360 cos you cant, nor will you probably be ever able to, chip a PS3.
And dont worry about getting banned from xbox live, its only the noobs who dont know how to hide the fact their console is chipped who get banned.
I refuse to chip a console/ buy/play copied games.
Would you walk into a shop, pick a game off the shelf, stick it up your tshirt and walk out the shop?
So why rob a gaming company?
Aada will soon switch to a sony fanboi as soon as there is a new PS3 exclusive that cost a whole lot more than any other game to develop.
I'll go where the games are i'm a gamer and always will be, i have a PS3 atm but no games for it.
I refuse to chip a console/ buy/play copied games.
Would you walk into a shop, pick a game off the shelf, stick it up your tshirt and walk out the shop?
So why rob a gaming company?
If you chip a console because you're too cheap to pay for games, there is no moral difference.
too right i would too. To be fair if i could steal a car and get away with it as easy i would do that too
Just to clarify, are you saying there's no moral difference between chipping a console to pirate games than *stealing* games from a retail store?
So what would happen if everyone that pirated games stopped downloading them and actually went and stole the product from retail stores - there's no difference?Yes.
So the only thing stopping you from being a car thief is that you'd worry about being caught?
Do you think the cost of the box, disc and manual are significant compared to the cost of actually making the game? Because that's the only extra loss incurred if you decide to steal it the old fashioned way.
No, you are arguing about who loses the money.
It is still theft which ever way you look at it.
Not entirely, for one that makes the massive and totally bogus assumption that every pirated game is a lost sale. That's obviously not true, but to what degree that's untrue is something that's difficult to ascertain.
Beyond that, as you're not depriving the games developers of their property it's categorically *not* theft. If you pirate a game that you would have otherwise paid for then you're depriving them of a sale and it becomes quite similar to theft but still not the same thing. It's copyright infringement.
I never suggested for a second that it's not illegal, and I'm absolutely being pedantic, but we've all gotta have a hobby. For some reason the implication that piracy is theft winds me up no end, just like the idea that every piracy download represents a lost sale when that's so clearly not true.
About people losing money... with your example of the retailer losing money, you could also argue that the developer and publisher at least get paid their dues. So no, morally you're not better off downloading.
What about if your mate lends you the game after he has finished it with it. Is that as bad as downloading it from newsgroups. Its a moral hot potato, Nath, Catch....
Have you ever borrowed a game, film or music cd off a friend?
What if I steal something from someone that they forgot they had and will never miss it? Or lift 1 penny from 100 million different bank accounts? It isn't the effect, it's the act.