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Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They should just change their algorithms so that not only does it shove their opinion back at them but also the argument against.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Because I've only just realised that you're talking about something you have 0 experience of, and you're extremely preachy about it.
You can't live in the western world and not have experience of it. It's become all encompassing. And, frankly, it's not hard to grasp all of the detailed intricacies if you've got anything approaching an intellect or imagination - hence the millions of people who saw facebook for what it was - or rather, what it would become - long before it became it.

It's not complex. It's obvious and simple. You don't need to be a daily user to understand it - it's fucking obvious.

I reject your assertion that I'm "preachy" about it, btw. I used to be preachy about it - especially when it was new and 'exciting' and in it's biggest growth and signup phases.

Now I'm in the "I fucking told you so, retards" phase.



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think he should be referred to as "man that (probably) shakes fist at clouds"


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
You can't live in the western world and not have experience of it. It's become all encompassing. And, frankly, it's not hard to grasp all of the detailed intricacies if you've got anything approaching an intellect or imagination - hence the millions of people who saw facebook for what it was - or rather, what it would become - long before it became it.

It's not complex. It's obvious and simple. You don't need to be a daily user to understand it - it's fucking obvious.

I reject your assertion that I'm "preachy" about it, btw. I used to be preachy about it - especially when it was new and 'exciting' and in it's biggest growth and signup phases.

Now I'm in the "I fucking told you so, retards" phase.


Yeah, and there lies the problem.

Your attitude is 'Fuck the plebs, I live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere, so I won't be effected by the negative effects that it will have on society if there were no regulation, so I don't care.'

Which I understand, because you don't want your freedom of speech to be effected.

But don't you think there's a middle ground without being puritan about it? Can't you get on board with an idea of having regulations, but perhaps not have them over-reaching, or perhaps what @Raven suggested.

I think there's lots of people like you that have no idea of the real world implications of what happens on social media, and frankly don't care, but it's hard to a popular movement for that when lots of people are aware of the real life implications of social media and think your attitude isn't set in reality.

I know you'll dismiss this an extreme example, but what if somebody from 'Wales for the Welsh!' organisation started a campaign against you which eventually had real life effects because people were being brainwashed by what they saw by scrolling their phone, and there was nothing that you could do about it, until the damage to you has been done, because that is a real thing that people do face and that's with regulation.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I've made the argument before @Gwadien - the existing free speech regulation in blighty has infantilised us and made violence more likely when people come across examples of prohibited ideas.

The only recourse on the legislative path is more legislation, which will have the same perverse effect.

So, we're infantilised and we hand over the keys to the definition of allowed thought to corrupt and co-opted "public" bodies.

The thing you support makes nationalists more likely to burn my house down, not less.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
BTW @Gwadien - this:
Which I understand, because you don't want your freedom of speech to be effected.
None of this is really about my freedom of speech.

I'll always say what I'm going to say and I'll say it anywhere I like. By fortunate happenstance I don't like to say "burn niggers" or "kill jews" or any of the other prohibited things - although I do frequently say things that could well fall foul of the posited misogyny legislation because, as we know, the courts have specifically said that context doesn't matter.

The best mechanism for cutting out a cancer is when you can see it first. And that means letting cancerous people freely express themselves so they can be challenged. It used to be that way. But now we'd have a much harder time rolling back those laws because snowflakes would be so incredibly outraged if they heard a racist person express themselves in the pub that fisticuffs - actual violence - would be 100% the outcome - rather than the historical norm of people finding out he/she was a wanker and the cunt potentially getting thrown out by the landlord if the customers were that upset.

More violence is the result of prohibited speech. And frankly, I don't really give that much of a shit about that outcome either - I'm more concerned about unpopular minority viewpoints becoming legislated against and good, necessary (but messy) social progress grinding to a halt because we put up legislative walls. And legislative walls are easy to erect, hard to tear down and very often fucking idiotic.

So, no. It's not about me.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Absolutely worn out. Just had our opening day of the new sports pavilion. 2 years in the making, very pleased with our efforts20210917_160921.jpg


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Here you go @Gwadien:


Police investigating this because someone said it was 'offensive'.

They've no fucking business investigating this - and they only reason they can is that we have the notion that it's OK to police speech.

You cannot, repeat, cannot police speech without this sort of shit happening.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Here you go @Gwadien:

View attachment 45110

Police investigating this because someone said it was 'offensive'.

They've no fucking business investigating this - and they only reason they can is that we have the notion that it's OK to police speech.

You cannot, repeat, cannot police speech without this sort of shit happening.

And I absolutely agree.

Don't you draw a line though? Monkey noises/racism is acceptable under freedom of speech (I suppose)?

My line is that this is political.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I'm going to level with you lot right now, you might think this is a troll but this is 100% truth from top to bottom

I feel trapped, I live in my own private prison. I've had mental health nurses try CBT with me, I've had dedicated psychologist's visit me on a regular basis. This has been going on for a bout... 13 years now?

I used to be an industrial door fitter, it wasn't the most glamours job but the pay was actually quite respectable as most of the time it was nightshift work and/or work very far away from home (I live in County Durham, the furthest I've traveled was probably Plymouth to fit 4x delivery bay doors)

All that came crashing down when I became self concious about my birthmark (it covers the left side of my face, basically the left side of my face is more or less red(its not swollen or deformed or anything like that... its literally just red... a different colour), where as the right side is just a regular shade), it never bothered me while I was growing up but my late teens/early 20's it really started to get to me and ultimately I shut myself off from the world and stopped going out. Now I 'exist' I won't say live because honestly, it doesn't feel like I'm living in a 3 bedroom bungalow with my wife and 2 kids.

They get to go out, I don't. It sounds petty but I feel like I'm living in my own private prison, I can go out in my garden but beyond that? I start having severe panic attacks when I go outside of my gate where people are, its fucking awful.

Anyway! why am I telling you this? I dunno... I deal with this with dark humour, copious amounts of alcohol (I wouldn't say fully blown alcoholic, I fully understand what I'm doing all the time, it just feels like...... tipsy world kind of shit) and gaming, I hope that somewhat explains the memes and shitty humour sometimes.

anyway! oversharing /off
Last edited:


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I'm going to level with you lot right now, you might think this is a troll but this is 100% truth from top to bottom

I feel trapped, I live in my own private prison. I've had mental health nurses try CBT with me, I've had dedicated psychologist's visit me on a regular basis. This has been going on for a bout... 13 years now?

I used to be an industrial door fitter, it wasn't the most glamours job but the pay was actually quite respectable as most of the time it was nightshift work and/or work very far away from home (I live in County Durham, the furthest I've traveled was probably Plymouth to fit 4x delivery bay doors)

All that came crashing down when I became self concious about my birthmark (it covers the left side of my face, basically the left side of my face is more or less red(its not swollen or deformed or anything like that... its literally just red... a different colour), where as the right side is just a regular shade), it never bothered me while I was growing up but my late teens/early 20's it really started to get to me and ultimately I shut myself off from the world and stopped going out. Now I 'exist' I won't say live because honestly, it doesn't feel like I'm living in a 3 bedroom bungalow with my wife and 2 kids.

They get to go out, I don't. It sounds petty but I feel like I'm living in my own private prison, I can go out in my garden but beyond that? I start having severe panic attacks when I go outside of my gate where people are, its fucking awful.

Anyway! why am I telling you this? I dunno... I deal with this with dark humour, copious amounts of alcohol (I wouldn't say fully blown alcoholic, I fully understand what I'm doing all the time, it just feels like...... tipsy world kind of shit) and gaming, I hope that somewhat explains the memes and shitty humour sometimes.

anyway! oversharing /off

@BloodOmen it's good to share pal. We all have demons in our heads, and I am diagnosed 'severe depressive'. I won't pick up on any individual aspect of your post, but merely say you are not alone in the crazy world, friend.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
@BloodOmen it's good to share pal. We all have demons in our heads, and I am diagnosed 'severe depressive'. I won't pick up on any individual aspect of your post, but merely say you are not alone in the crazy world, friend.

I hate it man. I wouldn't wish what I've been through over the last decade on my worse enemy :/


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Nothing wrong with sharing! It can help hugely

I am no mental health expert, but I will comment on the alcohol, speaking as someone that a few years ago was in a dark place and 1 step away from alcoholism, stop drinking. It's hard, harder than you would think, but I guarantee you will feel better without it, not just mentally but physically too.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Nothing wrong with sharing! It can help hugely

I am no mental health expert, but I will comment on the alcohol, speaking as someone that a few years ago was in a dark place and 1 step away from alcoholism, stop drinking. It's hard, harder than you would think, but I guarantee you will feel better without it, not just mentally but physically too.

I've tried (as cliche as that sounds) I've found a somewhat middle-ground... neither full blown alcoholic nor sober. I drink once a week, on a Friday, like most people i'd wager but I drink a lot, it takes a lot to get to me, 3 litres of Vodka on a Friday is my vice. That said, I do have off days, nowhere near what Friday is though. When you're stuck in your own private prison cell, you do what you can to stay sane, whether that's dark humour, booze or gaming.

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