This is a peer review where I think they had asked somebody from a competing theory to peer review it with predictable results:
Spot how many times he requests the original data despite them sharing it.
Raven said:He is asking the wrong question...! The man made global warming crowd want the equivalent of the rebirth of Christ before they even consider the research.
something actually good in this fucking thread
This will make you cry
The CyanogenMod guys are getting very close to being able to release a nightly for it. I don't like TouchWiz at all but the thing is, Samsung have done great things to make the S-Pen into less of a gimmick and more useful so we'll see... There are some third party apps that can be used with the pen but CM is just so nice on my GS2, I don't know if I could go back to TouchWiz.A colleague at work has one, personally I think it's awesome - the screen is most excellent and the battery life is also very good. It's the perfect bridge between a large smartphone and a smaller tablet.