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Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Nope we as in the part of the public who have seen this can happen multiple times in the last few months and still see people continue to book holidays and are surprised when the changes happen. Then complain about it.

they know they are taking a risk and just dont like it when that risk doesnt pay off.

why should i be sympathetic to these people who have all these facts at hand and still do it. If they wanted a risk free holiday doit in the uk.

if you are not part of that we then so be it. I don’t think I am alone.

2019 i visited 3 continents and 6 different countries. I have nothing against travel. Its the gambling with the system and moaning about it when you lose

yes that travel killed the planet a bit more. Im sorry

So yes leaders, I agree with you /bow.

Are you going to address the system the Government has come up with or just ignore that pretty important part of my reply?

You can criticise it you know and consider it unfair.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003


Sadly we have to buy it as what comes out of the tap round here is pretty much just a constant stream of limescale. The wife's lived round here all her life so has got used to it, but after living in Scotland and next to the Volvic spring I'm not prepared to drink that furry pish.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
So yes leaders, I agree with you /bow.

Are you going to address the system the Government has come up with or just ignore that pretty important part of my reply?

You can criticise it you know and consider it unfair.
I am ok with the system. You?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Sadly we have to buy it as what comes out of the tap round here is pretty much just a constant stream of limescale. The wife's lived round here all her life so has got used to it, but after living in Scotland and next to the Volvic spring I'm not prepared to drink that furry pish.
Water with minerals isnt bad for you. Even in hard water areas. Its what you have become accustomed to compared to bottled. I came from hertfordshire everything limescaled up. Water was fine to drink. First world problems


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
My missus buys lots and lots and lots of sparkling water. :(
In wales. Not exactly chalk country. Could go find a stream and it would be fresher and less bacteria filled than that shit in supermarkets


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Make yourself something healthy for breakfast
*12 minutes later*
What did you have
Good !
(Strawberry Carte d'Or Ice Cream)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Water with minerals isnt bad for you. Even in hard water areas. Its what you have become accustomed to compared to bottled. I came from hertfordshire everything limescaled up. Water was fine to drink. First world problems

I don't give a shit about the health implications dear boy, I won't drink it because it tastes revolting and leaves my mouth feeling like something has died in it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
And you're bothered about the left? (not even far left)

I'm fucked off by the left - because I think that if they actually got power they are much more likely to enact laws that benefit the environment than than the tories.

But their problem is they can't get in power because they're a bunch of oppressive cunts who can't say "OK - we'll ditch our deep desire to control everything and everyone because the prizes of social justice, equality and progress on environmental legislation and action are much much more important than us thought-criming the fuck out of everyone".

But it isn't. The thought-crime thing is the MOST important thing to lefties. So the environment is still getting shat on.

The evidence on that is clear btw - look how much OUTRAGE there is over what people say on social media, as opposed to all the pollution, devestation and outright environmental criminality there is the world over.

Admit that you don't use the word fag any more though and you're a fucking cunt pariah.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Good argument m8.

I notice you've still not provided an argument for what we gain.

Or, frankly, an argument for why Labour can't get into power even with a massively populist leftie front and centre (and now look like they're going backwards under the current tory-lite guy).

Labour needs to take a long hard look at themselves tbh. And it ain't happening.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
“The ‘sustainability’ condition is weak and the major subsidizers will be able to satisfy the condition easily,” Jamaica’s Foreign Minister Kamina Johnson-Smith said at a meeting last month on behalf of the ACP group. “We regard this provision as a loophole for major subsidizers and we would prefer its deletion."

So, rather than push for an enhanced sustainability requirement - which would ramp up the pressure on the EU - they want it deleted, so they can go about their business in non-sustainable fashion.

Pot / Kettle tbh.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
unless governments force through unpopular things that are supported by all parties then the popular vote is always going to push a country away from climate issues.
So the problem is humans being retards.

We don't make it (obvs). And it's our own fault for not being intelligent enough to demand what is necessary.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003


So from what I can tell of that rambling mess of a blog:

- Magazine asks for stories
- Unknown blogger who is "bored in lockdown" decides to make a story up and strings some journalists on for a while, wasting their time
- Magazine finds out story isn't accurate, realises they aren't The Byline Times so decide not to publish something with no basis in fact
- World forgets about it 2 days later

Whilst I have little time for the media in general, I'm struggling to see The Spectator as the bad guys in all of that tbh.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
So from what I can tell of that rambling mess of a blog:

- Magazine asks for stories
- Unknown blogger who is "bored in lockdown" decides to make a story up and strings some journalists on for a while, wasting their time
- Magazine finds out story isn't accurate, realises they aren't The Byline Times so decide not to publish something with no basis in fact
- World forgets about it 2 days later

Whilst I have little time for the media in general, I'm struggling to see The Spectator as the bad guys in all of that tbh.


The Spectator, a rag that considers itself one of one last bastions of true journalism, is completely duped by an anonymous tipster after asking people for "woke stories", and then does absolutely no diligence because they're salivating at the content?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003

The Spectator, a rag that considers itself one of one last bastions of true journalism, is completely duped by an anonymous tipster after asking people for "woke stories", and then does absolutely no diligence because they're salivating at the content?

If they'd done "absolutely no dilligence" then it would be currently available on The Spectator website for us to read. As it isn't, it looks like their checks and balances are working, albeit a bit late.

As it is, the link you posted is basically "Publisher decides not to print story they find out isn't true". Weather at 11.

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