Yep. But my point is - they used to be free for very good reasons (fly tipping being prime) and government started charging despite knowing they want to make them free again...
This is true, it was a good little money making scheme for councils that they'll have to make up elsewhere. I still agree with the policy change though. I'd happily pay an extra tenner a year on my council tax if it meant an end to fly tipping. It's awful round my way.Nothing is free, you just won't pay for it at the point of use.
It still won't stop the worst offenders either.
Ooh yeh. They are fuckers for this in Bradford. Got caught for something that was completely not obvious. Cunts.Nah, councils use bus lanes to make their cash.
Like this shit
Controversial 'cash cow' bus lane camera in Northampton to be switched off TONIGHT
The camera helped the council pocket more than £500,000 in fines since it went live in
Nah, councils use bus lanes to make their cash.
Like this shit
Controversial 'cash cow' bus lane camera in Northampton to be switched off TONIGHT
The camera helped the council pocket more than £500,000 in fines since it went live in
so traffic is moved back across at junctions to make turns and avoid the possibility of vehicles turning across lanes that continue straight onTemporary bus lanes are stupid - they should be permanent, 24/7. What's the rationale behind allowing people to drive in a bus lane outside peak hours? And why do so many bus lanes not continue through junctions? What's the point in a bus lane stopping 50 yards short of a junction, with traffic queuing across it, delaying the bus and its passengers? There should be priority, like this scheme:
We're really bad at public tranport in this country. There's a decent amount of investment going into new walking/cycling infrastructure in GM, and some councils (like Salford) are doing a really good job. But others, like Manchester City Council, are really weak. For example, rather than widen this bridge, or build a new one alongside it for walking and cycling, they've simply coughed a little and avoided it completely. Google Maps
You can say the same thing about railway lines. Buses carry more people than cars and are more efficient forms of transport. And if the lane is kept free of other vehicles, it doesn't suffer congestion. Which is why it's empty. And the buses you never see - they're at their destination.
I don't follow?Just had to report an ex-colleague to popo, he posted a video on youtube saying he had been robbed, then stuff like he has nothing to live for etc, today he posted 2 out of 6 and that would die by police etc. Some proper disturbing shit.
We don't have a single bus through our village, the nearest is about 1.5 miles away over, partly, rough country. Not much use to the elderly. They have to pay a vast amount of money to a private bus firm for their weekly trip to the absolute hellscape that is Northampton Town Centre. One of the most historic towns in the country, vying for City status, and it's full of boarded up card shops, low brow pubs, betting shops and poundlands. Fucking Tories.
Bollocks, there is never anyone on the buses anyway
Problem is - there's only so many town centres that can do that and the amount of real estate that was dedicated to shops is mahoosive - and the Tories are recipients of much of the rents, and don't want to repurpose it as residential (which they should, of course).The Tories haven't helped mind, because they're cunts obviously, but town centres need to reinvent themselves mostly. Ireland has a lot of thriving towns that have gone down the tourism route or the artisinal market town route, or both, because they were dying on their arse after the last crash and everyone was leaving.