Thx 4 Giving us the First Title in Excal: Relic Soldiers!

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One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
I can't see why Hibs are here blaming albs when Albs and Mids have owned a keep each since friday, it was only a matter of time before someone did this. If Hibs here want to blame someone they should be looking within Hibernia. Albs were given an opportunity and took it.

Could have been a better time but gratz anyhows.


Apr 20, 2005
Xajorkith said:
Here are a few more "first title in Excal" too (as you like them so much).

Albion Thief.
For those lamer individuals that between 01:00 and 11:00 prefer to enter undefended keeps and steal the contents rather than fight Real Life opponents.

Albion Lamer.
Given to those from the most OP realm (for siege at least) and largest population taking Relics off the little guys at some stupid hour, with no skill what so ever.

Albion Retard.
For those retards that don't realise that Hibs / Mids will be taking a two week holiday to Costa del PvE so as not to feed the Albion casters with RPs.

Feckwit guild (Custodia Malacitana)
For those belonging to a guild with all three above titles.

Laughing Stock Realm
For lifting the Relic Raid 5 times after the hours of 01:00, be proud mighty Albion masturbate over your precious Relics that you showed so much skill in getting, for the rest of us are laughing so hard at you.

I must say a minority bunch of retards giving a whole realm 20% bonus and showing no skill in getting that bonus doesn’t do anything for the game at all….

Why oh why can’t Albion ever do a proper raid? Fuck wits the lot of ya.

I dont mind the way they took it, even if it was a lame way, Hibs and Mids have also done it other times so you should STFU!!

So continue to whine about how lame are albs to take a relic that way, but i would have also done it if i had the opportunity, the same as ALL of you.
Anyway continue saying wahtever u want but we have +20% spell dmg :)

Well GJ to the guys who took the relic :clap: :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Seing as this title wont be all that easy to get in the future I would have to say it was nicely done to take the chance and get it.
The titles are there for the fun of it and we all know the relics will get reset soon.
Thats why I dont understand why people whine about noskill etc.

See it as a quest they did to get a title, what is the difference?

I honestly find it funny that we got people condemning their entire guild for playing and getting a title instead of just RP farming. Not that I dont like to RP farm but I can honestly say that it would be fun to have such an unusual title.

Those of you who whine, lighten up, it will get reset soon anyway and since you say you dont care, why whine about it?
Especially since we are talking about a game here, its not like the world was lost now is it?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
alarmclock raid during the week.. how pathetic :(
Get a life and don't expect people to adore you for your new title. I'd be embarressed if I had gotten it the way you did, consider it a "Mark of Shame".


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
meh bit of a naff time to take relics but then again you've had 2 keeps down all week.

Probably shouldn't go volunteering your realm for insta-naff RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Kanim said:
who cares about a title you get from pve?

Ok, since you obviously did not understand what I meant Ill rephrase it so that even you can understand.

Start paying peoples subscriptions and then maybe you can tell someone how they should have fun in an online game.

And fyi, if there was a pve title that was hard to get and only a handfull on the server had it, I would actually be arsed to give it a try.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Docs said:
See it as a quest they did to get a title, what is the difference?

It is not about a title; it's about a 20% increase to damage output and heals.

Overpowered casters (esp Sorcs) are ruining the game as it is without one realm having their casters with the 20% bonus. If the Relic didn't give the additional bonus no-one would have given a shit but alas....

It's not fun being on the end of an OP caster now, and it certainly won't be with 20% damage .....

What Quest gives up to a 20% damage boost for an entire realm?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
One week or two with higher damage output?
Compare that to the 1,5 years the hibs had 20% dmg in OF?

Put that in perspective and you might understand why I really dont see you point.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Elkie said:
Tbh hibs arnt lazy we just actually play and do stuff at prime times beetween 8am gmt and 12am gmt (most of us) then we have sleep and wake up to kick all albs ass tbh

Wtf so we cant Play RvR cause you gimp are sleeping? go play tetris


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2005
Cant realy understand why people is complaining everyone whuld have done the same we only had to take 1 keep to geet the mile gate down what did u think we gona do just let ure relic be THIS WAS NO AC RAID damn nutters :twak: what do u expect us to do running around killing guards when we can take the relic easy ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
not that I got all titles to Mastard in 1 week .. killing ones .. u only manage to get relic title at night when every1 else are sleeping :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Kanim said:
who cares about a title you get from pve?

Judging by the number of posts made in this thread I'm going to hazard a guess.... quite a few mids and hibs?

And I think Xajorkith needs a new keyboard (again) - he's clearly so angry there's no way his old one will have survived the battering it took :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Docs said:
One week or two with higher damage output?
Compare that to the 1,5 years the hibs had 20% dmg in OF?

Put that in perspective and you might understand why I really dont see you point.

Are you a complete retard?

Taking relics at a stupid hour creates a mentality for others to do it, and for others NOT to try and do Ardamel style raids at Prime Time. Why bother doing well planned, well executed prime time raids when a bunch of fuck wits will just take it at 5am? So shit raids like yours actually damage the game overall.

All we get now are people of your ilk and lack of intelligence, quoting some fecking reference from the past to justify a current lame raid.

Quoting the past, pre NF, Pre ToA is pathetic tbh, Mid hasn't done a shit raid for almost two years, otoh Albion has ONLY lifted the relic after 1am in NF...

Looser > Albion, Albion should be ashamed.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Xajorkith, is there actually a reason why you´re a sound, mature guy when you´re discussing stuff on critshot and act like - pardon - an utter moron here on FH? Relic Raid whines are SOOOOO 1985. Get the fook over it, take the relics back (or in your case: take YOURS back) and have fun.
If people want to RR at 5 AM, it´s their lack of sleep, their absence of life, their decision.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
What happened? Did your group get bored of ganking soloers and wanted another "challenge"?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2005
Zoia said:
What happened? Did your group get bored of ganking soloers and wanted another "challenge"?
Here we got a guy who get it :cheers: + we saw that the mile gates were down :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
The case here is not taking the relics or so. but actually coming on and boasting about taking the relics at 5 in the mornin, as if they have accomplished somthin and talk about the titles they got.
Tbh they are just lame and ruining wot little rvr we got, now enjoy that 20% bonus in pve albs and wotever the lame guildz name is...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2005
Guinever said:
The case here is not taking the relics or so. but actually coming on and boasting about taking the relics at 5 in the mornin, as if they have accomplished somthin and talk about the titles they got.
Tbh they are just lame and ruining wot little rvr we got, now enjoy that 20% bonus in pve albs and wotever the lame guildz name is...
Tbh do u realy think that trollkaren posted this thread to show off :) ? Might not have been that he wanted to piss u guys off ? :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Guinever said:
The case here is not taking the relics or so. but actually coming on and boasting about taking the relics at 5 in the mornin, as if they have accomplished somthin and talk about the titles they got.
Tbh they are just lame and ruining wot little rvr we got, now enjoy that 20% bonus in pve albs and wotever the lame guildz name is...

I frankly love 2 do it 2 piss u of and im succéding, hope you are really pissed :worthy:

Keep The Whine Coming loves it !


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Maximuze said:
Simply answered : Yes

+ They thought after 10 hours of rvr and getting owned over and over, that they would make some rps through the quest.
*sigh* how lame for a guild to come and talk about titles they got for being up 5 in the mornin killing npc's and the usual solo defender.....
Now next Mission
Figure out how to kill all npc'z at the border keeps!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Maximuze said:
I frankly love 2 do it 2 piss u of and im succéding, hope you are really pissed :worthy:

Keep The Whine Coming loves it !

Actually I doubt that was the intial intent of the thread, he did so because he was the first to get the title and wanted to inform everyone, things didn't go as he expected, thinkin that most people would whine in another thread where, the actual subject was the relics not the title. You are now trying to justify the fact by going he did it to piss u guyz off, which I highly doubt. Now isn't there an unclaimed tower somewhere wit yellow con gaurds that give some gold, waiting for u ? ( Dun forget bring ur friends )


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Guinever said:
+ Figure out how to kill all npc'z at the border keeps!!

Ok, Im gonna be honest whit you.....

Ive been thinking on attack Drum Ligen .........

and i think we can do it whit a DS necro and + Fop Cleric cause it is just Npc´s cause you always asleep after 01:00 any ways ..


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Guinever said:
Actually I doubt that was the intial intent of the thread, he did so because he was the first to get the title and wanted to inform everyone, things didn't go as he expected, thinkin that most people would whine in another thread where, the actual subject was the relics not the title. You are now trying to justify the fact by going he did it to piss u guyz off, which I highly doubt. Now isn't there an unclaimed tower somewhere wit yellow con gaurds that give some gold, waiting for u ? ( Dun forget bring ur friends )

OMG hes a real sherlock Holms! :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

You hibbis must be lucky 2 have him on the team :p


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Did the guards killed you with their overpowered skill because you play hardmode? :<

Why do you need the relic's anyway, you still suck. apart from Dthreefone ofc :\
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