In this day and age a 4 inch screen isn't going to shame the S2, let alone the S3. No matter how retina-ish it is.
With that said I use my iPhone as an actual phone mainly and if I want to browse internet I use my computer.
weirdo. what do you browse on when taking a shit?
let me just say - on the record - that oven-cooked bacon & sausages rocks
1. Stick your meat on a baking tray
2. Whack into the (non pre-heated) oven 200C for 20 minutes
easier than mucking about with frying pans & grills. Try it next time
If I'm cooking for my Mrs she always wipes my sausage on kitchen towel to soak up any excess grease before putting it in her mouth
wonder if bacon & jelly babies work...? maybe not together, but JB's after bacon would work...or a couple of JB's dropped into a vodka...
Don't understand that at all. Atm I have an iPhone through work (not choice!) and if anything the phone is to big. I could never go to a phone that is bigger than the current iPhone.
Lamp said:My breakfast
(The little bits all over the bacon are chilli flakes)
Looks a bit sparse and dry to me. Where's the mushroom, beans and hash browns. Also where is the toast? Toast is like the foundation.