All I have to do .....
Screw Terrorplots, plane crashes etc...
All I have to do .....
Real shame they finally shut that downApparently the guy behind SilkRoad has been arrested. How do I trade bitcoin futures? ;p
caLLous said:
rynnor said:There was a load of accidents on an A road recently where traveller horses got loose and got hit by cars - not sure anyone was charged.
That's a daily occurrence over here. There's an "abandoned" knacker site not too far from us (as in, they were kicked off it for being a shower of filthy cunts) but they still leave their horses in the field behind the old camp. The damn things escape about once a week and have been clipped by cars, trucks and even got on the train line once. The Gards do fuck all about it and the horses look more bedraggled every time I see them.
Both are reprehensible but (presumably losing control and) running the horse into the back of a parked car in one of these "sulky" races is cuntish on so many other levels. According to the story it didn't even die straight away, they just left it there.There was a load of accidents on an A road recently where traveller horses got loose and got hit by cars - not sure anyone was charged.
Why don't they just ban it on public highways?? I know all of these races that we see on Youtube or whatever are illegal but it does seem like the authorities are pussy-footing around this a bit.The Mail said:In recent weeks, Cork County Council has proposed strengthening current legislation on 'sulky' racing in order to make the sport safer.
Its recommendations include racers wearing high visibility jackets, anti-roll bars being fitted on to carriages and riders requiring permission prior to travelling on public roads.
I'm usually a very easy going guy about all people, but I draw the line at gypos. Hitler was right about one thing.
Why stop there? What about the niggers and the chinks, eh?
Why stop there? What about the niggers and the chinks, eh?
Are you suggesting pikeys are a race?
Are you suggesting because they're not a race, just simply 'undesirables', we should be OK with murdering them en masse?
Sure, why not?