you, and told you, that a guilds reputation can get spotted by actions like those that were happening at that moment. Then after a while you stopped answering, think that was about 5 mins after you told me I was a "nub", dont really know why you said I was that since I never really said anything about you :)

I'll end this off then by saying, I did not know you ungrouped a m8, but I was in a grp with a guildm8 'cause we, as I said, we were gonna do him within 2 mins :)
But from the moment there was said, "sure you can join us for credit" (when I never really said all I needed was credit) think 2 secs passed and he was pulled.

And as Cula is saying, this is my word against yours, so nobody can really know what happened I guess. Except all the people who thinks I'm a retard and already picked sides ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
You did threaten the reputation of TimerE, and told me if i didnt give you the cloak, you would make everyone on this server hate us. I stand by that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I'm not having a dig at TimerE, I am merely stating where I stand in situations like this. I was not there and therefore I can't take sides, but I can express distaste over a situation.

This could have been handled very easily with some with some common sense and courtesy.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Fiddiccan said:
Tallen, I think your example with the dragon is the worst i ever heard. It has no similarities with my incident, and the dragon has been known as a "realm-gathering" point in the past. Not something you can camp.

It has every similarity with your incident, just on a grander scale.

Dragon is a mob you cant solo.

Eremai is a mob you cant solo (well, maybe it is soloable, but not by you obviously as you would have pulled if you could solo it).

You cant camp either, point was that if you claim you can camp and preclaim Eremai, then i can claim camp-rights and preclaim Cuuldraach (sp?)...which is ofc ludicrous...its EXACTLY the same thing put in a context to emphasise the main point.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Never used those words Ljimn.

But yes I told you to hand over the cloak at first just secs after it dropped, and I think its pretty normal that people react a bit hard when they feel disrespected. And as I just said in my last post:

I realize now yes I was lame by thinking of preclaiming, and I apoligize for that.

But after it had happened i calmed down, 'cause yelling etc. wouldnt help anything. And then you were all (as I saw it, correct me if I'm wrong) "whatever, i dont care" (not your words, its how i felt you were), instead of talking to me and trying to settle it instead of it ending up like this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I was camping Eramai with my druid, asked help to TimerE, Lijmn came with more people and helped me. I told them to lotto for cloak and Lijmn told me that cloak was for me since they were only there for helping me, they would try to get it another day.

So my experience with this guild is 100% nice, and i really believe what they say since i was in a similar situation and they acted very nice.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
shouldnt preclaim items you need more then a fg for anyway, no matter if you camped it or not, you didnt do the work alone, offering the chance to lotto for the item very often solves this problem, if i had 1 lvl50 camped at all the mobs i need no 1 would get a look in


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Chrstffr said:
asking ppl outside guild to help with an artifact for credit only is just rude imo.


I think your attempt to tarnish an entire guilds reputation has kind of back fired Fiddiccan as reading through all the posts here (infact, even just reading your original post on its own) you come off looking a lot worse than TimerE do.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
About looking worse, what can I say? Should i be more known than a guild? Do you know me? Does anyone in here actually know me except Culanan?
Then dont talk about who looks worse. A guild can have a good reputation but this does not mean they do stupid things. And when this happens their GM should atleast talk to the victims. In this case the victim did not get contacted by the GM, but the victim had to contact him, and when he did, he got a "nub", and later a /ignore in the face. :mad:

And well, its not my fault people think I'm a retard. I cannot do anything about their opinion about me. I can only try to bring out the truth about an event I thought was disrespectfully handled and never really solved, even though I tried to talk to the GM about it.

Oh and I dunno why a word like "spot", turns into "DESTROOOY" and "tarnish". But it's quite amusing :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
all it takes is a bit of common courtesy, we had a grp of 4 guildies camping at danos night spawn waiting for him to come across, then we see eramai has popped, just about to shroom and kill it we saw elwizardo sat with a centaur all alone, gave him 5mins to get sorted, his bb turns up, he kills it, we wait and just take danos, he's happy and will hopefully remember it, we just wait till next time and kill it, simple as that, no1 qq'd no1 made qq thread.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Fluid said:
all it takes is a bit of common courtesy, we had a grp of 4 guildies camping at danos night spawn waiting for him to come across, then we see eramai has popped, just about to shroom and kill it we saw elwizardo sat with a centaur all alone, gave him 5mins to get sorted, his bb turns up, he kills it, we wait and just take danos, he's happy and will hopefully remember it, we just wait till next time and kill it, simple as that, no1 qq'd no1 made qq thread.

i knew elwizardo was a arti stealer!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Fiddiccan said:
And well, its not my fault people think I'm a retard. I cannot do anything about their opinion about me

It is your fault, you have tried to flame a guild on a forum for a tiny indiscretion....if thats not retarded i dont know what is.

You can help yourself by stopping making responses to this thread, every time you respond you make matters worse.

Learn your lesson and move on.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Fiddiccan said:
In this case the victim did not get contacted by the GM, but the victim had to contact him, and when he did, he got a "nub", and later a /ignore in the face.

I tryed to tell you over and over that i did nothin wrong. Not my fault u found it nessesary to continue spam while i was tryin to kill Dawar. Next time think b4 you talk, this could've ended an entirely other way if you did.

Fiddiccan said:
Oh and I dunno why a word like "spot", turns into "DESTROOOY" and "tarnish". But it's quite amusing :)

I asumed you had watched too much Glamor and Dynasty, aperently not. In those shows there is always a evil villan that tryed to 'destroy' someone. In ur case, u made it ur 1 purpos to try to make TimerE look like idiots, while it backfired on you like a hot plate out of the oven.

Imo. you've admit you were wrong, now get over it :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Now all of you .. let it rest ... reading over-the-hill threads takes away too much time from my workschedule ..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Divinia said:
DuudeIsVeryInnocentNoobInArse is better imo.
or something like that...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
I once was after the Healing Embrace cloak and had to chase that mob for quite some time since it dosnt drop that often and are farmed on spawn - most of the times I had the time to get a group together before other came and killed it.

Regardless if you can or cant camp a mob most people cant be expected to get a group all times during the day so if I spot someone camping a mob I give them a while to gather a group or offer them to join and roll for it - greed is ugly and its not hard to be kind at times to those that dont have the possibilty to play with bot, be in a giant guild or maybe they dont have many ingame friends. :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
omg i'm slow, don't pay any attention on what i posted in the post above imo :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Fiddiccan said:
Well, I dont think they should get away with it without getting their reputation spotted, so here it goes.

I came to Eramai to camp him, and well nobody was there so was perfect, checked one extra time - just to be sure there wasn't somebody behind a tree or something. Nobody was there, nice! :)
Ok i sat down and waited maybe 1 hour. And there he was in all his glory, Eramai spawned.
So I started asking around, if people wanted to join for credit only. Including an Animist from TimerE called Leiijaa(has an alt called Ljimn too). And well secs after i said this, their bard Ljimn came running, and disappeared again. Then about 1 min later he came with a fg of TimerE.
I ask them if they wanted to join for credit, though the cloak would be reserved for me, since it was my spawn and after i had said this, they start killing. I know according to the CoC that it is allowed to take a spawn if it isnt in aggro with someone, but it has something to do with respecting eachother in the realm. I was not invited to a BG, or a group to even get the credit. So the cloak drops, and they run off... :eek7:

Later i talk to the GM(Leiijaa and Ljimn.) and i get the answer that they were camping even though I know as a fact, that they had not been there in the hour I had been camping. Turns out in their opinion you can camp an artifact mob even though your not even near him.

I agree with you a 100% fidd, these people are jackasses if they did it to you.

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