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Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Had an interview with NCP on Friday at 12:00 - Got out of the interview at 13:00, had the job offer over phone at 16:00. Good way to start the weekend.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Had an interview with NCP on Friday at 12:00 - Got out of the interview at 13:00, had the job offer over phone at 16:00. Good way to start the weekend.

now daoc plz?

paid for ur template, nevar see you, slut.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
the guy was interrupting a speach, he was risisting arrest.
A prick that desreved what he got - what an idiot!

I wouldn't have done what he'd done as I think it was a bit dickish, but he was exercising his right to free speech. That's freedom of speech in action.

There's no right to not be interrupted.

The guy who was on the mic was missing a trick. If gun law is to be changed in the US then the guy heckling him is exactly the sort of person who needs to be engaged with. His mind needs changing and you don't change minds by preaching to the converted.

Again, the bloke went about it in a dickish way - but he went about it in a peaceful way. He was talking, not offering violence. That was exactly the same when he was talking to the cops - he was talking, not offering violence. The cops were looking for a technical excuse to pounce him and his non-violent average human gesture of touching another human was all the excuse they needed.

He was tasered unnecssarily and treated violently - when all he was doing was talking peacefully - he may or may not have been talking crap, but talking was all he was doing. He didn't deserve violence.

But har har har - someone you don't like got done over by the fuzz, eh?


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Nah, not complying with an officers orders once your are being put under arrest is = resiting arrest. Shouting that it isnt doesnt really change that it is.
also, there is freedom of speach and there is disorderly conduct. He very much fell into the last catagory. No one was refusing him his right to speach - had he stayed with the crowd.
walking up to the podium and preveting someone else from making thier speech is disruptive and disorderly - they were right to remove him and right to arrest him.
Why should his right to heckle come before the speakers right to voice his opinion ? the taze was maybe a littleover the top - but again all he had to to was to not resist.

An idiot who got what he desvered is what I saw.

Cop makes these guys look beyond studid

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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Cop makes these guys look beyond studid

I went beyond my gut reaction (which was in agreement with you at first) and watched the whole thing. And now I disagree.

Their constitutional rights allow them to carry that gun and not identify themselves. Once they'd expressed their constitutional right to not cooperate then that's the job done.

The officer was very professional throughout and the kids were respectful, calling him sir etc.

Did you watch the whole thing? Looks like they're students producing a pro-gun/pro constitutional rights youtube channel. It looks to have sprung up as a form of a resistance to abuse of powers by other cops. Watch from 13 mins.

I certainly wouldn't say he "makes these guys look beyond stupid". I think you are so used to bowing to authority you don't know what passive respectful resistance looks like.

After seeing the wrong side of cops too many times (I do not have a criminal bone in me - and have never been in trouble with the law) I now would tend to be uncooperative with the police. I've seen them abuse their powers too much.

As much as these kids might be dicks, they're also performing an important public service. Cops need to know that people are gunning for them from a legal standpoint - or their abuses of power will become more commonplace. That is why the US constitution grants the public those rights - so when the state tries to overreach, they've something to fall back on.

Gut reaction? Yep, they're trolling. Actual problem? No, not really.

The drawback: Some members of the public were obviously alarmed.
The benefits: Keeps the rozzers on their toes, and it's turned out to be a fantastic PR video of a courteous cop - something the police are in desparate need of considering how much shit they get videoed doing.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
It has absolutly nothing to do with bowing to anything.
Walking around with a semi automatic ? - I'm glad the cop took the time.

I've seen the oposite side of it to, this was not such a case. the cop here was great, they kept fishing and trolling and got bupkis! thus they made themselves look stupid.
ps: walking around with a semi for the sake of rights and to argue with a cop ? even more stupid.

Actual problem ? from a European PoV ? YES !!! ;)
They were walking around with a bloody semi automatic riffel - on an open public street!
No i dont care that it's legal in the US - it's beyond dumb, yes thats an opinion :p


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Nah, not complying with an officers orders once your are being put under arrest is = resiting arrest. Shouting that it isnt doesnt really change that it is.
also, there is freedom of speach and there is disorderly conduct. He very much fell into the last catagory. No one was refusing him his right to speach - had he stayed with the crowd.
walking up to the podium and preveting someone else from making thier speech is disruptive and disorderly - they were right to remove him and right to arrest him.
Why should his right to heckle come before the speakers right to voice his opinion ? the taze was maybe a littleover the top - but again all he had to to was to not resist.

An idiot who got what he desvered is what I saw.

Cop makes these guys look beyond studid


Rough translation "Lol I can carry guns and I've made a pointless video to prove it! 'MURICA!" /facepalm


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
It's actually extremely necessary to regularly exercise your rights, whatever they are. If you don't exercise your rights you LOSE them.

Oh, I'm all for that, however -
Carrying around any weapon in public that isn't for hunting purposes, is not a right i think you should have - and especially not an automatic or semi automatic.

and even hunting weapons should be carried and regulated acordingly - as in it's not ok to walk down a street with it for no apparent reason, yet having in on you while hunting = ok
add to that, that any hunting weapon carried while not hunting should at all times be unloaded and the safety enganged - knifes, etc as well...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Carrying around any weapon in public that isn't for hunting purposes, is not a right i think you should have - and especially not an automatic or semi automatic

Meh. I'm glad the yanks have got that right. It gives them the ability to bring their government to its knees if it turns completely nazi on them. Obviously, it'd be civil war, but that's better than government-induced slavery.

The slippery slope started, for me, in the 80's. PRISM isn't anything that surprised me.

I used to be hardline anti-gun. Now I'm not.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
the guy was interrupting a speach, he was risisting arrest.
A prick that desreved what he got - what an idiot!

Yep, startnig trouble and also anyone knows that touching police officers is a bad bad idea.

The police don't know how it might escalade(ghetto joke there) so they have to take fast action on it.

GEtting tazed after resisting and even putting yiur hand in a fist is just logical.

After seeing the wrong side of cops too many times

This is really the problem, internet brainwashing people thinking that police act like powerhhungry dicks all the time.

They're protecting us and for that they can be a bit dickish, that's when you shut up and listen.
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I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Probably a nooby question but am I ok using Cat6 cable for connecting things that say they need Cat5? I read that 6 is backwards compatible with 5 so it should all be rosy, right?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
This is really the problem, internet brainwashing people thinking that police act like powerhhungry dicks all the time.

No. Real life has taught me that.

Courteous cops are, in my experience, few and far between.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Does anyone ever really refer to themselves as British instead of English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish? I've never heard anyone say it in real life
I do all the time. It depends on the price of fish that day whether I'll say, to a foreigner, "I'm from Oxford in the UK" or "...England". It's a geographical description so England is more accurate. but I always say I'm British when asked about nationality, which isn't very often tbh.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No. Real life has taught me that.

Courteous cops are, in my experience, few and far between.

Your experience isn't the universal truth though ;)

If i meet three englishmen and they are all assholes, it doesn't mean all englishmen are assholes, agreed?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Probably a nooby question but am I ok using Cat6 cable for connecting things that say they need Cat5? I read that 6 is backwards compatible with 5 so it should all be rosy, right?
Yeah you will be fine.

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