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I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
If you have a datacenter or something at your disposal I imagine you could use it quite effectively. Very hard to hide your actions, though.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
A guy in my department got sacked after 20 years employment for sending a 180mb mpg file of his holidays to a friend in another company, the IT who guy at the other company who was obviously a cunt of astronomical proportions, saw it appear on his LAN, traced it back and sent an email complaining about it and followed it through to make sure the senior management got to hear about it.

180 fucking meg, that was back in 2002, but still...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
If you have a datacenter or something at your disposal I imagine you could use it quite effectively. Very hard to hide your actions, though.
I don't know how much he made but he was dedicating 3 out of his 4 high spec ESx servers too it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I don't know how much he made but he was dedicating 3 out of his 4 high spec ESx servers too it.

Bugger all I suspect. CPU mining is really ineffective. Unless it was quite a while ago.

To be fair, unless they track logons closely it's also really easy to cover up. Bitcoin wallets are anonymous so they could fire all the coins back into his wallet, no problems.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I think I just dumped my girlfriend of 4 years. When she asked me if I still loved her the best i could muster was 'i don't know'... which is the honest answer. I really am not happy in the relationship but fucking hell it's hard all the same!


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Thought about litecoin. He's got a couple of big-ass ASIC miners (along with a couple of USB miners that we'll run off his raspberry pi - they'll be litecoining prolly) that'll pull in about 70GH/s.

Presuming the market doesn't crash he'll make his money back reasonably quickly. If it turns out to be more than just a bit of fun...

Nobody mines with graphics cards any more. Too much energy, too expensive :)

There are no ASICs for Litecoin. That's why you can actually make some money with your graphics card. As soon as they release ASICs for Litecoin (if it can be done?) GPU mining will be worthless.

It might be worth looking out for the first pre-order opportunity of dedicated Litecoin miners. The only way to make a decent amount of money from mining is to be one of the early adopters of new tech.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I think I just dumped my girlfriend of 4 years. When she asked me if I still loved her the best i could muster was 'i don't know'... which is the honest answer. I really am not happy in the relationship but fucking hell it's hard all the same!
Have a wank, then. That normally gets rid of my boners if no lady help is at hand.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Asda: Customers who bought Chosen by You Reduced Salt Gravy Granules also bought: Walkers Classic Crisps



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think I just dumped my girlfriend of 4 years. When she asked me if I still loved her the best i could muster was 'i don't know'... which is the honest answer. I really am not happy in the relationship but fucking hell it's hard all the same!

Feel for ya m8. Well answered.

Stick to your guns.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
As Scouse put it, you did the right thing here. Sort of. If you get back together, why not. If you end up single, use your alone time wisely!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You don't necessarily need to love someone to be together, but if you're unhappy(and there's no kid) then f*ckity offity time.

Every day you're stuck there, you're missing out on another underwear all day beer at 2pm fart when ya like play games without whining day ;)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I think I just dumped my girlfriend of 4 years. When she asked me if I still loved her the best i could muster was 'i don't know'... which is the honest answer. I really am not happy in the relationship but fucking hell it's hard all the same!
It is the right thing mate. I had the same conversation with my Ex on Valentines Day and she told me she loved me but was not in love or lust with me. We both agreed that it is better to look for the real thing than to settle. Going forward it will all be for the best.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Bah, just got badly sucked into the comments section on that site. Never a good idea.

22. Average Age of First Sexual Intercourse by Country - Sweden topping that measurement by far. That's how we roll.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Here's one for the quotes db. "Well you know, If you give @Tom Jeffs airtime, he's a nutty geez and anything can happen."
-Frankie Fryer


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I normally don't remember dreams but I had a weird one this morning. I was exercising by running with 2 friends around a graveyard, (no idea why a graveyard) when I bumped into someone I used to know called Scott. They said they were going to do one more lap so on they went. We was talking about various stuff but mainly about how angry he was that everyone thought he was dead. I assured him everyone probably got him mixed up with someone else and we proceeded to talk about family etc. My friends eventually met up with me and asked who I was talking to, which I turned to them and was in the process of introducing them to Scott but when I turned back around to face Scott he had disappeared. I just stood there frozen trying to figure it all out, had I seen a real ghost or was it an hallucination through dehydration? That's when I woke up thinking what the fuck.

In real life Scott had died years ago from a epileptic seizure he had while sleeping in his early 20's.

aww that's actually kind of nice. tbh I'd say go have a run in his memory with a quiet pint after, if that doesn't freak you out too much.

Odd indeed.

I had one where all the hills in the country had a sort of red aura and I somehow knew the UK was about to go bang. The quickest way of getting out of the country/out of the way was to escape by houseboat via Bristol apparently. So I did, me and my wife and a bunch of small part Eastenders actors (I don't even watch Eastenders!)...but it didn't matter in the end because I got distracted in a toy shop trying to find a particular remote controlled robot, which they didn't have, only a cheaper version that I didn't want. It was strange because the sense of dread felt very real.

this guy on the other hand is a nutter of epic proportions!

(not really Raven, I have similar dreams all the time. When I'm very stressed I dream about being in airplanes with my mum and the plane either not being able to take off or land due to technical issues. When I am looking forward to something I get "chase" dreams where malevolent things chase (and kill off) a group of people, usually in a futuristic setting. I will be both a member of the group, as well as the "camera" if you follow me, so I will be able to see mayhem approaching and be able to do fuck all about it at the same time 0_o )


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
A guy in my department got sacked after 20 years employment for sending a 180mb mpg file of his holidays to a friend in another company, the IT who guy at the other company who was obviously a cunt of astronomical proportions, saw it appear on his LAN, traced it back and sent an email complaining about it and followed it through to make sure the senior management got to hear about it.

180 fucking meg, that was back in 2002, but still...

while I feel that sacking is somewhat harsh, tbh I'd never, ever, use bigcompany's infra to send personal stuff to a mate in another company. asking for trouble tbh!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
DWP sent this to someone with a form of Cancer



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Contributed to your condition?
Is that real, what if you broke your leg playing football, if that's true, it's a very worrying precedent


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
It is America its not like you get anything for nothing over there. If you broke your leg playing football it would probably cost you $100k

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