Thx 4 Giving us the First Title in Excal: Relic Soldiers!

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FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Guinever said:
Actually I doubt that was the intial intent of the thread, he did so because he was the first to get the title and wanted to inform everyone, things didn't go as he expected, thinkin that most people would whine in another thread where, the actual subject was the relics not the title. You are now trying to justify the fact by going he did it to piss u guyz off, which I highly doubt. Now isn't there an unclaimed tower somewhere wit yellow con gaurds that give some gold, waiting for u ? ( Dun forget bring ur friends )
he wanted a pat on the back for killing npc's, thats all this post was about.
Noone is impressed, i dont see why u expected them to be.
Trollum makes you look pathetic with his little keep taking endevours


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Ok, lets get a few things straight here.

Xajorkith said:
Are you a complete retard?

Taking relics at a stupid hour creates a mentality for others to do it, and for others NOT to try and do Ardamel style raids at Prime Time. Why bother doing well planned, well executed prime time raids when a bunch of fuck wits will just take it at 5am? So shit raids like yours actually damage the game overall.
I was asleep at the time of the raid. I have a job to attend.
How does that make it my raid? Get your facts straight before you come here yelling, seing as you apparantly did not even read my posts this whole ordeal just makes you look stupid.

Xajorkith said:
All we get now are people of your ilk and lack of intelligence, quoting some fecking reference from the past to justify a current lame raid.
Ill be happy to give you a match in a proper intelligence test.
Seing as that is unlikely to happen why dont you have a go at or any other site with a test for the fun of it. Dont worry about the site being danish, the test itself does not require any language skills. If you get a score of over 110 with a spread of 15 you will have exceeded my expectations of you.
If you do decide to give that test a go and get below 79 points there is a fair chance that you might officially earn the title retard.

Xajorkith said:
Quoting the past, pre NF, Pre ToA is pathetic tbh, Mid hasn't done a shit raid for almost two years, otoh Albion has ONLY lifted the relic after 1am in NF...

Looser > Albion, Albion should be ashamed.
Ive said it before and Ill say it again, start paying peoples subscriptions and maybe you will have a chance of dictating how they should have fun in an online game.

After all we are talking about a game here and seeing you going ballistic over this is actually quite hilarius.

Never the less, it is a game and your behaviour suggests that you take a brake.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Docs said:
Ill be happy to give you a match in a proper intelligence test.
Seing as that is unlikely to happen why dont you have a go at or any other site with a test for the fun of it. Dont worry about the site being danish, the test itself does not require any language skills. If you get a score of over 110 with a spread of 15 you will have exceeded my expectations of you.
If you do decide to give that test a go and get below 79 points there is a fair chance that you might officially earn the title retard.

mhm was hard to find the test but i got 111 points :) u got me interested, did it whit 29min left on it

some of the stuff was really hard,good stuff


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
good work albs :) no i mean it really.. woulda done exactly the same.

lots of peeps flaming u for a late night/early morning raid but.. bolg and crim where already gone.. nothing was done over the weekend to retake them, behnn was being hit all night... now that isnt exactly an AC raid is it?


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
ilaya said:
good work albs :) no i mean it really.. woulda done exactly the same.

lots of peeps flaming u for a late night/early morning raid but.. bolg and crim where already gone.. nothing was done over the weekend to retake them, behnn was being hit all night... now that isnt exactly an AC raid is it?
they were left for insta rvr ...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Aye gratz spain for showing ur nightskillz once again!

viva la SPAIN!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Maximuze said:
OMG hes a real sherlock Holms! :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

You hibbis must be lucky 2 have him on the team :p

Yea they lubs me.

Very unlucky for albs to land on a retard like urself :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
mhm was hard to find the test but i got 111 points :) u got me interested, did it whit 29min left on it

some of the stuff was really hard,good stuff

Ohh, sorry the damn page redirected the link, here is a proper one:

Just press on "Start testen" and it should work.

And yes, I must admit that some of the questions are really hard, the last three are real nut crackers.


Dec 23, 2003


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Sarona said:
First no none on excal has the titles Relic Soldiers... and why does everyone getting soooo upset if the relics are being reseted in a few weeks ?

coz once again albs prove they can only do 5am raids?

/flame on


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004

Imagine my surprise when Hibs whine about losing there relic's.

First of all let me say grats to those that took the relics, it may have been easy and at an unsocial hour, but you still did it.

I frankly dont care who has the relics for the extra bonus, i am so use to not having them (pre NF) that it doesn't matter to me, i dont factor in the relics when i go RvRing.

As for the Hibs saying it is an alarm clock raid, i think this is unfair and incorrect. I was under the impressions that an alarm clock raid was one when a predetermined number of people got up at the same time in order to take a relic.

It appears that the group were playing late, and since they were bored at 4 in the morning decided to take a relic or two.

Now as for flaming them for not doing it in "primetime", maybe in prime time they wouldnt have done it as more people would have been on. Also this is a 24/7 game which means that they do not have to play the game when it suits you.

A lot of hibs seem to be pissed off that they took the relics when they were not on, unfortunetly you will probably be upset to know that thw world does not revolve around you.

Also Mythic designed the relics to be easily taken back, so less whine more action.

A lot of people sound like children who have woken up to find someone has moved there toy, and that was unfair as know one told them. I am sure that most of you are not like that in real life, so why are you like it in a game?... yes a game, those things you normally play for fun....



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Correct me if I am wrong, but a factor or an Alarm Clock raid is to be awake at a point which the relics cann't be defended by the other realm ( Yes the get a tick )
and if they had just kept quiet and accepted the fact they toke the relics at an unchallenging time and not come on FH to boast about how easily they did it.
Take the relics good for u, come and boast about how u got them "no"
Personally I dun agree wit AR'z but they seem to be the norm now, and more people are going to do the same thing, and than justify it with the fact that the relics where previously taken, by an AR.
How about we see some nice relic takes and less lame one'z, espically one wit some nubs comin on FH and dance around about some title they got, which they dun even deserve.
Sad tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Calaclya said:

lol never somthin intersting to add to the post, how about u go become a weee bit more creative and come back ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2005
Oh come on guys, can't we play nice? After all this is just a game... If relics are being reset in week or whatever why whine about the relics being taken? Theres just no point.

Grats at the title you guys got btw. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Siesta said:
Oh come on guys, can't we play nice? After all this is just a game... If relics are being reset in week or whatever why whine about the relics being taken? Theres just no point.

Grats at the title you guys got btw. :)

Shhhhh we are post farming here ♥
and they are lame!!!!!!


Jun 9, 2005
Docs said:
Ok, since you obviously did not understand what I meant Ill rephrase it so that even you can understand.

Start paying peoples subscriptions and then maybe you can tell someone how they should have fun in an online game.

And fyi, if there was a pve title that was hard to get and only a handfull on the server had it, I would actually be arsed to give it a try.

its not that I didn't understand what you wrote, its the fact that I though it was bollocks. Ok maybe they find fighting npc's with the ai of a spoon fun and thus taking an undefended relic at an hour where no one is availiable to defend the relic, but there is really no point making a fh thread about it when they was a number of other threads about the subject already on the forum (most made by the guild members of spanish shitguild#1 I might add).

And to your last point, it would be great for someone to get the title from doing a properly planned prime time raid but from a alarmclock raid like this it has no meaning really.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Kanim said:
its not that I didn't understand what you wrote, its the fact that I though it was bollocks. Ok maybe they find fighting npc's with the ai of a spoon fun and thus taking an undefended relic at an hour where no one is availiable to defend the relic, but there is really no point making a fh thread about it when they was a number of other threads about the subject already on the forum (most made by the guild members of spanish shitguild#1 I might add).

And to your last point, it would be great for someone to get the title from doing a properly planned prime time raid but from a alarmclock raid like this it has no meaning really.


and Before some lame nub runs in here and goes whine whine whine, u do AR we whine mkay


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
im the onlyone who can feel the love in this tread?

Im bored :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
the tears in these threads are actually better than the relic itself


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
rure said:
the tears in these threads are actually better than the relic itself

so true... lets give relics back so we can do it again an get uber whine on fh again :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Eeben said:
so true... lets give relics back so we can do it again an get uber whine on fh again :D

ofc only at 5, and I am guessing u will be awake this time, cause u won't be up the night before camping the bridge ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Guinever said:
ofc only at 5, and I am guessing u will be awake this time, cause u won't be up the night before camping the bridge ?

did i camp the bridge the night before this raid? yes i will :D gonna be worth it with all the QQ here ;)


Apr 20, 2005
Eeben said:
im the onlyone who can feel the love in this tread?

Im bored :)

ROFL ML posts are nice, but anythin to do with RR posts, they are even better!!!!

cmon continue with the good work all, u are providin me and lot of ppl of laughs irl
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