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Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
tbh I really wonder why people get to drinking so much they don't remember what happened to them. I mean, part of what you were doing was having fun, no? being so wasted that you can't remember the fun you had is a waste. At least I feel that way about it.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Drunk brain works in wonderous ways, alcohol made you feel good so more of it must be even better :p

You don't think that clearly whilst taking jägershots etc. Also alchok has a bad way of creeping up on you, punch being the worst of the lot.

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It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
I went out for my birthday a couple of years ago and don't remember a thing after the third pub. According to the amount of new numbers in my phone the next day, I had a good night!

Alcohol doesn't cause the hangover per se. It does make you lose a lot of the vitamins and minerals your body needs, particularly salt. Which cause the hangover. It's why people crave kebabs after a night spent drinking. It also de-hydrates you of course.


Dec 26, 2003
Raven said:
No, lack of hydration gives you a headache. Crap Alcoholic drinks make you feel like shit. = a hang over.

I had 3 bottles of wine last night, woke up at 6am, clear as a bell.

Alcohol doesnt really dehydrate you - there was a study on it recently.

But alcohol is a toxin - thats what gives you the hangover. People can develop increased resistance to the toxin like alcoholics do but its still fundamentally a pervasive systemic toxin.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
No, he's just in the papers saying the Life of Brian would be lost on todays audience because no one knows the bible anymore, which is a mixture of religious arrogance and a nice little dig at Christians losing the faith.

And, in my opinion, completely true.

For Life of Brian to work you have to know the bible. Kids nowadays? Well, they can't find their ass with both their hands...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
He is a practicing Muslim, which means he fundamentaly does not believe Jesus was the son of Christ and that is the core of Christian belief, so the guy in charge of representing Christians and promoting their values through the BBC thinks it's complete bag of shite and in fact he follows a religion that thinks we are infidel dogs who deserve to die.
I know everyone picks and chooses from the holy books to fit in with modern values, but the belief that we are lower than dogs is the core of Islam, obviously put in there to brainwash the idiots in the holy wars.
The bible is not redundant, maybe in the UK, but it represents a truth or at least a reference point for one of the most powerful countries on earth, we have just waged several crusade wars against Muslims on the back of it's teachings.
Tony nutball Blair is now a practicing catlick and a fuckin peace envoy

You lot may dislike Job, but that there is the "truth" for a lot of people. Certainly ex-prime minister Blair...

I think you will also find proper Muslims (not the kind you read about in the Mail) welcome other faiths.

I disagree with this. "Proper" muslims hate us. It's only the wishy-washy Britainized muslims who're unaware that living in blighty is doing to Islam what it's done to christianity - i.e. neutering it good style, before it's ultimate demise - who believe that people should live alongside each other in peace.

The feature of any real religion is a deep-seated intractable and violent hatred of infidels. Infidel meaning anyone who doesn't think exactly like you do.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
tbh I really wonder why people get to drinking so much they don't remember what happened to them. I mean, part of what you were doing was having fun, no? being so wasted that you can't remember the fun you had is a waste. At least I feel that way about it.
I agree with this. I have/had a real issue with this. Some great nights out get ruined by not knowing when it's time to say no. I have been getting better but unless I just go out and limit it to 10 drinks or something it is too easy to keep drinking. I think when I go on a session I am the definition of a binge drinker.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I've never seen the attraction of not being in control of myself, that's kind of always been my barometer on a night out. That, and working in clubs for a few years and seeing the mess people get themselves into.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Luckily I don't get myself into trouble. I mostly just fall asleep. But it still kills a night out. Being a control freak is the reason I have never done any drugs I have never even smoked. But I suppose that part of my brain shuts off after a few more drinks I suppose that is why I am more sociable after a few.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
wonder what the guy on the left is saying


The cat looks pissed off. The one in the middle clearly has that piggy-in-the-middle look...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Luckily I don't get myself into trouble. I mostly just fall asleep. But it still kills a night out. Being a control freak is the reason I have never done any drugs I have never even smoked. But I suppose that part of my brain shuts off after a few more drinks I suppose that is why I am more sociable after a few.
alcohol is a drug so is caffinee and a lot of other shit you put in your body


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah evidently they pulled back the complaint the moment that video went up and the backlash began. Which ofcourse is too little too late usually. It's a bit silly how easy that is to do and how entitled these companies get.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Wonder what the new star wars movie (Episode 7) will be like...?

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