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Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
We've saved a fucking fortune on childcare since the pandemic started. We had our Au Pair at the start, then she went back to Spain and we did without. Without her wages, food and upkeep, easily saved 15 grand . But we're lucky that our kids are school age and old enough to want to do some things for themselves (its quite an eye-opener how self-sufficient they are compared to their friends who seem shocked when my kids make their own lunch for example). If you've got pre-schoolers, you just can't work from home and keep them with you; it doesn't work, and Montessori or day care in Ireland is bonkers; apparently a single parent would need to be earning at least 40 grand a year in Dublin to make going to work stack up in the first place, but if you quit you're off the career ladder...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not saying women should stay at home at all. Parenting is a thing that should be carried out by the family unit, regardless of gender.

Why would it have to be the woman that carries most of the load?

Because sexism in workplace, and gender imbalance doesnt magically go away because childcare is removed.

So many things would need to be fixed before doing anything like cutting childcare would yield any benefits at all.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Top grades for A-level results for England, Wales and Northern Ireland have reached a record high - with 44.8% getting A* or A grades.

How can anyone say that isn't bullshit and defeats the purpose of exams in the first place.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Top grades for A-level results for England, Wales and Northern Ireland have reached a record high - with 44.8% getting A* or A grades.

How can anyone say that isn't bullshit and defeats the purpose of exams in the first place.

Shows how laughable the education system is as a whole; are any unis or employers gonna question it? Doubt it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
if you quit you're off the career ladder...
Maybe you shouldn't be able to have it all.

Plenty of childless who want to dedicate themselves to a career that don't want a couple of years off, paid,
But you are saying the poor shouldnt have kids. So you wouldnt support them in any way if they did.
I'm saying humans should't receive extra funding and tax breaks to have kids. I'm not stopping anyone.

If you need financial support then sacrifice something else or decide not to have 'em.

The middle classes are making that decision. The poor aren't. The solution to that isn't "here have some free money" because poor educational attainment is really the delineation of "wanker".

Fund schools - that's what gives kids a chance to break free of their parent's idiocy.

If we must live in a finite cash world then, given the environment, we shouldn't be pointlessly subsidising kids.

Maybe take that cash and put it into free renewable energy. That would be a better spend that everyone would benefit from.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Shows how laughable the education system is as a whole; are any unis or employers gonna question it? Doubt it.
Noone gives a shit. It's just a hoop to jump through.

A's are just rebranded C's to make the snowflake children feel like less of a failure anyway. ;)


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Noone gives a shit. It's just a hoop to jump through.

A's are just rebranded C's to make the snowflake children feel like less of a failure anyway. ;)

They don't use As and Cs anymore, just shows how much of a joke the new system is when nobody uses it haha


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe you shouldn't be able to have it all.

Plenty of childless who want to dedicate themselves to a career that don't want a couple of years off, paid,

I'm saying humans should't receive extra funding and tax breaks to have kids. I'm not stopping anyone.

If you need financial support then sacrifice something else or decide not to have 'em.

The middle classes are making that decision. The poor aren't. The solution to that isn't "here have some free money" because poor educational attainment is really the delineation of "wanker".

Fund schools - that's what gives kids a chance to break free of their parent's idiocy.

If we must live in a finite cash world then, given the environment, we shouldn't be pointlessly subsidising kids.

Maybe take that cash and put it into free renewable energy. That would be a better spend that everyone would benefit from.

What I am saying is people will have kids even if they cant afford them and there is no help. This will mean we will end up with starving kids on the streets etc.
Sounds like you want to go back to the bad old days.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Top grades for A-level results for England, Wales and Northern Ireland have reached a record high - with 44.8% getting A* or A grades.

How can anyone say that isn't bullshit and defeats the purpose of exams in the first place.

What are the grades for other than Uni entrance?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe you shouldn't be able to have it all.

Plenty of childless who want to dedicate themselves to a career that don't want a couple of years off, paid,

Very few parents in the UK or Ireland would get two years' paid leave, for most people its six months then you're on statutory minimum.

As for "having it all", its not about that; its about your long term earning capability. Almost all of the gender pay gap is caused by the career break for kids, a burden mostly shouldered by women, and in the case of the middle classes, educated women, who we take out of the workforce after spending decades educating them. Not very joined up thinking. But then fucking over the middle classes seems to be a thing these days.

Anyhoo, unless you have a funding plan for a country full of pensioners and no young people to do any work that hasn't been invented yet, you need babies and/or immigrants. The UK doesn't seem to fancy either option. If you want to see how that goes, take a look at Italy, who are systematically fucked, and its going to get worse (eventually the infrastructure starts to fall apart for lack of tax revenues and appropriately skilled workers).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Anyhoo, unless you have a funding plan for a country full of pensioners and no young people to do any work that hasn't been invented yet, you need babies and/or immigrants. The UK doesn't seem to fancy either option.

Yet, our population is growing exponentially.

There are plenty of young people, but poorly taught. Schools and the education system could not give the remotest shit about things like engineering, and while things like mathematics, the sciences and analytical thought are important in engineering, schools aren't set up to concentrate on actually important subjects. The league table is all important.

We need tradesman now more than ever, and it is often an extremely lucrative industry to be in. Plumbers, electricians, decent bricklayers etc. Those things should be an option at school and should have equal value to things like English, history, geography.
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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Very few parents in the UK or Ireland would get two years' paid leave, for most people its six months then you're on statutory minimum.
This is true - but they have maternity and paternity for multiple kids. (Which I don't disagree with, btw - although now I'm thinking about it).

As for "having it all", its not about that; its about your long term earning capability. Almost all of the gender pay gap is caused by the career break for kids, a burden mostly shouldered by women, and in the case of the middle classes, educated women, who we take out of the workforce after spending decades educating them. Not very joined up thinking. But then fucking over the middle classes seems to be a thing these days.
Yeah. I also agree with this. If the economy is the priority, rather than humans.

We work to keep the rich in megayachts and space flights whilst funding massive environmental destruction, so...
Anyhoo, unless you have a funding plan for a country full of pensioners and no young people to do any work that hasn't been invented yet, you need babies and/or immigrants. The UK doesn't seem to fancy either option. If you want to see how that goes, take a look at Italy, who are systematically fucked, and its going to get worse (eventually the infrastructure starts to fall apart for lack of tax revenues and appropriately skilled workers).
....this stuff, (which I also agree with), is a product of our system.

For the environment we need to do more with less and have fundamental systemic (majorly economic) change. I'm consistent on that view. We should be trying to shrink the global population and therefore the global economy.

Until that happens (and it won't) I couldn't really care less whether the system is taking middle class educated people (yes, disproportionately women) out of the workforce. In cold hard cash terms I don't want to see us funding making it easier for people to have babies when we've way too many of them. Parents should have to suck it up and make sacrifices for their lifestyle choices. For that is what kids are - shitloads of babies are not only no longer necessary for the survival of the species - they're actually detrimental to that eventuality.

On pensions. Work should pay enough for you to save. And in this economy it does. Easily. But those profits go upwards. Bezos could have given $100,000 to each and every Amazon employee as a bonus just on the increase in his wealth that happened last year during lockdown. Or he could have spunked the lot into a mahoosive pension fund. Or something.


In the meantime, it's becoming clear that the strategy is "work till you drop". So the decision has already been taken that "society" needs to look after itself. Pension provision therefore is a separate question - we can't continue to shit in the pool that we want pensioners to swim in, which we do by having kids.

So yep. My opinion may seem harsh or callous and yep, the poor always do proportionately get shit on (actually the rich don't, ever - so "proportionately" needs removing from that sentence). But I'm past caring about this. We've too many babies. In the absence of required systemic change we should still be stopping all funding that goes towards easing the creation of kids.

If we're going to run the economy the way we do then the choice whether to have a relatively consumptive life, or a parental one, should be with the parents and be a choice, not a "have both". Especially as having kids locks in futher consumption massively beyond what the childless could ever hope to achieve even if massively profligrate and wasteful. The planet is now in such a state where that's the moral thing to do.

We absolutely, on the other hand, should be massively increasing funding in education. Because the ones we do make should benefit from all the knowledge we can give them in the best way we can give it.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Tradesmen were needed over 20 years ago this was evident when I started my career in building materials distribution.. it was highlighted back then everywhere ... so no real surprise tbh. In the meantime the UK can do a shitload more for parents than they do today .....


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
This will mean we will end up with starving kids on the streets etc.

And frankly, if we don't push for systemic change, I'm past caring. We don't make it as a species. I'm not saying that to sound cool, or edgy, or even because my eyes swivel. And I don't know what the solution is - but it's a problem that needs addressing - and we don't address it by pumping money into making more babies.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Shows how laughable the education system is as a whole; are any unis or employers gonna question it? Doubt it.

Pretty sure I read that some uni's, especially the higher rated ones, are thinking about having extra entrance exams for candidates for exactly this reason.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Thinking on this:
eventually the infrastructure starts to fall apart for lack of tax revenues and appropriately skilled workers
Yep. Stuff starts to crumble and goes back to nature.

We need managed retreat.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It's not as simple as that. We can't rewild, as it were, with so many people.

People need to stop having so many children.

Or RL Thanos needs to turn up...whichever comes sooner.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It's not as simple as that. We can't rewild, as it were, with so many people.

People need to stop having so many children.

Or RL Thanos needs to turn up...whichever comes sooner.
Yeah - managed retreat starts with the reduction in birthrate so over generations we get down to a sustainable population size.

About 1.9bn people by some estimates. So roughly the population at the end of the first world war.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
What I am saying is people will have kids even if they cant afford them and there is no help. This will mean we will end up with starving kids on the streets etc.
Sounds like you want to go back to the bad old days.
How do you ever stop incentivising the poorer people not to have families they cannot afford? Without having an impact on the children?

give them extra benefits if they get sterilised? Opens up a whole new can of worms.

should be inverse to what sweden is. child one and two you get supported and after that you is on your own. Except you get punished some how if the extra children are deprived in a measureable way.

its really hard to do and still be morally righteous. But it needs doing.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You're proper into Twitter now aren't you?
I got a few accounts i follow. I dont trawl around it. By a fe wi mean about 50 but only 20 of those post with any regularity.

been using it exactly the same for years.

dont post hardly at all. Just recently been some interesting things for me. You dont like the Ones I have posted?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I got a few accounts i follow. I dont trawl around it. By a fe wi mean about 50 but only 20 of those post with any regularity.

been using it exactly the same for years.

dont post hardly at all. Just recently been some interesting things for me. You dont like the Ones I have posted?

I mean you've posted a bit from there recently.

My criticism of the use of Twitter is that on a discussion forum you're not really discussing things if you're going to drop tweets with no context added, you're letting others talk on your behalf.

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