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Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006

*Lamp wanders into the kitchen"
L: "What's for dinner, luv?"
Mrs: "Steak"
*Lamp farts*
Mrs: "Can you stop farting for one minute. Its disgusting"
*Lamp starts laughing*
*The Mrs lets out a forced burp*
Mrs: "See? Not very ladylike is it?"
L: "Nor was that log you left floating this morning"


Now, is that 1-all, or 2-1 to me?
You're the man, you always lose.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004

*Lamp wanders into the kitchen"
L: "What's for dinner, luv?"
Mrs: "Steak"
*Lamp farts*
Mrs: "Can you stop farting for one minute. Its disgusting"
*Lamp starts laughing*
*The Mrs lets out a forced burp*
Mrs: "See? Not very ladylike is it?"
L: "Nor was that log you left floating this morning"


Now, is that 1-all, or 2-1 to me?

You lost for sure.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Yep, the only way she loses is if you take a picture of the offending log and upload it to her Facebook account for posterity!


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Whats the average shelf life of aftershave? (or 'eau de toilette pour homme' for you metrosexuals)

Just found a half bottle of Paul Smith Extreme at the back of a drawer. Got to be 4 years+ old. Smells fine in the air but a bit funky / musky on the skin.

Perhaps I'll spray some on. Walk down the street. If I've got a following of old women and wild animals by the time I get home, I'll bin it.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Whats the average shelf life of aftershave? (or 'eau de toilette pour homme' for you metrosexuals)

Just found a half bottle of Paul Smith Extreme at the back of a drawer. Got to be 4 years+ old. Smells fine in the air but a bit funky / musky on the skin.

Perhaps I'll spray some on. Walk down the street. If I've got a following of old women and wild animals by the time I get home, I'll bin it.

The scent tends to fade faster the older it is!


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
IBM supercomputer overtakes Fujitsu as world's fastest
We can all clearly see that they're in front of it.

How do you know that's the front of the computer?

Related to that, is that the UK now has the 13 most powerful supercomputer in the world, up from 20th before. Email, I got this morning about it:

The Top 500 list of supercomputers is the Academy Awards of the world of computational science and engineering, and is carefully scrutinised by manufacturers, governments and users. The 2012 list was announced this morning and I’m delighted to confirm that it includes the IBM Blue Gene system installed at our Daresbury Laboratory as number 13 in the world – and the best in the UK ahead of the STFC-funded DIRAC machine at the University of Edinburgh which is ranked no 20 globally. This is a really significant milestone and is a tribute to the many staff across STFC who have firstly helped secure the necessary government and industrial investment and secondly turned this money into a functioning world class system – especially the CSED team.

I was told by IBM just yesterday that they had run tests on the Blue Gene system on Friday night and Saturday. I’ll quote their email: “The test put a heavy load on the systems and ran for over 7 hours with a sustained performance of around 1.2 PetaFlops. This is the first time that a Petaflop application has been run in the UK and so is major milestone. The first TeraFlop system in the UK was the IBM Power3 based system at AWE in June 2002 and so this milestone represents a thousand fold increase in performance in 10 years.” To put this in context, a Petaflop is one thousand trillion calculations per second!

Today’s Top 500 list announcement coincides with a major business-focussed event at Daresbury designed to showcase the skills and expertise available for companies from our trained staff – and ahead of tomorrow’s special Oxfordshire Venturefest seminar on “What Particle Physics Has Ever Done For Us” where I’ll be outlining some of the world-changing technologies developed as a result of the needs of particle and nuclear physicists – this includes the fact that some aspects of the Blue Gene/Q architecture used at Daresbury are spinouts from the QCDOC particle physics project.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I just spent like 10 minutes looking for a Essay I got a B for, found one sheet, success, looking for other sheet, took me another 10 minutes, found it, success, then I lost the first sheet, so spent another 10 minutes looking for that one.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006

Mate, I know, haha.. thing is, I was churning out mock exam questions like a bitch, and I was just stuffing them in a folder, not thinking, besides - last exam tomorrow then I'm education free, for a year, or so, wish me luck! :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Yeah I loved that about Dundee when it was close to the summer equinox, it was amazing to walk around at night caught somewhere between night and day!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah I loved that about Dundee when it was close to the summer equinox, it was amazing to walk around at night caught somewhere between night and day!

We have that in London at night. Only it's light pollution. YAY!

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