Time for a fckin stun QQ


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 9, 2006
Dard said:
Muylaetrix said:
reducing the range slightly would lessen the OP effects of stun in a 1 vs 1 situation.


But as we all know this game is not designed around 1v1 fights, please give me some examples where baseline stun is op'd in fg vs fg or zerg warfare & i'm guessing if you do there's another class in another realm that can either kill or interupt the caster useing baseline stun.

In zerg warfare if a hib run stupidly close to the other realm they might get away with it. If other realms idiots does that they will get stunned and zerg have time to kill.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
stun = iwin vs casters.

reducing the range slightly would lessen the OP effects of stun in a 1 vs 1 situation.
Hrmmm how is it less of an iwin vs casters than, say nearsight or couple of bolts from a wiz (who almost always just dump everything into passives). Albs prolly have it harder without the heat resists from bot - it's quite possible for a SM say to double dex debuff you on inc, sit thru the whole duration of a stun getting nuked (4.5s with bot resits!) and qc lifetap to turn things around. BD's who bother to use bot resists should have absolutely zero probs with hib casters if they see em on inc. Runies, cabbies, wizzies, sorcs, thurg etc etc outrange all hib stunners cept eldies.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
HAHAHA. coz bolt, blot, blot DEAD from a wizzie aint sick is it CK? :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Could start fixing the silly Alb mage classes before anything else tbh, but after that I stand by what I said, remove lifetap from the game, I can live without stun then np.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
Muylaetrix said:
you don`t want to see or you need glasses if you can`t see why.
stun = iwin vs casters.
reducing the range slightly would lessen the OP effects of stun in a 1 vs 1 situation.
ask people like makingkillspamisnic and earlier people like kranez how much skill they gained when they rerolled from wiz to chanter ;)
I don't really think you understand how things works in an 1v1 situations and what options you have.
[Sorc vs Chanter]
Sorc wins mezz becauase of range advantage, target gets fully debuffed, chanter pet is cc'ed. You put ml9 pet(pref templar) on the chanter and start nuking, what is the chanter going to do?
If the situation goes to the chanter, that is he wins the stun becuase the sorc screwed up. Then he purge, debuff the chanter and using moc, chanter also mocs and both having an ml9 pet on them, in the end the sorc will win beacuase of chanter being debuffed and the sorc gaining hp back.

[Theu vs Chanter]
Chanter will never have a chans to cast anything since he will be petspammed on a dist where he can't even stun the caster.

[Wizz vs Chanter]
This is the situation where the chanter have a bit bigger chanse to win if he survives the 2 bolts. If he managed to get pet on the wizz or gets the stun off before he dies. Sure wizz got ns also which the chanter have to purge.

[Caba vs Chanter]
ml9 caba pet with speed(and cc imune with rr5),ns,ltdebuff,lt,diease,snare.
I think you can see the situation....

There is of course situations where casters gets jumps on you and you get stunned for the full dur, and of course you will die in does situations. But this game was never built to be 100% blanced between all classes and realms when it comes to 1v1.
If you play in a group, you can tell the healers that you will take extra dmg during a stun etc and this will never be a big problem. As it is now albion got the best casters if you see to fg vs fg.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Bondoila said:
I don't really think you understand how things works in an 1v1 situations and what options you have.
[Sorc vs Chanter]
Sorc wins mezz becauase of range advantage, target gets fully debuffed, chanter pet is cc'ed. You put ml9 pet(pref templar) on the chanter and start nuking, what is the chanter going to do?
If the situation goes to the chanter, that is he wins the stun becuase the sorc screwed up. Then he purge, debuff the chanter and using moc, chanter also mocs and both having an ml9 pet on them, in the end the sorc will win beacuase of chanter being debuffed and the sorc gaining hp back.

[Theu vs Chanter]
Chanter will never have a chans to cast anything since he will be petspammed on a dist where he can't even stun the caster.

[Wizz vs Chanter]
This is the situation where the chanter have a bit bigger chanse to win if he survives the 2 bolts. If he managed to get pet on the wizz or gets the stun off before he dies. Sure wizz got ns also which the chanter have to purge.

[Caba vs Chanter]
ml9 caba pet with speed(and cc imune with rr5),ns,ltdebuff,lt,diease,snare.
I think you can see the situation....

There is of course situations where casters gets jumps on you and you get stunned for the full dur, and of course you will die in does situations. But this game was never built to be 100% blanced between all classes and realms when it comes to 1v1.
If you play in a group, you can tell the healers that you will take extra dmg during a stun etc and this will never be a big problem. As it is now albion got the best casters if you see to fg vs fg.

ofc all of these situations are flat land where both enemies see each other at clip range, any kind of los usage a enchanter can get to would mean he would most likely win or have a bigger adv. of doing so


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Stun is very overpowered. Unless im the one using it ofcourse


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Dard said:
I know im not on the recieving end of baseline stun (as much as albs / mids) but i do play a chanter occasionally & i really dont see how it's overpowered in more than 1 or 2 situations. /shrug

RvR and PvE?


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Bondoila said:
[Caba vs Chanter]
ml9 caba pet with speed(and cc imune with rr5),ns,ltdebuff,lt,diease,snare.
I think you can see the situation....

Wow caba's doing alot of work to avoid your 3 to 5 button presses. If he NS you at range you run. Simple and nothing stopping you. If you can't see how OP baseline stun is on casters then try playing another realm get on the receiving end of it 20 x a night. Even if you purge stun getting hit for 600-800 dmg and your dead too quick to do much about it, even fully buffed and TOA'd. Would love Wizards to get free baseline stun, then stand back and read the whine that would follow.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i am guessing lots of albs don't run with resists then. all baseline stun does is piss friendly shield tanks off who are trying to slam people


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Stallion said:
hmm full 9 s?

im not gonna jump into this discussion but fyi, 9 s is only the delve, then add item resists, CL or friar resists. Say you have 26% heat from items and 10% from CL. Brings you to an efficient 26% after spell piercing, = 6,6 s

For fg rvr thats even less with aprox 40% heat after SP.

True true, but also consider the following is about "normal" with regards to a 400 dex luri

Stun lands
debuff 0.75 sec after stan lands
1st nuke for avg 500 dmg lands 1.1 sec after debuff
2nd nuke for avg 500 dmg lands 1.1 sec
3rd nuke for avg 500 dmg lands 1.1 sec
4th nuke for avg 500 dmg lands 1.1 sec

chanters + cabbies are about that same dps as debuff nukers but the main difference is that i have to adjust my nuke position because as soon as the debuff lands the ***** sprint OOR. Stun means u can stand at max range with confidence your target wont be going anywhere when u start to fuck it!

With cleric on perma stun assist the difference is amazing.

From a fg pov Cabby is alot better than chanter (better pet, higher util), but solo chanter is pretty awsome i would expect.

Prolly one of the reasons u dont see much cabalist whine over sorc is because cabbies really arnt fun to solo with - no speed is teh pooh (dont even mention horses pls - nothing like making yaself an easy click target).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
For 1v1 baseline stun is very overpowered.

Any smart hib that gets the jump will just start nuking, then when you blow QC to interupt them and get the initiative, quickcast stun you back. Now even if you blow purge you can't do crap.

If you assume that most casters get purge 2 then that means 1 fight every 15 minutes you actually stand a chance of putting up a fight against the clueless ones.

The really good players will find ways around it sure, the annoyance is that for 95% of the population hib QC stun is an insta-win. It's been with us for a while sure, but TOA competely changed the nature of it. Having to spend 30 realm points just to counter something hibs get for free is slightly annoying.

In FG rvr then yeah, it's not even noticible. In zerg rvr it's insta death for anyone that strays even 1ft too close, although by the time your in bolt range your probably dead anyway so it really doesn't matter.

It's probably also worth noting that stun is much more annoying than any other form of insta win to be on the receiving end of.. yeah the result may be the same, your inevitable death.. but if you can move and spam keys then you at least feel like your playing the game. When your stood motionless while someone splats you then it's much more annoying and frustrating, which is probably why it generates the most whine.


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
Golena said:
For 1v1 baseline stun is very overpowered.

& other stuff.

This game is not designed around 1 v 1 encounters.

Seems to me most arguments here are based on 1v1 situations where the hib chanter gets the jump on someone not paying attention or not looking in the right direction.

The same does apply to hibs you know, mr hib caster alone in the frontier, looking the wrong way gets bolt bolt bolt, all he can do is type /rel, are bolts overpowered ?

Same hib caster looking the wrong gets attacked by a charge tank / det 5 stoicism tank, fat lot of good stun does there.

Same caster gets PA'd, can easily be dead after stun wears off, should we go back to brittles blocking PA? (i dont think so btw).

The list goes on, there are still many things in this game that cause imbalance & i really dont believe that baseline stun is anywhere near the top of the list :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Dard said:
The list goes on, there are still many things in this game that cause imbalance & i really dont believe that baseline stun is anywhere near the top of the list :(

It isent, there are lots of classes needing to be changed before they start with the stun, thats for sure.

But I do stand by what I said, remove the stun completely, but then also remove lifetap from the game, I bet lots of n00blars would be screaming then tbh.

Also, the Sorc should be completely remade, that class is just silly.


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
Elrandhir said:
It isent, there are lots of classes needing to be changed before they start with the stun, thats for sure.

But I do stand by what I said, remove the stun completely, but then also remove lifetap from the game, I bet lots of n00blars would be screaming then tbh.

Also, the Sorc should be completely remade, that class is just silly.

I dont have a problem with a lifetap class, but i do think you shouldnt be able to use MoC & lifetap.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Well, Mythic already announced they're going to do something about Hibernia in the next patches. (But not what, unfortunately). It's just a matter of time.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Tesla Monkor said:
Well, Mythic already announced they're going to do something about Hibernia in the next patches. (But not what, unfortunately). It's just a matter of time.

hopefully something that increase the hibbpopulation or something like that :) Seeing as alb still dominates the numbers and mid still are second in population.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
holy crap, Im dusting off the caster!!!
i never knew how OP'd they actually were!!!

thanks for opening my eyes :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Dard said:
This game is not designed around 1 v 1 encounters.

Seems to me most arguments here are based on 1v1 situations

I can't see anywhere where I wrote that it was.

Baseline stun being overpowered in 1v1 encounters doesn't mean the game should be insta changed to accomodate this.
Read 90% of the threads in this forum and you'll find they are people QQ'ing about stuff that's clearly not on Mythic's radar.. doesn't mean it isn't valid as whine.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
Well, Mythic already announced they're going to do something about Hibernia in the next patches. (But not what, unfortunately). It's just a matter of time.

Excellent, i'm looking forward getting a root on the chanter, along with a proper rr5 and lifetaps.


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
Golena said:
I can't see anywhere where I wrote that it was.

Baseline stun being overpowered in 1v1 encounters doesn't mean the game should be insta changed to accomodate this.
Read 90% of the threads in this forum and you'll find they are people QQ'ing about stuff that's clearly not on Mythic's radar.. doesn't mean it isn't valid as whine.

First line of your previous post says ... For 1v1 baseline stun is very overpowered.

So i said ... This game is not designed around 1 v 1 encounters.



FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Ging said:
True true, but also consider the following is about "normal" with regards to a 400 dex luri

Stun lands
debuff 0.75 sec after stan lands
1st nuke for avg 500 dmg lands 1.1 sec after debuff
2nd nuke for avg 500 dmg lands 1.1 sec
3rd nuke for avg 500 dmg lands 1.1 sec
4th nuke for avg 500 dmg lands 1.1 sec

chanters + cabbies are about that same dps as debuff nukers but the main difference is that i have to adjust my nuke position because as soon as the debuff lands the ***** sprint OOR. Stun means u can stand at max range with confidence your target wont be going anywhere when u start to fuck it!

With cleric on perma stun assist the difference is amazing.

From a fg pov Cabby is alot better than chanter (better pet, higher util), but solo chanter is pretty awsome i would expect.

Prolly one of the reasons u dont see much cabalist whine over sorc is because cabbies really arnt fun to solo with - no speed is teh pooh (dont even mention horses pls - nothing like making yaself an easy click target).

Cabby has ns and a rawkz0r stunning pet on spd? So i'd expect him todo a lot better then the chanter :p


Part of the furniture
Jun 27, 2004
baseline stun has been in the game since the beginning? no need to change it now tbh. Alb casters have other things that hib/mid casters don't have tbh.

stop the crying


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Tubbs said:
The problem is stun became overpowered with the introduction of +duration, and significantly higher DPS meaning its' original concept has been lost.

1rst intelligent post in this thread :D


Nov 28, 2004
It is easy just kill the hib realm of:) there all gay anyway:)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Dard said:
This game is not designed around 1 v 1 encounters.

Seems to me most arguments here are based on 1v1 situations where the hib chanter gets the jump on someone not paying attention or not looking in the right direction.

even in a zerg you basically have dozens of short duration caster vs caster fights where the casters just target the closest enemy caster to get into range (and the other way round) and try to kill him.

even the zerg battles are made of dozens of individual one vs one`s to some degree.

doesn`t matter how the situation is, but if you end up in range of eachother, the one with stun has the best chance of taking the other one out.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
even in a zerg you basically have dozens of short duration caster vs caster fights where the casters just target the closest enemy caster to get into range (and the other way round) and try to kill him.

even the zerg battles are made of dozens of individual one vs one`s to some degree.

doesn`t matter how the situation is, but if you end up in range of eachother, the one with stun has the best chance of taking the other one out.

Yeah right, the one with the most range will have to best chance of taking the other one out.
My stun does fk all in a zerg. Having 3 bolts with 1875range would be a lot better or pets with the same range for that matter. If you get stunned, it means your enemy got too close or you where slacking and forgot to ns him.
Anyways pointless discussion.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Shike said:
hopefully something that increase the hibbpopulation or something like that :) Seeing as alb still dominates the numbers and mid still are second in population.

Thing is, this cluster is in the minority for this situation, overall Midgard is underpopulated on more servers than hibernia.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Arkian said:
Thing is, this cluster is in the minority for this situation, overall Midgard is underpopulated on more servers than hibernia.

looking at the populationbonuses in US, mid is behind on one cluster and alb is actually behind on another one. When looking at the EUservers mids arent underdogs at all, on the contrary, hibs have least numbers and earn least RPs overall aswell.

I dont really get where you found the numbers you base your statement on, care to explain?

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