So, the connector on my very nice but quite old and dirty-looking Beyerdynamic dt880's is wearing away - I plan to have a go at replacing it and failing that, I will be buying some dt990s. Has anyone tried this? Some pointers would be nice.
Also, I'm considering buying some proper in-ear "personal monitors" (they go right inside!) and I would like to hear of freddys that have some and how comfortable they are - and particularly how good they sound. Shure or Ultimate Ears seem to be the ones to go for.
Oh, and here's a badger that may or may not fit into your ear:
Also, I'm considering buying some proper in-ear "personal monitors" (they go right inside!) and I would like to hear of freddys that have some and how comfortable they are - and particularly how good they sound. Shure or Ultimate Ears seem to be the ones to go for.
Oh, and here's a badger that may or may not fit into your ear: